Ketu Transit in Libra on 12th April 2022: How It Can Influence Your Life?

Tue, Apr 12, 2022
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Tue, Apr 12, 2022
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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Ketu Transit in Libra on 12th April 2022: How It Can Influence Your Life?

The Ketu transit in Libra 2022 is set to happen. Ketu will enter Libra on 12th April 2022. Read on to know about the impact of this transit and what changes it will bring in the lives of the natives of the different zodiac signs.

The planets Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars move fast; hence, their effect is only for a few days. However, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu, being big planets, show their effects in the horoscope for a long time. When the big planets change their zodiac signs, shifts are visible in our lives.

The shadow planet, Ketu, will transit from its exalted sign Virgo to Libra on 12th April 2022 at 03:31 PM. Ketu is considered one of the slow-moving planets. Ketu changes its zodiac sign after about 18 months. In Vedic astrology, Ketu is a shadow planet that moves in the opposite direction, i.e., retrograde. According to Vedic astrology, Ketu has a profound effect on the natives. If Ketu is in a great position in the horoscope, an individual will live a life full of happiness, prosperity, and opulence. That individual also becomes a notable figure in society. On the other hand, the inauspicious Ketu can engage the native's mind in wrong actions and cause detachment.

Ketu helps the native gain fame. Ketu is also responsible for causing attachment and detachment. Individuals under the influence of Ketu move towards the spiritual realm after becoming deeply disillusioned with worldly affairs. With all these characteristics, Ketu will transit in Libra. Before we talk about Ketu transit in Libra, let's know a little about the zodiac sign- Libra. The people of this zodiac sign are efficient in settling disputes, have a deep sense of justice, and are smooth talkers. They are diplomatic, polite, and clever strategists in avoiding conflict and confrontation.

How The Ketu Transit in Libra 2022 Will Impact Our Lives?

Now, let's get to know the impact Ketu transit in Libra will have on each ascendant. In this article, you will also learn remedies that can help you during this period.

Do you want to know how planetary transits can affect your life in detail? If yes, turn to Astroyogi now.

Impact of Ketu Transit in Libra on Aries

  • Ketu will increase opportunities for relationship and partnership for the natives of this ascendant. You will meet new people in the field of spirituality.
  • Unconventional marriages, love marriages, and inter-caste relationships will happen. It will be a good time for people who have been waiting for love marriage for a long time.
  • The timing will be good in terms of money-related matters. You will be able to begin new work with enthusiasm. It will be beneficial for you to do chemical or medicine-related work.
  • When it comes to married life, you have to be cautious. Some people may also refuse marriage.
  • You will be able to overcome the problems burdening you for a while. There is a possibility of also a second child arriving into the family.
  • The natives will work with sincerity and determination.
  • An old friend may encourage you to start new work.
  • Excessive money can be spent on unnecessary trips, and many people may have to face financial troubles. There is also the possibility of goods being lost or stolen.
  • Stomach-related problems can bother you. If you are suffering from any chronic disease, changing the doctor will be beneficial at this time. People who are afraid of water need to be a little cautious during this time.

Remedy - Recite Vishnu Sahasranama, and take control of your expenses.

Impact of Ketu Transit in Libra on Taurus

  • Ketu will bring good results to the people of Taurus ascendant. The native will get success in competitive examinations. With the blessings of their mother, the native will be successful and be able to do something for the motherland.
  • There is a possibility of getting rid of chronic disease. The native will also be worried about their waist.
  • A pet or new decoration items can come into the house.
  • There are chances of getting money, but you will become a little quarrelsome. Relations with the maternal side of the family and your maternal uncle are likely to deteriorate. If the position of Ketu in the horoscope is good, the effect of these situations will be less.
  • There are indications that there will be more trips, and the arrival of new guests can cause you mental trouble.
  • You will get rid of debt and attain victory over secret enemies. You will also lead a successful life. Friends who are with you only for money should be avoided. Some natives may also worry about their children. It would be a great time to do police, army, and security-related jobs.
  • During the transit, you will keep moving towards your goal and get fame.
  • Due to unconventional actions, there is also the possibility of your reputation getting spoiled in society.

Remedy - Feed jaggery to the monkeys. Maintain good relations with the maternal side of your family.

