Don't you just love watching a good movie? Or a good web series? Whether it's a girl meets boy story or a thriller adventure....the movie we enjoy most is the one we are sitting on the edge of the seat, wondering what happens next. What is it you like about them most.... usually it's the story ...the plot....the characters....you like some of them, some not so much....and you sit back, relax and watch fully engrossed armed with popcorn. If the story is boring, slow and predictable you lose interest quickly but if there are twists and turns to the plot and you never know what's coming next, you are intrigued and want to see more. The more exciting the story and its plot, the more engrossed you are in the story.
In your mind you cheer on the protagonist of the movie to win, to come out against the odds.
Isn't that exactly what life is, a story? A story in which you are handed a few characters, our parents and siblings that can't be changed, a background setting in terms of the circumstances we are born into, and despite the setting we get to write page by page each chapter of our life....in any manner we want. We are all starring in our own story. Yet people write the most dreadful stories ever.
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Why do you want your own life story to be predictable in which you know exactly what to expect next. That makes for an incredibly boring movie in which you know the ending before you even sit down to watch it! Yet the vast majority of people live their lives as though it's a bound script and they are the director of this mini series. Unfortunately you are not the director, as much as you would like to think so, the Universe is. You are simply starring in this Magnum opus called "My Life"....you have been cast in the lead role. Everyone else is a character in the film....but you and you alone will win against the dark forces that come your way....your fears, your insecurities, your sad moments of heartbreak and separation as much as you will witness your happiest moments of falling in love, marriage more heartbreak and finding joy in pursuing your passions. You will either play your role in the most exciting way you know how and allow the many twists and turns to throw you a new challenge or you will watch your life in a series of slow predictable rerun drama shows that are never ever played on prime time. These are those terrible dramas that are negative and go nowhere. They have no beginning and no end. Daytime soap operas.
Worse than this are the people, mostly women unfortunately who allow someone else to play the lead role in their movie. Usually a partner who is made so important that women become side characters in their own film.
I decided a long time ago that each chapter, each show telecast of my show must be unique. Must have elements of mystery and fun at every turn. And so that is precisely how my life is, there is never a dull moment. Why because I'm a star! And the universe is my director....as I go from moment to moment I expect, the unexpected.
The scenes from my movie at present are the pre launch of my new product line of healing and mindfulness products…"Yogii." More than a year has gone into ideating, creating, reworking, packing, stickers, chakra candles, authentic crystals, bracelets, free guided meditations with each product....an endless list of new challenges unfolding every day, which I am so excited about. I am fully aware some things will do well, some not so well….but at the end of the day, I will have either learnt a lesson, or found that my manifesting abilities are on point. One way or the other, this chapter is not going to be boring. I am already daydreaming and imagining a dizzy amount of success and yet even if it doesn’t happen, my journey will still be worth it. I have already failed once at retail many years ago, quite miserably might I add. So I say it's time for a twist in the plot!
Interesting Read: Universe is listening | Are you ever living in the present moment
Many people are not ok with the unexpected. They want to know what happens next. That can mean only one thing: that you don't trust the director and ruin the movie by worrying about 'I wonder what happens next'. The moment your thoughts are in the future, waiting or wondering you are ruining both the present and the fictitious villain - the future. The future is rarely ever what we thought it would be. Until and unless we fully trust that the universe will give us what is meant for our highest good. We will suffer the future.
Remember, what is meant for you will find you, in the strangest twist of events.
Your job is to arrive on the sets each morning and then it's " Lights, Camera, Action!".
✍️ By- Mina Yogii
Mina Yogii is an inspirational speaker and writes a weekly blog, 'Yogii…A Little Bit of Magic,' showing people how to find their abundance and tread their life’s journey more gently. She enjoys helping people unfold their unlimited potential in a manner that is very simple to understand. You can share your feedback with her at mina@yogii.in. You can also follow Yogii on instagram.