The year 2012 is a leap year with February having 29 days and total 366 days this year. Leap year comes after every four years. So, does having an additional day signify something special? Will this leap year bring you doom or boom? Let's find out...
Number 29 sums up to 2 (2+9=11=1+1=2). This number is governed by the Moon and during this phase, you will be highly imaginative, idealistic and possess a dreamy nature. Stability, peacefulness, spirituality and purity will be restored in your life, during this period. This is an auspicious time to take a relationship to a deeper level. Help and opportunities will come to you from all corners.
For predictions based on your ruling number, read on!
Ruling No. 1: The year 2012 will see you grow and learn new things in your work place. Your achievements will only help you progress further in your career. The good life attracts you and you are game for any challenges on the way.
Ruling No.2: 2012 promises many new surprises and rewards for you. Your long desires are likely to be fulfilled. New sources of income will improve your financial position and boost your confidence.
Ruling No.3: Don't be hesitant in executing your new plans this leap year. Fame and fortune will be at your doorsteps, provided you are able to grab the right opportunities. People looking for matrimonial alliances will find a suitable life partner.
Ruling No. 4: New proposals and assignments for you are likely in 2012. Business will flourish and financial gains will lift your confidence. Legal matters that have been haunting your mind will settle to your satisfaction.
Ruling No.5: A very promising and favourable period starts for you from now onwards. Sudden help from some near one or a friend will bring a major boost to your professional career.
Ruling No.6: The leap year brings you physical as well as financial benefits. Speculation in real estate will yield handsome returns. Distant travel will be undertaken for business purpose as well as pleasure.
Ruling No.7: 2012 promises new hope and possibilities. Your gains will commensurate according to your efforts, but luck will definitely be on your side. Your imagination and skills will do wonders for you and your creativity will be at all time high.
Ruling No.8: 2012 will require you to improve upon your knowledge and skills. You will have to deal with government agencies and people at higher places, who will be slow in providing results, which will prove frustrating at times. But important contacts that you establish during this phase will be helpful in the long run.
Ruling No.9: In 2012 you will find yourself changing plans more than usual and decisions you take on certain fronts will not be easy. A property transaction or acquiring a new vehicle during this period seems likely.
Let numbers work their magic in your life. Take your career to new heights and attract love, fame and money! Get personalized predictions from one of world's greatest Numerologist, Sanjay B. Jumaani.