Jupiter will continue its retrograde movement and will re-enter Sagittarius on 30th June 2020. It will come out of retrogression only on 13th September 2020. Jupiter's re-entry into Sagittarius (Guru Vakri 2020 in Dhanu Rashi) is likely to trigger some important events. Sagittarius happens to be a zodiac that is naturally owned by Jupiter, so it would be comfortable delivering results during the retrogression period.
Jupiter will enter the 9th house. Your overall luck factor will improve and your efforts will start delivering better results. Keep a check on impulse-buying as capital expenditure is undesirable. Chances of progeny are likely to improve. Both long distance and short distance journeys will be fruitful. Work related environment will be better than it was in the previous months.
Jupiter will enter the 8th house. Your spiritual awareness is likely to grow and your inclination for meditation and other holistic activities may increase. Your domestic environment will improve and ongoing negativity or tensions are likely to go away. Work will become rewarding and there are chances for better income patterns to develop. It would be wise to take a review of your investment portfolio at this time.
Jupiter will enter the 7th house. The bonding with your lover or spouse is likely to improve and there will be some opportunity to spend quality time together. Home environment and work would be equally rewarding and you will find much relief from your current set of problems. Acceptance of new responsibilities at work can turn into a blessing.
YOU MAY ALSO LIKE : Jupiter Transit 2020 | Jupiter Retrograde | Planet Jupiter
Jupiter will enter the 6th house. Certain problems may surface only to be solved in your favour, so don’t get overly worried when such a situation arises. Your loan component may also start declining in the time ahead. Work will turn competitive but it will be rewarding in nature. Personal savings and investment patterns are likely to improve.
Jupiter will enter the 5th house. Your children are likely to become a source of happiness. Your income pattern will be smooth and your payments will flow in an even stream in case you are in a business. Your overall luck factor will improve and you will experience inner peace. Avoid windfall-gain activities.
Jupiter will enter the 4th house. Work and personal life will become better. Your domestic environment will be very favourable, and spending time with your family members, especially your mother will have immeasurable value. There will be great scope for you to create better bonding with your partner or spouse. You will find solace in spiritual activities.
Jupiter will enter the 3rd house. This could be the time for wedding bells in the case of eligible bachelors. Likewise your work life will also improve and there could be instances of improvement in income level and emergence of secondary sources of income. Work related travel can be fruitful. Stick to the basics to gather desired results.
Talk with the Expert astrologer Aacharya Aaditya
Jupiter will enter the 2nd house. Family cohesion is on the cards so try to be with your family. Some ongoing issues at work are likely to be resolved amicably and in turn work will become more rewarding in nature. It would be wise to review your investment portfolio and book some profits. Fresh opportunities for job change may emerge for those who are inclined.
Jupiter will enter the 1st house or Lagna. It would be a favourable time to get married, to have children and to enjoy married life with your partner. A much brighter phase of life will begin and you will see considerable success. Your consciousness will lead you to the right opportunities for growth. You can expect an even flow of money in your life.
Jupiter will enter the 12th house. Things may not occur as desired, so be patient. It is important to remain practical to be able to benefit from upcoming opportunities. Avoid acting on impulse and seek an elder’s advice, especially before making any capital expenditure. Deal intelligently in case of property related and family feud matters.
Today's Horoscope | Today's Panchang | Today Numerology Horoscope
Jupiter will enter the 11th house. Desired results are likely to flow out of your actions. Complete pending tasks and accept new responsibilities at work. New business tie-ups and negotiations may be heading your way. There will be a good balance between work and personal life. It also seems to be a good time for getting married.
Jupiter will enter the 10th house. Work life will become smooth and there will be a very even flow of results out of your actions. Your current set of problems will start easing and new opportunities for growth will come your way. There will be zero deviation between your thought process and subsequent actions. Look forward to a favourable time ahead.
Best of Luck