An important date in the history of India; 15 August 1947; marks the day it became an independent nation after being ruled by the British for almost a 100 years. This day is observed as a National holiday in India. And rightly so, as the country was razed, looted and drained of its valuables from the day the first ships of East India Company arrived in India, at the port of Surat, in 1608. Not only did the British destroy the economy and culture, before leaving the country, they cruelly split the sub-continent into two, leaving a bad taste in the mouth of the divided sections of the people.
Its but natural, that Indians celebrate the date, they saw the last of the British rule.
India has had a glorious past since it was always open to receive, imbibe and digest, elements of many different cultures. It has had a rich cultural past right from the Vedic Era(A time period between c.1500 - c.500 BCE), the contributions of which have not only significantly affected an Indians life style; but also has been used greatly for the betterment of man, world-wide.
The Vedic era has been called the ‘Golden Period’ of Indian history as it has gifted us important sciences like Ayurveda, Yoga and Vedic Astrology. Today, the whole world is wanting to revert back to its teachings. With the Britishers at the helm, all this knowledge was stifled.
From the Indus-Valley civilisation that taught us about efficient urban infrastructure and architecture to some of the most cutting edge technologies on this planet, India has been in the fore-front, when allowed to breathe ! Inspite of her poverty and in many parts of India, its backwardness, it always had a great contribution to make to world culture.
The ancient Hindu scriptures and philosophy, advocated peace and simple holistic living. Learned Indians like Swami Vivekanand, bridged the Indian and Western culture in such a way that the Indians adapted the Western humanism, especially the ideas of individual freedom, social equality and justice and respect for women, taking India further ahead.
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The high light of the Indian nation is the fact that its billion plus people are bound together by a skein of national pride and a democratic government.
There are innumerable contributions of India to the world, some of which are -
Zero and decimal number system, concept of the atom, plastic surgery, religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism, Sanskrit-the core of Indo-European language system etc .
And so, with pride, Indians hoist their tricolour flag on not only public and private buildings, but also place them on their cars, clothing and office desks. On the eve of Independence Day, the President of India delivers the ‘Address to the Nation’, while on the Independence Day, the Prime Minister of India, hoists the Indian flag on the ramparts of Red Fort in Delhi, to the accompaniment of a twenty-one gun salute.
The Indian National Anthem is sung, followed by the Prime Ministers speech, a march past by the armed forces and parades.
Flag hoisting is also done in educational institutes to inculcate patriotism as early as possible in children.
Astroyogi wishes you a Happy Independence Day!