July Month Is Number 7, which is for Ketu, and the Month & Year Total adds up to Number 3, Jupiter. Hence the month of July brings some surface-level complications of Ketu; however, Profound Wisdom & Experience of Jupiter !!!
Numerology 2021 | Numerology Number 1 | Ruling Number | Life Path Number
Overall this month, we all will go through a lot; however, the ones who exhibit flexibility, wisdom, knowledge & patience of Jupiter will excel & Touch new heights. This is not only applicable for the finances but also the personal experiences & transformations. We need to now evolve as individuals, as a society, and overall. Since our Planet Earth is Transitioning from the present 3rd Dimensional Planet to the 5th Dimension, we are facing so many changes & challenges as a Humanity. But to panic is not the solution; we need to Forgive, cut out chords from the situations & people who do not serve us the highest good & Move on towards more Positivity, Togetherness & More Balance.
Now Before we get into each Number's Prediction & the Powerful Remedies, let me Introduce a New yet Extremely Profound Concept to you that will help each one of you Immensely - "How To Make Your Own Birth Chart As Per Numerology ", also known as "Loshu Grid "
Yes, just the way we have Birth Charts in Astrology, we can make them in Numerology as well, and the best part is that since it's so simple, easy & user-friendly, even a kid can make it themselves...
All you have to do is just plot your Date Of Birth in a 3 by 3 Table as per a designed Sequence, and then by just looking at the Birth Chart, you can Predict Money, Career, Health, Love Life for anyone within 5 minutes by the clock.
Here is the Designed Format To Follow -
Similarly, you can make your own birth chart, and whatever numbers are appearing, and whatever numbers are missing, they signify something. What they mean will be shared with you very soon in detail in our next article. Basically, there are 8 Planes of Loshu Grid, and most successful people have the middle column - 9 - 5 - 1 filled up. Elon Musk, who has the third column filled - 2- 7 - 6 are Unique with lots of courage and dare to do something out of the box; see how he sends satellites to Space & planning to send people to Mars.
So stay tuned for our next article, which will explain more details on this & for now.
Let's get into the specific Predictions for you as per your date of birth depending upon Numerology, Tarot, Astrology & Intuitive Psychic Reading. For this, Add up your date of birth to arrive at a single digit and read below accordingly my lovely Souls -
These are Generalised Predictions only by Certified International Expert - Tarot Pooja. For Consulting her for your Personal Readings, Remedies & Blessings, you may Call her here -
Number 1 Predictions -
Number 1s, friends of Sun, please watch out for stomach related issues this month like stomach ulcers, acidity, stones, etc. Try to eat right & home-cooked food as much as possible and drink lots of water. There might be some dip in your Career. However, it will be temporary, so try to learn from your mistakes & blunders and grow in your experience. Minor disputes in the family can happen, so handle them tactfully.
Number 2 Predictions -
Number 2s, friends of Moon, take care of your arms, maybe regular muscle exercise or regular massage to avoid any muscle injury. Spend more time with your children as they might need extra Guidance & Counselling. Relationships with Spouses can be a little rough, so avoid harsh words.
Number 3 Predictions -
Number 3s, friends of Jupiter, you need a lot of Mental relaxation this month. Stress Management, Anger Management, Time Management, Conflict Resolution programs should ring a bell to you. BP, Diabetes issues can crop up. At work, you will enjoy harmonious relationships with your boss & other colleagues.
These are Generalised Predictions only by Certified International Expert - Tarot Pooja. For Consulting her for your Personal Readings, Remedies & Blessings, you may Call her here -
Number 4 Predictions -
Number 4s, friends of Rahu Spend more time & energies at work and some "Me Time "as well. Good idea & time to start something new - a new Start-Up, Project, etc. Moving to a new Home is possible too. Maybe a change in the city is also shown on the cards. Embrace the change as everything is happening for good.
Number 5 Predictions
Number 5s, friends of Mercury, you have a small test coming up by the Divine to check your preparedness for the Next Level Growth & Next Huge Jump that you deserve and have been waiting for. This can be both at the Professional as well as Personal Level. It's Divine Intervention right now. If you clear the test, then you will be on Cloud 9 - Guaranteed !!! So Number 5s show the world that you have Arrived !!!
Number 6 Predictions
Number 6s, friends of Venus, this is the time to make money & lots of money. Try to bring in luxury in your day to day life and include good fragrances on and around you like perfumes, Aroma oils, etc., as this will Enhance your Venus and hence get you added Blessings & Abundance.
These are Generalised Predictions only by Certified International Expert - Tarot Pooja. For Consulting her for your Personal Readings, Remedies & Blessings, you may Call her here -
Number 7 Predictions
Number 7s, friends of Ketu, watch out for your screen time and take care of your eyes. Kids need to spend more time doing physical activities. Women in the house need more attention this month. Overall a balanced month
Number 8 Predictions -
Number 8, friends of Saturn, try to invest in some property in the near future. Any court cases going on for a long time will get resolved this year or move close to the closure. Good idea to buy some good books and make them your best friend. Learn, learn, learn as much as you can this month.
Number 9 Predictions
Number 9s, friends of Mars, the sky's the limit for you this month. Whatever you Target or wish to achieve can be achieved now. With proper goals, vision, some planning & implementation, you are bound to get the results. Only try to channelise and use your energies for constructive things