According to Lt Col Ajay, 2012 is represented by the Planet known as Mercury. As per astro economics Mercury is the planet of volatility and uncertainty. It remains close to the king of all planets, the Sun. There should be highest volatility in Currencies and bullion market at International spot and future market during the year 2012. The world stock market may also see 12%to 20% annual return from stock market. The US Economy will show signs of improvement while Europe will remain under pressure. Indian economy will perform better in the Year 2012. It is better to go with selected sector and stocks and timely profit booking is strongly recommended in stock market. Please go through my advance predictions for year 2011 made different electronic and print media at global levels. I have predicated about silver would be commodity of year 2011. Great vertical upward movement was seen in silver around 76000 per kg levels were seen in electronic trading in India. Tension in Pakistan, Middle East and the UK were also proved correct as predicted. Euro also saw vertical fall against us dollar as predicted. I hope my readers have enjoyed big profit in currency, commodity and stock market investments. I convey my sincere thanks to all my readers for thousand of e-mail and telephonic calls about Crude oil, copper, bullion, geo political tension, etc. Of course the Stock market sensex could not achieve the desired targets while silver, copper and selected stocks were over run from given targets. Astro economics can give you advance predictions and show you the way amidst all the confusion. Now as per stars following predictions on stock, commodities and currency are as under-
1- Geo-political tensions - First quarter of New Year 2012 may develop Geo political tension in Afghanistan, Pakistan, United Kingdom and other Asian countries. A difficult time lies ahead around February 2012. Key planets of India are Venus and Saturn. During February 2011 Saturn will turn retrograde with Mars. This is an important astrological event for the Middle East, and Asia since Saturn, Mars, Sun and Mercury are making special astrological yoga which may bring tension at Global levels. Year 2012 will be very important for India and Asia since as per the stars, India will play a major role in world politics with help from USA and Japan.
Indian Stock market- As per astro economics the Sensex of Indian stock market may see upward movement and is expected to give you 15% to 20% annual return from lower levels. By end of February - and middle of March 2012 Indian stock market will see great upward movement thereafter Profit booking is expected. It is important to note that, every quarter all the sectors will not perform equally good or bad in the Stock market. Like first quarter of year 2012 is dedicated for oil & gas, metal, cement, fertilizer, railways and engineering stocks. Right now great confusion and uncertainty in world stock market are seen. Indian stock market is one of the worst performers in world equity market. Indian currency Rupee has also seen vertical fall against the US dollar. Indian rupee is seen between Rs 54 to 56 against one US dollar in month of December 2011. Now the big question about Indian economy and strength of Indian currency is the International currency market. As per the stars Indian economy is robust and Indian capital market is the one of the safest destinations for investment. Investors need to have patience and trust on steady growth of the Indian economy. Now year 2012 will be dedicated to agriculture and banking reforms. Indian government is expected to show interest in de-investment in certain public sector unites. Indian stock market is expected between 19000 to 20200 levels during year 2012. Traders need to focus on Tata steel, SAIL, Cairn India, Kalandee Rail, National fertilizer, sterlite Industries, Tata Motors, Mahindra & Mahindra, for the first quarter of year 2012. It is important to note timely profit booking is mandatory in stock market under uncertainty. I am very confident for Indian economy and capital market. The present period is a golden opportunity for foreign investors to invest in India stocks; they will get benefit of Rupee depreciation and stock available at lower levels.
2 - Bullion - Gold will be the safest investment for year 2012. Gold is expected to give around 30% annual return if invested right now. Right now Gold is trading around US$1600 this is perfect levels for Investment for one year for around 30% annual return on investment. Silver is also good investment for year 2012. As per stars Silver may give you 20% to 25% annual return in commodities market. As per stars silver may show upward move in spot and electronic trading at International and domestic bullion market.2-3 Year target for silver should be Rs 100,000 per kg
3- Crude oil is likely to see great upward movement. Upper levels of crude oil should be between USD 105 to 111 in international electronic trading. Profit booking in crude oil likely to see by mid of February 2012. Timely profit booking is strongly recommended in commodity market
4- Copper is also expected to give around 15% gain in spot and electronic trading in commodity market. Copper may see above Rs 422 levels during year 2012 in electronic trading
5- Euro may see some recovery against US dollars but the US dollar will dominate the world currency market. Some Asian currency will also gain height.
6-GDP growth of India is expected to between 7.5% to 8.5 during year 2012-13.
7-Indian economy - A very special revolution is expected during 2012 to 2013- in field Agriculture, banking, insurance, health care, energy sectors. Astro-Economics says that India is going to bring great revolution in the field of Power, infrastructure, educations, Technical educations, health, Sports, etc. Indian economy will perform better in Technical educations, power, infrastructure, telecommunication, etc.
8-Most benefited state of India- Rajasthan , West Bengal, Bihar, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu, are on top of the list for the states to benefit the most in India during year 2012.
9-During year 2012-13 there are great chances that Indian and Chinese currencies may become highly important in world currency. The Indian currency rupee may show strength against US dollar expected levels for Indian rupee would be below Rs 49 -45 against one us dollar.
10- Indian writer or scientist is expected to earn name and fame at world levels. Indian electronic media may launch world services during 2012-13.
11- Political seen- As per the stars, there should not be any problem for Congress (I). There will be some difficulties but with help of stars all problem will be solve. Some senior Congress leader may face problem during 2012.
12-The above advance predictions are made base on study of stars, and numerology
Col Ajay (Astromoneyguru)
Celebrity Astrologer
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