Astrology, a science, from time immemorial, has been used to shed light on our destiny and future. We read about ‘Jyotish Vidya’ in Hindu scriptures as Sages would predict and forecast the future of a new born or for how long a king would reign. And they were believed blindly by all. Simply because the predictions were made by the learned Sages of Vedic astrology, who were adept at constructing and reading the natal chart of the individual.
Consult our expert career astrologers online for career guidance.
A natal or horoscope chart of an individual is made with the help of his place of birth, time of birth and date of birth. Along with this information, the astrologers calculate the correct position of the planets and zodiac signs and rightly predict the future of the native. The Zodiac Sign of the individual help to unravel the personality of the native, his interests and weaknesses.
One major use of astrology can be to help the native understand what career would suit him the best. While most people have not given much thought to what they would pursue as a career, when they are young, many just get pushed into some field due to parental pressure or peer pressure.While that career may yet work for them, there may not be job satisfaction. Half the battle is always won when a person does something he enjoys, something that interests him and something that relates to his personality. Otherwise, a career can be downright frustrating, the work becomes a job to be done and finished with, for the day. Such people neither see any promotions coming their way nor feel motivated to work for it.
In many cases, people leave their jobs even after reaching the pinnacle, simply because they didn't have any interest in it.
Many keep changing jobs, looking for something more satisfying everytime
To avoid so much consternation, it makes sense to get the native’s horoscope analysed to study his nature, interests and aptitude while zeroing down on the career best suited for him.
It is easier said than done as a number of astrological factors come into play while making this decision.
While the Sun Sign is the major factor, astrologers also have to keep in mind the native’s Natal Ascendant and Moon Signs. The most powerful and dominant planet in the horoscope may easily effect the native’s career.They have to study the Second House(Of possession and finances), the Sixth House(Of work) and the Tenth House(Of career, status and reputation) and put all these factors together to help the native understand what career would suit him best.
Now-a-days even employers are analysing the prospective employee’s aptitude before hiring him so they don't waste money and time on a person who may not have the competence to handle the job well.
An astrologer can be of big help to the native by helping him focus on his positive points and making him aware of his weaknesses. Even some remedies can be suggested to the native for greater career success.