The festival of colours, Holi is here once more, adding happiness and colours to our life. How are you going to celebrate this boisterous occasion? Your sun sign reveals it all...
Aries: This Holi, you lead the way for fun by offering new ideas to make this occasion more lively and colourful. You prove to be a pleasant company and will enjoy the festival with heart and soul. You certainly won't be ignored.
Taurus: Your stubbornness, combined with laziness may initially dishearten your loved ones who want you to be part of the Holi celebration. Like the bull that represents your zodiac sign, you will be slow to start but once you get into the act, there is no stopping you then.
Gemini: You add zest and happiness to the Holi celebrations. You are the life and soul of gatherings on this occasion, amazing all and sundry with your funny and full of life nature. With an active and creative mind, you can set the right mood for everyone to enjoy this occasion to their fullest.
Cancer: Your mood swings are unpredictable and may just ruin your mood of celebrating this Holi. You hate splashing of water and playing with colours. However, your kind and affable personality might just work in and you will keep the festive spirit alive for everyone.
Leo: Needing to assume authority, wherever you are, you are the focus point at any Holi celebration. People will love playing Holi with you as you are frank and outspoken. You will play Holi with considerable enthusiasm and excitement and will plunge into it whole-heartedly.
Virgo: Often quiet and reserved, you tend to keep your clothes tidy and perfect but for an occasion like Holi, you may just be ready to get dirty. You will be quite content not to be in charge, but will be there to make sure everything runs smoothly. You believe in fair play of Holi.
Libra: Being a very pleasant zodiac sign, you are quite easily accessible and will readily take part in the celebrations. Your easygoing nature, natural charm, sense of humour and tact will win new friends and keep everyone happy.
Scorpio: Highly energetic - that's how you will be on the colourful festival Holi. You are definitely not the gregarious, social kind, always ready to please people but you are committed to your friends and family and for their sake you will take active part in the Holi celebrations.
Sagittarius: Bold, dashing and spirited, Sagittarians are too full of energy to sit still on Holi. You like to be free as the wind that blows, quite uncaring of the effect you may have on your surroundings on this occasion. Driven by excitement, you will be quite popular on this day.
Capricorn: You have an admirable sense of discipline and this will apply even on such a fun and frolic day as Holi. Although not exactly the centre of attraction at the Holi celebration or party, your sense of humour and zeal will make you attractive.
Aquarius: It is very difficult for you to become very involved with the celebrations of Holi. However, your friends and loved ones may just force you to play Holi, which you won't regret as this particular day will be simply great for you.
Pisces: Being well liked for your kind and sympathetic nature, your charm of manner and carefree nature will impress many, this colourful Holi. You enjoy this day completely. Your compassionate nature and physical attraction make you the favourite of all.