Today we are brave and strong, and how hard we have fought these past 50 years to be seen and heard. Yet the feminine is intrinsically soft, supple, warm.... a carer, a giver. In our need to be seen and to be heard, we have given up who we are. We have let go of our feminine energy, our creative energy, to become a masculine energy in a woman's body.
I can see the shaking heads; how can you say that? How can you say that we have let go of who we are? On the contrary, we are finally finding our rightful place in the world. Yes, we are. But at what cost? We have confused equal with being the same. Men and women are different, we can only do some of the same things well, even though there are some that we certainly can. Yet we are equal. Yin to the Yang, Right to the Left. Sun to the Moon. Is the sun the same as the moon? Of course not, but life needs both to survive. Women embrace your feminine energy, embrace who you are, and what you do uniquely well. Don't be another man in a man's world. Be a woman in your own world. Don't let men intimidate you, or make you feel less than. That is permission no one should ever get.
As a woman who has made her journey alone, with little support, I'm often asked, much to my amusement, so do you work with your husband?...No. Oh, but he must be supporting you? No, he isn't. I dreamt alone, and I fulfilled my dreams alone. As do all of us. We give away our power when we say that I could not do this without my husband's or partner's support. Yes, you could have! However, the support was helpful. But your success, or mine, is not defined by it. The journey may be longer.
Give this a quick read:👉 International Women’s Day 2023: Powerful Affirmations Every Modern Age Women Should Know
There was a time I was embarrassed by my own success. Someone would compliment me on my achievements, and I, in true female mode, would brush it off as if to say, ‘no no, that's not true.’ I would feel shy if someone introduced me and said, you know she's a successful entrepreneur. I would pooh-pooh it and move the conversation elsewhere. Till I realized I had done a lot in the past 20 years. Not all of it is good; some are great, and I am very proud. Why do I have such a hard time acknowledging myself? Women's self-love for others is the love they need to give themselves. Look at themselves in the mirror and say, how awesome are you?
It's a compelling exercise to get up every day, day after day and look at your own face and say; you are the best!
Women have confused being a carer, giver, or a love giver with that of a caretaker or love taker. Both are very different. The giver is empowered with the feminine abundance that acknowledges how much we have to offer. The taker, however, is needy, has expectations, and needs someone to love her back to feel complete.
How often do you see yourself beyond the roles designated to you, mother, sister, wife, daughter... do you see yourself? Have you sat with yourself, in your own company... and said, "I'm spending time with myself today."
No, not with a friend, not with a sibling. Just you, all alone, at a restaurant, on the beach, in the park... all by yourself. You will discover things about yourself you never knew.
Ladies, you don't need someone to complete you; you need you to complete you. Unfortunately, there are very few complete people in the world, men or women. They constantly seek the reassurance of their existence from another. Embrace who you are.
I love the Miley Cyrus song 'Flowers'. It says it well, "I can buy myself flowers, write my name in the sand, talk to myself for hours, things you don't understand. I can take myself dancing and hold my own hand, I can love me better than you can." Sooo true.
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