Impact of Ketu Transit in Libra on Gemini 

  • Ketu will provide positive results to the people of Gemini ascendant. If the position of Jupiter is good in the horoscope, the native will work for symbolic languages, foreign-related travels, progeny, and problems related to children, jobs, and business.
  • The work done in the previous birth will give you good and bad results.
  • The time will be good for people who want to get information about Tantra Sadhana, astrology, religious works, scripture education, etc.
  • During this time, the natives will get the immense benefit due to their children. This favorable time will encourage you to use your rights and powers.
  • A situation might arise when even after having all the information, you will have to act according to some other person. However, your intelligence and discretion will get due respect after some time.
  • Maintain good relations with your brothers and avoid quarreling with family members. Don't get distracted and spend more time on your studies.

Remedy - Visit a religious place. Also, spend time with your family.

Impact of Ketu Transit in Libra on Cancer 

  • During this time, you will become reverent towards your parents.
  • You will progress in your job and business, change places, make relations abroad, etc.
  • People whose age is more than 36 years will benefit from experiencing a change of fortune. If Ketu is auspicious in the horoscope, you will become lucky. During this time, your mother is likely to suffer. You might have to face trouble related to ancestral property.
  • This house is under the influence of the Moon, so you will have many good and bad thoughts.
  • This will be the right time for people who want to go into education.
  • Ketu creates the effect of knowledge which affects your mental abilities, intelligence, health, and wealth. During this time, the savings you made in the past will benefit you, and the work done in the past will offer you success.
  • There will be a significant change in your nature during this time, under which you will be more aware of your family, women, and other people.
  • If you are away from your place of birth, your married life will be good. In love relationships, people might have resentment towards their partners. There is also a possibility of decline or loss in job and business. During this time, accept new business transactions with a good heart and focus on keeping your thinking clear.

Remedy - Serve your mother or an elderly woman. Also, wear white clothes on Monday.

Impact of Ketu Transit in Libra on Leo

  • The transit will make the natives famous and wealthy.
  • The transit of Ketu in Libra in this house will give you auspicious results. You will spend your time doing good deeds. Due to religious deeds, there can be an increase in your strength.
  • If the position of Ketu is good, your enemies will get defeated.
  • Traveling to distant places will be possible. If you have faith in spiritual knowledge and godly deeds, you will get success.
  • Luck will be in your favor. Whatever work that was pending would get done during their period. There is an excellent possibility of getting money suddenly. You might get wealthy in-laws or a wife.
  • Those who want to go into sports will do well in sports and competitive examinations. People involved in media, networking, writing, and speaking fields will also benefit.
  • When it comes to your brothers and sisters, be a little cautious.
  • The native will get wealth due to their stamina and physical abilities.
  • People associated with the banking sector, finance management, etc., will have a good time, and new avenues of progress will open.
  • There is a possibility of suffering from pain in the shoulders and upper body during this period.
  • Ketu transit 2022 in Libra will make you friendly. You will be ready to help your friends, whether financially or in some other way.

Remedy - Don’t be arrogant and prideful. Forge a strong bond with your brothers and sisters.

Impact of Ketu Transit in Libra on Virgo

  • Ketu has proved to be quite influential for Virgo ascendants.
  • You will travel, work, and earn money according to your wishes. You will get to see new changes in life. You will be excited to do artistic and exciting work during this period.
  • You might have to face some job-related problems. Your social status will be good, and this transit will make you happy and content.
  • You should avoid bad company and keep yourself away from any wrongdoing.
  • You might have to come across some unexpected truths. Some natives might also have to face government punishment.
  • During this time, you will be appreciated for speaking clearly. The respect of your family members will also increase.
  • Religious tendencies will increase, and if the position of Mars is auspicious in the horoscope, then you can get wealth from property.

Remedy - Stay away from intoxicants and lousy company. Keep control on your voice.

Impact of Ketu Transit in Libra on Libra

  • For the people of Libra ascendant, this period will be for their spiritual growth.
  • There is a magnetic power inside you, due to which people will want to meet you. However, during this time, you are likely to be self-centered and greedy, which will reduce your stamina and confidence.
  • This transit will strengthen and enrich your mental abilities and intuition. Some problems might arise in your married life during this period.
  • It will be challenging to differentiate between good and bad, due to which you will be unable to make proper decisions. You should keep a good advisor with you so that you can share your thoughts and take their guidance.
  • Your financial condition will be sound in the upcoming 18 months. There may be some ups and downs in health. You might have to face problems at your work.
  • It will be beneficial for you if you do not get into any partnership in business; otherwise, you might incur losses. When starting a new task, take a lawful approach and follow all the legal rules and regulations. Overall, this will be a good time for you.

Remedy - Worship Goddess Durga, and do not hurry when doing any work.

