Women, for the past few decades, have stepped out of the four walls of their houses; have educated themselves enough to stand at par, if not at a higher position, with the men and are contributing equally to the welfare and maintenance of the family and society as the men do. The home-makers of yesterday have become leaders of today.
While many have had an option in the decision about working, for others, it’s the circumstances that have forced them out of the security and comfort of homes.
Many have had to leave their families behind in other cities. As if working in a male-dominated society is not challenging enough, working women in big cities have to face problems like safety and security issues, lack of proper balance between work and family, effective child care policies, having an understanding and supporting partners etc.
There is an age-old school of thought which convinces the employers that women are capable of less work. Also, as most companies allow the women to leave earlier because of safety issues, they’d rather not employ them, given a choice. So, women, need to bend over backwards to prove their worth. While the actual fact is that women make better, more responsible and more dedicated workers.
While women, in all ways, are at par with the opposite gender, they are blessed with the ability to bring forth a new life in the world. While this is her strength, it can also be cause for her weakness. The onus of maintaining a healthy family atmosphere, somehow, falls on the woman of the house. Even if both the couple earn equally, most of the household chores invariably becomes the woman’s duty. Her maternal instincts almost every time take a precedence over her career. Thus, life can become very strenuous for a working woman who is trying to balance her work between office and home. Many women take a break in their career while the children are growing up. It is hardly ever the other way around; that a father takes a break to look after growing kids.
While men may support women’s lib, many are not appreciative when a woman colleague progresses and moves to a higher rank. Their ego makes them withdraw their support towards her and many times she becomes a subject of taunts, criticism and sexual harassment. The ‘needy’ women tolerate this harassment at the workplace and don’t report it to higher authorities.At the lower strata, although women work the same number of hours as men, they are not paid the same wages.
Women who commute to their workplace, by public transport, invariably face some sort of verbal and physical harassment from strangers. Catcalling, being groped and incidents as bad as being raped in a cab by women returning home late after work, add to the problems working women have to face.
Such circumstances may induce stress if you are a working women living in a metro. But you need to find the hidden strength and confidence inside. Consult expert astrologers, Tarot readers and Vaastu experts on Astroyogi for expert guidance in life and insights about your future. Click here for consulting our expert Astrologers now!