Every month the Moon transits the entire zodiac and this affects us all, emotionally. The various phases impact us differently. The full moon phase is a time when we look deep inside and have a deeper understanding of who we really are. We gain a better understanding of our specific personality traits. During this time we let go of things that are unwanted and try to make some important changes in our life. This is the time when you must focus on your inner desires!
During this Full moon phase one can benefit by planning and starting off new projects. One can see good results for all the efforts made. Those of you looking to enter into a new partnership will benefit under the influence of the Full Moon. Chinese astrology places a lot of importance on the phases of the Moon. Each Moon phase has a meaning in Chinese astrology and ancient people had a strong belief on following the rituals associated with each Moon phase.
The full moon phase is a good time for new romance. You may meet someone you will really like and admire during this time. Chinese astrology indicates this to be a good time for your love life. Singles, especially will see their luck being enhanced and improved due to the influence of the Moon. If you have been finding it hard to let go of your past, this Full moon phase will help you do just that! You will let go of the old to embrace the new. Someone will charm you and you will find it easier to move on with this new person. Anything that has just begun will bring in excitement and good times in your life. Make the most of this full Moon phase by bring in changes and ushering in good luck.