Impact of Ketu Transit in Libra on Scorpio

  • This Ketu transit in Libra will offer luxury and comfort to the natives. Those associated with religious fields or religious activities will get respect and prestige. Those who have any chronic disease or sleep-related issues will get relief.
  • It is a wonderful time for people going abroad. There are also chances of purchasing property away from home.
  • There is a possibility of an increase in expenses unexpectedly, but money spent on good deeds will give you benefits. You will be excited to do artistic work.
  • This period will be good for the people associated with the medical field. They will get prestige and reputation in their field.
  • Some natives might have to face problems from their maternal side of the family. Your maternal uncle or some other family member could get into trouble. The auspicious Venus will provide benefits to people associated with cinema and media.

Remedy - Control your speech, and take care of your diet.

Impact of Ketu Transit in Libra on Sagittarius

  • The transit of Ketu in Libra will give excellent results to Sagittarius natives. It will offer the natives wealth, respect, ancestral property, children, and happiness and lessen their worries for the future. You will get the work you desire, and fruitful journeys will happen.
  • You will get high positions in essential projects due to your physical strength during this time. People's attitudes will change due to your way of speaking and your loyalty to others.
  • All your wishes and desires will get fulfilled. Additionally, you will also enjoy benefits from your job and business. You will connect with spirituality and the outside world.
  • During this time, you will acquire benefits from the government. There is also the possibility of building a new house. Your special radiance will attract people, and you will get freed from the long-standing enmity and debt.
  • You will receive profits from the lottery, Stock Market, speculative activities like horse riding, etc. Along with this, there is a possibility of money coming from the fields of religious discourse, astrology, etc.
  • During this time, people will appreciate you because of your clever, kind nature and good speech. If you are the eldest in the house, this will be the time to gain respect. Due to your work, you will get a good position in society and family.

Remedy - Be simple, have faith in others, and gain benefits from your new sources of income.

Impact of Ketu Transit in Libra on Capricorn 

  • You will become brilliant, strong, intelligent, and knowledgeable during this time. You will attain progress in every work, promising results, and benefit from your routine work.
  • This is the right time to start a new business. It will be good to do chemical, medicine, metal, and technical work. Your credibility and talent will earn you rewards. You will be appreciated and admired even by your enemies.
  • There will be chances of getting money from the public sector. You will also help your father's business, which will increase the family business.
  • This timing will be good for students. If Ketu is with benefic planets, studying abroad is also a possibility. There is also a possibility of success in the job and competitive examinations.
  • During this time, you will be able to attain victory over your opponents and be successful in moving forward in life. Due to your intelligence, you will be able to perform well in your field or work.
  • Relations with your father might not be good, but there will be an atmosphere of happiness in your family after some time due to your knowledge and wisdom.

Remedy - Take care of your parents. Do not give unnecessary advice, and do not interfere in others’ work.

Impact of Ketu Transit in Libra on Aquarius

  • The transit of Ketu in Libra will make you honest, compassionate, intelligent, religious, fortunate, and successful. The auspicious Ketu will also encourage you to organize religious events.
  • You will become kind, mighty, and strong. You will understand the pain and suffering of others. Additionally, you will also do some charitable activities. You will also benefit from the people working under you.
  • Money will be received from foreign countries and foreign sources. You will get success in government work. Your family will get respect and prestige because of you, but your father might be upset because of you.
  • There may be trouble in your married life, so consult with your family before doing any important work.
  • During this period, you will spend time accumulating wealth. It is time to work away from home. A job change or promotion can bring you an opportunity to work at a different place.

Remedy - Be religious, and don't be greedy.

Impact of Ketu Transit in Libra on Pisces

  • The transit of Ketu will give you longevity, sudden gains, and benefits.
  • There will also be chances of getting the ancestral property. You will tend to study deeply and get in-depth knowledge.
  • Sudden events will surprise you. You will also receive benefits from the in-laws' side. There will also be a possibility of getting an inheritance, which you may not have information about.
  • There will be chances for marriages, and this time is excellent if you want a love marriage.
  • People associated with politics will do well. You will also help your friends and give them loans. However, this can cause disputes and separations.
  • You might also face trouble due to your child. There is a possibility of a loss of money. You can be greedy for other people's money, so you must end this tendency of yours from becoming a more potent problem.

Remedy - Keep a check on your character. Do not get into a dispute with your friends, and do not do any money transactions.

As the movement of planets indicates possible development opportunities and major life changes, the Ketu transit in Libra 2022 will cause positive and negative changes in our lives. But, you should know that the impact of the transit of Ketu in Libra will be different for each individual.

Connect with Rajdeep Pandit on Astroyogi to know more about how this transit will impact your life.

By - Rajdeep Pandit

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