Hindu scriptures mention how the sage Vishwamitra got the Gayatri Mantra by the Supreme Being as a reward for his meditation and deep penance. It is believed to be one of the oldest and the most powerful mantras which has also been chronicled in the Rig Veda. Its origin is attributed to Lord Brahma, the one who created the Universe.
Gayatri mantra
Om Bhur Bhuvah Svah
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi
Dhiyo Yo nah Prachodayat
This is one of the Mantras taught regularly to school children and is one of the simplest Mantras which can be chanted by anyone. It consists of the prefix om bhur bhuvah suvah, which appears in the Yajurveda, and the verse 3.62.10 of the Rig Veda. Gayatri is the 24-syallable metre of this verse and it is also the name of the Goddess who is considered the personification of this Mantra. Recital of Gayatri Mantra helps remove the hurdles in one’s path and leads to spiritual growth and increased wisdom. Deva Savitr is invoked in this Mantra and for this reason, it is also called Savitri. Savitr is associated with the Sun or Surya Deva and that is furher linked to Savitri. Surya, Savitr and Savitri are the names used to address Surya Deva.
Meaning of this Mantra
Om - Brahma
Bhur - embodiment of vital spiritual energy
Bhuvah - Eliminates the sufferings
Svah - Embodies happiness
Tat - that (points to the source-The Supreme Being-Om)
Savitur - bright and luminous like the sun
Varenyam - best, most exalted
Bhargo - destroyer of sins
Devasya - divine
Dhimahi - May imbibe
Dhiyo - intellect
Yo - who
Nah - our
Prachodayat - may inspire
Simply translated, it is a prayer to the Almighty, the creator of the Universe, the essence of our life existence, the one who removes all our sufferings and grants happiness; beeseeching his divine grace to inculcate within us his divinity and brilliance which may purify us and guide us on the right path.
Buy a Gayatri Mantra pendant with the full script of the Gayatri Mantra, ready for you to read at any time.
Benefits of Gayatri Mantra
As per Astroyogi astrologers, some of the benefits of chanting the Gayatri Mantra are:
It helps one attain Brahma Gyaan which lights our spiritual path.
If someone in your family is not keeping well, or if you want peace and harmony to prevail at your home, you can chant the Gayatri Mantra daily for half an hour to one hour. Reciting this mantra before giving medicine to an ill person (by sitting next to that person with medicine in hand) may benefit.
It is helpful for students as it has the ability to increase one’s learning capacity and concentration.
It blesses us with money and wealth
It helps calm the mind as the Mantra begins with Om and that is said to have a calming effect on the mind.
You need to keep in mind that while chanting this mantra, you should use a Rudraksha Mala.
How to recite Gayatri Mantra
Make sure you are in a comfortable seating position (sukhasana, padmasa, parmasana etc). Ideally, you should take a bath before reciting this Mantra and wear clean clothes. It is recommended to chant 3 Rudraksha Malas each in the morning and evening.