A stressful environment can have an adverse impact on all aspects of your life, be it work, your love life or your relationships. There's no avoiding stress in today's hectic life but we can do much to minimize its impact on our lives. Stress can lead to mental and physical ailments. It can affect the way you function in your day-to-day life. Find out what Astroyogi.com astrologers have to say about this all-important issue and what natives of various sun signs can do to overcome stress related issues.
8 hours of sleep
This is a suggestion for all those sun signs who are known to skip sleeping either for work or for pleasure - Libra, Gemini, Capricorn, Sagittarius. Most adults need between 7.5 to 8.5 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Try to go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time every day. Getting up at the same time is most important. Bright light in the morning at a regular time should help you feel sleepy at the same time every night.
Tips to fall asleep faster:
Don’t suppress your feelings
This suggestion is for those signs who are known for keeping it all inside till it reaches breaking point. This one applies to Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer and Virgo.
If you feel the need to say something, say it. Don't let it eat you up inside and affect your peace of mind. Express yourself in a non-threatening, non-combative way to significant people in your life, including your family, friends and business associates. Catch the anger or concern before it causes you stress. Find time for yourself, alone, every day. Spend your time with people you feel safe with and those who are expressive with their love and emotions.
Pay attention to your diet
Astro signs known for their poor eating habits like Taurus, Aries, and Leo should follow this religiously.
Opt for healthier eating alternatives. You don't have to avoid junk food completely, just eat in moderation. Recommended healthy foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, leaner meats, lower fat dairy products, etc. Drink plenty of water. Avoid drinking soft drinks and other drinks loaded with sugar.
When at work or home, many people love to get a cup of tea or coffee. Decide that you'll be healthier and get a warm cup of herbal tea. The selection available today is absolutely massive, so you're guaranteed to find one you enjoy. Try to avoid coffee as much as possible. Tea is definitely a healthier substitute to keep you fresh.
Laughter is the best medicine
All sun signs can practice laughing daily, as this will ensure long term good health. Laughing at problems like nothing has happened can give you instant relief from stress. Laughing is one of the best natural medicines. Do not let anything negative come in your way. Try to see the lighter side of things to avoid getting into ugly situations.
Do not overwork. Take breaks in between
There's nothing more stressful than work related pressure. Capricorn, Aquarius, Libra and Virgo need to take care and avoid overworking. Maintain a home-work balance and try to keep these two separate. You will remain stressed if you constantly talk about the problems that affect you at work. Listen to music, watch a movie or go out with your friends. No matter what, do not let yourself be suffocated with work related issues.