Well, if this is not an intense topic now! :)
This topic best justifies the term "open secrets." Who doesn't want to know of their twin flame; who IS their twin flame; what is on their twin flame's mind and sometimes even that inevitable question of what is actually going on internally in their mind with regards to his /her Twin Flame.
Now Tarot gives a BEAUTIFUL insight into the lives of twin flames. Not only does one's position get clarified with Tarot, but also what is going on in the Twin Flame's mind concerning them gets clarified.
This gives the seeker clarity on what actions they should take at the moment. But most importantly, what actions should they not taken at the moment, given the TF is behaving that way.
For those who are interested in these topics, my question remains, how could you NOT be knowing where you are in the journey with the Tarot for TF session. It is just so peaceful providing, even if it is not giving you the reflection of where you wish to be. Well then, how could you progress, if you don't know where you are right now? And THAT Tarot for TF journey can tell you.
It is a step by step detailed analysis of the journey. And given how much time you have with the Reader, you can further explore what will be your role in the meantime.
I will just conclude in this blog saying that TF is inevitable. And once you are in the game, it is futile to even try to get out. Yes, but what you can do in the meanwhile is to learn the tricks of the trade and ensure you don't make destructive or self-sabotaging decisions, due to lack of information, that Tarot can easily give you.
More in future blogs on this.
This then,
Keep Smiling!
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