The endearing feeling of love takes a person to a blissful world, where there is no room for misery. The feeling is what each one of us awaits, as we enter the youthful years of our lives. There's hope and optimism for the future and we look forward to experiencing all the rushes of romance that people in love talk about. At some point in our life, we all feel the need to find a Soul mate, with whom we can share our happiness and sorrow. Starting the day with your loved one by your side becomes a necessity and a compelling need, more so for those who crave company and despise loneliness. Such thoughts take over our heart and mind and we set out on the search of our Soulmate, sometimes unknowingly.
A soulmate is the one who can understand your unsaid words, see the pain in your eyes, know the reason for your happiness, and the ones for your sadness. They are close to your heart and there is a strong chain that binds you to them emotionally. This person is the one with whom you’ve shared experiences, not just in this life, but in the previous one as well. The relationship is special and beautiful beyond words.
Knowing that there is a special one out there for us adds to the curiosity, and the eagerness to meet him/her reaches higher levels with time. We tend to look for that special someone in most of the people we meet. Of course, there's nothing wrong in looking for your soulmate on the go, but the tricky part here is that not every person we connect with, is our soulmate. After all, finding true love is for sure a challenging task!
Sometimes, what we think is love, is just attraction or in some cases, infatuation. We, sometimes, under the impression of being in true love enter into a relationship, which sooner or later takes a bitter turn, if you were hasty about the relationship. To make things harder, the feeling of having found our soulmate stops us from acting wisely.
Are you in a similar dilemma? How to know whether you're with the right person or not?
To start with, finding your soulmate or twin soul is directly associated with happiness, peace of mind, understanding, trust, and last but not the least, lots and lots of love! You will be driven by these positive emotions and not the need to possess and control someone. In order to understand whether you are with the right person or not, this is the first step. So, do you share the true bond of love with your partner?
How often do you fight?
There is no relationship where there aren't any fights, arguments or disagreements, but, the frequency is another signal to an alarming situation. How often do you love birds fight? If your relationship involves more arguments and less loving, you definitely need to pack your bags! Extended fights are a major signal that you're in the wrong relationship. It can be a karmic bond that needs to get balanced, so that you can move on.
Can you feel the love?
How often do you express your love? Cuddling/hugging is an act of expressing love without having to say a word. The feeling exchanged by soulmates, while holding each other in their arms makes the relationship stronger. If you and your partner share physical intimacy without actually feeling loved, then it’s time for a reality check, guys! The thin line between love and lust needs to be understood here.
Love is a beautiful experience and is definitely not worth letting go of over a silly misunderstanding. Always remember that when you're with your soulmate, you will only feel loved. No other feeling can ever last between two lovers who share a connection of the soul.