In the book of astrology, Cancer men are known to be great; great lovers or great husbands, just like any other sign. Well, they sure do have a lot of positive traits and the list can be endless. But no one is perfect and just like everyone else, Cancer men too have a dark side.
They have the reputation of being sensitive and overly emotional sometimes maybe because Cancer is one of the feminine moon signs (possible reason). But there’s a lot more to explore on their darker side especially when you mix Cancer men and relationships. They could be on the extremes of being the sweetest or the craziest man you ever dated. Are you ready to delve deep into the dark side of the extroverted introvert Cancer men?
Also, even if you are a Cancer some of you may disagree with the mentioned points as your personality is also very much influenced by your birth chart. Nevertheless, that being said, enjoy a good read:
Love, love her do: His Mom
Everyone loves their mother, there’s no doubt about that. But with Cancer men, it is always an extra mile ahead. They love their mother just like everyone else, however, when it comes to you they do not know where to draw the line. The problem; you will always come second to her and there are no boundaries. For him, there can be only one queen who can reign over his heart; his mom. So you need to get in the good books of his mom before you develop a long-term relationship with him.
Consult an expert astrologer if you need any guidance in your love life.
Get ready for a rollercoaster ride (emotional)
He can be jolly, ecstatic and perfectly content. The next moment he could be cranky and in a grumpy mood sometimes for no reason at all. The worst part: when he starts to take it out on you in a passively aggressive manner. Like mentioned earlier, this is a feminine sign affected by the moon. The result: a moody mess. Pick up a fight with them and you may just come across a cry baby, often dubbed as the most bipolar men on the entire zodiac wheel. If this is not enough, sometimes he can play dangerous mind games and can be quite manipulative. Too much to handle?
You can never know him enough
At first, he may come across as someone who is coy and introvert by nature; someone who can never be a part of any social gathering. Wrong! So wrong. You will be surprised to see what a social butterfly he can turn out to be but this not always guaranteed. You may never know what will trigger his mood or his evasiveness. Do not assume you can predict how he can turn out to be in the first impression. Sigh! Hence, the question do you really know him?
They can be clingy lovers
He has deep emotional needs and he loves his mother. This results in him looking for a perfect partner who can nurture his emotional needs like a mother figure. Because of his many moods and unpredictable nature, he is on the constant lookout for someone who will deal with his anxieties. Also, they can be clingy ex-lovers. Once they have a hold on you, they have a hard time to let you go, that’s when you can see his manipulative nature come to the fore.
Possessive and jealous but in silence
Cancer men have a cool and composed nature, but do not be mistaken behind that cool and calm surface lies dormant his possessive and jealous nature. Just like they are trustworthy people, they expect nothing but the same from their partner; loyalty and someone they can trust. Do not fiddle with his trust or make him insecure; else you may just awaken that dormant side of his nature. He can be mean as hell with his spiteful comments and he will always have his eyes questioning you about everything and anything you do.
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