Astrology explores the meaningful connections between patterns in the sky, planetary movements, and events that occur on earth. Renowned astrologers believe that the positions of the celestial bodies influence individuals and their life in some way or another.
Hence, to celebrate the practice of astrology, which has been a reliable guiding system for more than 3,000 years, the Association for Astrological Networking (AFAN) declared International Astrology Day in 1993. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the special occasion.
International Astrology Day is celebrated annually during the northern hemisphere’s spring equinox. It falls on the day the Sun enters the tropical zodiac sign of Aries. Astrologers consider the day to be the beginning i.e the first day of the new astrological year! Following the western zodiac circle, this day marks the first day for the first zodiac sign i.e Aries, and thus marks the beginning of the Tropical Zodiac Circle.
The spring equinox also holds great importance for many countries as it marks the beginning of spring, and hence brings in equal days and equal nights. The Persians also celebrate this day as their New Year. This occurs as a result of the sun rays falling vertically on the equator, and the Sun transiting from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere.
The exact date for International Astrology Day depends on the exact day that the Northward equinox actually occurs. Usually, this varies year to year between March 19–22, though more often than not, it falls on March 20th or March 21st. International Astrology Day in the year 2023 will occur on March 21th.
Astrologers and astrological societies across the world celebrate this day by hosting special public events for almost an entire week to mark the occasion.
A large number of people rely on astrology readings to get guidance in their daily life. Western astrologers divide a year into 12 periods, and in each period, the Sun is in a constellation area. This resulted in each period being assigned a corresponding zodiac sign. Thus, one can find out their Western Sun Sign by checking what period their birthday lies in.
There are a number of benefits that astrology offers to an individual, such as understanding and getting an insight into who you actually are, what your desires, strengths, and goals are in life, the traits and characteristics that comprise your personality, how compatible you are with your partner, what career field you are most suitable for, among others.
If you want to find out how your astrological sign could be influencing your life, consult our expert astrologers on Astroyogi.com to get accurate and reliable astrological readings!