From last 20-25 years we find the newspapers, television and media afloat with jewellery advertisements convincing people to buy jewellery on Akshay Tritiya as it is considered as very auspicious day for purchasing the metal. It is indeed a very auspicious day, there’s absolutely no doubt about it. But it is an auspicious day to purchase just anything-a new house, a new car, a new phone, a new office. Reason being that Akshay Tritiya implies beginning anything new as akshay means anything which cannot be destroyed or which does not come to an end.
Can we spend and save money at the same time? Forget about purchasing costly gold jewellery this Akshay Tritiya as expert Astrologer tells us 10 easy steps to de clutter our wallet to attract wealth on this Akshaya Tritiya.
But if just purchasing anything new would bring in prosperity people would keep buying things 24*7. It is at a later stage that when we do not keep the things clean and maintained they tend to break, gather dust and lots of negativity. So when there is lots of negativity how can one have prosperity? For instance if we purchase lakhs of jewellery and we do not clean our safe regularly, our jewellery will be placed amidst lots of dust and negativity.
Akshay Tritiya means anything which cannot be defeated or diminished and this is possible easily if we keep our wallets and safe very clean and tidy. For the simple reason that we use our wallets to buy and sell the things throughout the day and cash increases and decreases there. At times people are busy talking on phone and since their wallet is too cluttered, notes fall along with tit bits of paper and you lose money.
Your wallet should not have visiting cards. I know that most of us are in the habit of keeping our own and visiting cards given by others in the wallet. Gradually the visiting cards make the wallet very heavy and cluttered. Plus visiting cards of different people mean you are also carrying the positive and negative energies of so many people where ever you go.
We easily get visiting cards holder these days which should be put to use and very important contacts can be taken down on your cell phone.
Half eaten peppermint wrappers etc should be thrown away. Laksmi as we all know loves to reside only where there is cleanliness.
Any sort of pins like staples, common pins etc should be thrown away instantly. Sharp edged objects emit a shar or negative energy. And you might hurt yourself while using your wallet.
Women need to be more careful as they carry a household in their bags! You can get cosmetics, stationary, eatables, and what not? Try and purchase small pouches to manage your bag.
A cleaner bag means a more systematic you and a more managed you. This will not only save you from losing money but will save a lot of time too. And we all know that time is money.
On weekends try and empty your wallet/handbag, inverse it and put it in sun. This will ensure that there are no germs in the wallet and that the bag is sanitized naturally.
Try and purchase wallets with a button. Open wallets denote that money is flowing without any check.
Try and do not gift a hand bag or wallet as this indicates that you gift away a part of your wealth.
Last but not the least, your wallet is your own. Your own traffic control of money. So it should not be shared by business partners, friends or even relatives.
At this point I would like to wish everyone a very auspicious and cleaner Akshay Tritiya.