One of the thoughts that cross our mind often is “What is the meaning of life?”, “What is our purpose?” Many of us link this purpose to our jobs. And so, to find this purpose, most of us spend our entire life trying to find a perfect fit between our personalities and our jobs.
We bounce from one job to another, looking for the most satisfying one. Could it also be that we simply shift between jobs because we are actually not compatible with such a job profile?
ARIES- Because Aries are natural-born leaders, some of the possible job profiles for them include that of an athlete, a personal trainer, a police officer, a firefighter, a CEO.
TAURUS- Being grounded and practical, Taurus are best suited for banking jobs, work in the food industry, working in luxury sales, or as a financial advisor.
GEMINI- Gemini are good communicators and love an environment in which they can interact with others. Best suitable jobs for a Gemini are Public representative, project manager, or simply being self-employed.
CANCER- Any job that lets a Cancer care for others or solve problems, appeals to them. Job profiles like lawyers, teachers, healthcare workers, social workers are ideal for a Cancer.
LEO- Leos love to inspire others and make some of the best leaders, though initially they can be hard to work with. Some of the ideal jobs for a Leo include the position of a teacher, political leader, a CEO, actor, or even a movie director.
VIRGO- An ideal employee, a Virgo is a natural at taking and carrying out orders. They love to serve others, and the most compatible jobs for them include working as an editor, technician, detective, working the front desk, or becoming a therapist.
LIBRA- Libras have the ideal skills to work as a travel agent, wedding planner, in customer service, or in hospitality. They are social and can easily mediate and delegate.
SCORPIO- You love working in a challenging work environment, always looking for versatile jobs. You should ideally work in crisis management, resource management, or in handling logistics.
SAGITTARIUS- The world is your oyster. You are practically good at everything, working as a teacher, working for a non-profit, or even as a travel agent. Your communication skills allow you easily converse with others, encourage and inspire them.
CAPRICORN- Born workaholics, a stimulating yet organized work environment is where a Capricorn works best. Ideal job position would be of engineers, architects, or designers.
AQUARIUS- Known as creative geniuses, their out-of-the box thinking and hard working nature appeals to everyone around them. They are adept at leading as well as following, and should preferably work in graphic designing, photography, or as a project manager.
PISCES- Always guided by their sensitive side, Pisces love to work in environments where they can care for others. They make the best doctors, nurses, and would surely be successful as a psychologist.
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