Jupiter would be transiting to Scorpio on 11th October 2018 at 20:39 p.m. Jupiter stays in a particular zodiac for around 360 days (almost one year) and its transit is important as it happens only once in a year. Jupiter also happens to be the significator of marriage, progeny, promotion, improved income flow, success in competitive activities, auspicious occasions of life etc. in Astrology.
Jupiter’ transit would be more favourable for Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Discussed below are the likely effects of this transit on various Moon zodiac signs.
Jupiter would transit to the 8th house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. Some windfall income is likely but you need to control your senses and not overindulge in luxuries and frivolous spending. Sudden expenditure may also be on the cards, try to plan things accordingly. Your overall luck factor in life may go for a toss, so it would be advisable to rely on your hard work rather than luck. At work, there may be some opportunities to get linked with overseas clientele. Don’t try to mint quick money out of this opportunity, rather, be fair in your dealings and focus on establishing a fruitful and long lasting relationship. It does not appear to be a very good year for your elder brother. Keep a watch on your eating habits otherwise health problems can cause disturbances.
Jupiter would transit to the 7th house and it is likely to deliver favourable results. Your income levels would improve significantly and there can be an emergence of additional sources of income as well. You are likely to get properly rewarded for your efforts and there would be acknowledgement from your superiors for your hard work. The element of grudge or hatred would get wiped out from your overall behaviour and you are likely to act more friendly with those around you. Such a change is likely to be appreciated by others. Your relationship with your spouse would improve and there would be enough occasions to spend quality time with her/him.
Jupiter would transit to the 6th house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. It would become very difficult for you to obtain the desired result in your endeavours. Work may turn challenging, but it would be rewarding in nature. Your enemies can try to harm your reputation so it would be wise to watch your back at all times. There is likelihood of improvement in your income levels and subsequently in your personal savings, so work hard and capitalise on this opportunity. You are likely to develop a spiritual bent of mind and it is likely to be good for your personal growth. It can also turn out to be a goodtime for practising yoga to gain calmness in your body as well as the mind. Avoid unnecessary loans and advances.
Jupiter would transit to the 5th house and it is likely to deliver favourable results. There can be an addition to your family by the arrival of a baby. It would be a good time to gain advanced education in both the material and the spiritual world. Your overall luck factor would improve considerably and it would complement your actions well. Work would be fruitful and your income level would improve drastically. The element of being complete would enter your thought process and you’ll be rendered a happy soul. It would be a wonderful time to meet spiritual people and learn new aspects of life from them.
Jupiter would transit to the 4th house and it is likely to deliver favourable results. Your Mother is likely to have a reasonably goodtime and you are likely to spend some memorable time with her. Work would also be very rewarding and you’ll be in a better shape to accept new responsibilities. You may develop an interest in spiritualism and may be inclined towards occult sciences as well. It is advisable to enter such fields under a mentor and then take control. Academic life also appears rewarding, so work hard. You’ll be fairly satisfied by the way things would be happening around you. It may turn out to be a goodtime to buy a new vehicle. Take out sometime to review your long term investments like PF, Gratuity, Bonds, Life insurance etc. and book profits on maturity.
Jupiter would transit to the 3rd house and it is likely to deliver favourable results. Wedding bells may ring for the unmarried and there would be happy times ahead. Happy times are also indicated for those who are already married and they should plan a long distance trip with their family. Your efforts would be very rewarding at work as well as in professional life. Income would be steady and rising as the year moves ahead. There may also be chances for promotion during this year, alternatively, you may go through a radical change in your job profile that would make you more authoritative and influential. It appears a goodtime for boding with your father also, so make it a point to spend some quality time with him.
Jupiter would transit to the 2nd house and it is likely to deliver very favourable results. Your family life would brighten up and there would be no differences of opinion or tiffs whatsoever with your loved ones. Work would be effortless and yet very rewarding. There would be complete harmony at home as well as at work. Your personal savings would swell considerably and your investment portfolio would also shine. There would also be scope for making fresh investments and you should plan it smartly. Your elder brother would also experience some evident happiness and there would be happiness to/from him. Your social network would improve and there would be emergence of some influential people in your contact list. Enemies won’t be able to harm you and your path to success would be clear and well laid out.
Jupiter would transit to the 1st house and it would deliver very favourable results. You would be at complete peace with yourself and appreciate the good things in life. You would experience all round happiness and development. This time would be equally rewarding for your children and spouse as well. Work would be effortless and rewarding in nature. Income pattern would be smooth and there would be no interruptions in the cash flows. It may turn out to be a goodtime to buy gems and jewellery and even create a profitable investment out of it. New partnerships and tie ups are on the cards and there would be enough scope to gain public acclaim. There would likely be happiness from and to your father, so gear up to spend a memorable time with your family. It is also likely to be a goodtime for unmarried Scorpios to get married.
Jupiter would transit to the 12th house and it would deliver mixed results. Too much of a charitable disposition would not bear any good results so try to maintain a balance between practicality and goodness. You may also experience mental isolation even while in company, so it is advisable that you should keep yourself engaged in various activities. It may be a better time for your mother and she is likely to experience some relief from her problems, if any. You need to be diplomatic at work and try to follow instructions aptly to gain suitable results. On the brighter side you’ll have some opportunities for self-introspection and learn better things about yourself.
Jupiter would transit to the 11th house and it would deliver favourable results. Your personal disposable income would rise significantly and your level of income would be commensurate with the level of your efforts. You would be able to exhibit an evident level of creativity in your efforts so it would be a good time to impress your superiors at work. A foreign connection at work appears to be on the cards. Personal and business related travels would be very rewarding in nature. Your spouse and children would demand a lot of attention so take every initiative to make them happy. There may also be opportunities for higher level learning by way of seminars and training programmes and it would be very helpful in improving your work skills.
Jupiter would transit to the 10th house and it would deliver favourable results. Professional life would be nice and smooth and you’ll be more virtuous in your actions at work. Your conviction level would be very effective and it would be a goodtime to crack new business deals and acquire new clients. Domestic environment would be very energetic and you can expect the arrival of some long distance relatives to make your life happier. Acquisition of a new vehicle may be on the cards. Your income-expenditure and savings ratio would be very favourable and it is advised that you should not let go any opportunities to make fresh investments to secure your future. It would also be a goodtime to get rid of loans and debts.
Jupiter would transit to the 9th house and it would deliver favourable results. Lady luck would be completely in your favour and it would complement your efforts in all your endeavours. Your aura would brighten up and you’ll have a shine in your personality. Your actions and speech would be very effective, and, you would be able to cast a lasting impression in front of others. Interestingly, this time period would be very favourable for your family members also and you would be hearing pleasant things from them. Professional life would be very rewarding and there are good chances of a promotion coming your way. Even a change in the work place/organization can be quite favourable.