The greatest derivation of pleasure and happiness is felt by a person in their comfort zone, in the niche they have created for themselves in the world. No place other than one’s home can provide greater comfort and security. A house is reflective of a person’s identity; it mirrors their personality and illustrates their character. Every individual has a distinct taste that appeals to them which is majorly dictated by their Zodiac Sign. Decor it up the Astro way.
The element that defines an Aries is fire and they hold true to their element when it comes to home decor. They prefer walls, furniture and paintings in hues of red. The colour soothes and calms them thus providing them with perfect comfort.
A Taurus believes in the virtues of a simple, down to earth existence. They like their house to be unpretentious, plain and modest with no extravagance. However, their houses may be a little cluttered due to their possessive attribute contributing to their reluctance to let go of things.
This Zodiac Sign is highly creative and artistic which is mirrored throughout their homes. Gemini has a fetish for antiques and paradoxically, modern designs as well. Their abode always portrays an image of elegance combined with ingenuity.
Cancerians are highly conservative and nurturing. Due to this their homes are traditionally decorated exemplifying simple yet tasteful. Their walls are painted with sober colours generally in the range of cream and beige. These colours serve their contemplative quality.
The house of the Lions may not always be tastefully done up. This is because they want their furniture to be one of a kind, for it to stand out. They take immense pleasure in making their house their own by plastering their personal stamp in every nook and corner.
Due to their compulsive need to be organised and categorised, a Virgo’s house tends to be tidy, open and subtle. You will find copious shelves aiding their habit of boxing and storing away everything. Their house will never be cluttered and will always be systematically assembled.
Librans are known for their strong aesthetic sense. They transform this quality into home decor effortlessly with immense sophistication and class. Their walls and furniture are generally pastel in colour giving their home a welcoming ambience.
This Zodiac Sign highly enjoys luxury and everything associated with an extravagant living. They love to possess the latest of gadgets and have fixtures which are boastful. A Scorpio’s house is decorated with furniture made of leather and other animal pelts.
A Sagittarius is very enthusiastic and passionate about their home and everything that belongs to it. They fuss and moon over every minute detail, intensely plan every purchase while worrying about it being perfect.
Capricorns are perceived to be the gurus of home decor. They invest great amount of time, energy and money into their homes. The homes of Capricorns are pristine to say the least. They brag of beauty, exquisiteness and splendour.
Aquarians are futuristic and inventive due to which their homes are designed with modern furniture and the latest gadgets. However, they can be a little messy due to their foremost quality of being eccentric.
This water sign centres their home decor around their bathroom. Their bathrooms are luxurious and state of the art. The rest of their home proclaims comfort and cosiness. They tend to have a number of bean bags or baraloungers which insinuate relaxation.
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