Leo Man – Aries Woman
This is usually a terrific combination, with both sides being emotional in their make-up. Her Leo mate will lionise Aries. Aries would find that letting her Leo mate hold the centre stage satisfies him. Sharing the limelight will be important for Leo, as Aries too will feel the need to be in the limelight once in a while, as well. In the lion`s den the impetuous Aries lover will find a welcome home. Their sex life could be legendary and infidelity kept to a minimum or the problem might not arise altogether. This is because they will probably find what they want from each other, and not have a physical compulsion to stray. Aries is aggressive and very passionate, making the physical part of the relationship emotionally stimulating. Leo admires the aggressive tendencies of his fiery companion. But Aries female is constantly coaxing her Leo partner into revealing his past sexual encounters. She should let the past remain and live in the present.
Leo Man – Taurus Women
Venus and the sun make a good combination, especially when each understands the other`s faults. Excellent physical qualities and great sex appeal in both partners means compatibility. Magnanimous Leo is just what the doctor ordered for the Taurean`s love of the finer things in life. As long as Taurus restrains jealousy and lets Leo hog the limelight, all will be well with this combination. But bulls need loyalty and affection, while Leos need to be worshipped with neither getting enough of it from the other. This essentially could be stated to be the heart of the problem. On occasion, the leonine love of grandeur will clash with Taurean practicality and sensibility. Leo loves to dominate, but eventually, Taurus being strong-willed, though more patient, will raise her sword when her needs are not met. There is a strong attraction physically and emotionally, and no matter how many obstacles Leo and Taurus have to face in achieving emotional harmony together, they will stand by one another, against the whole world if necessary. When fate brings them sorrow or tragedy, neither of them will ever fail the test of loyalty. And that can be love`s most enduring song.
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Leo Man – Gemini Woman
This combination will soon reveal that they are not a very good match. On the surface there is great mutual attraction for both signs. Both are naturally attracted to glamour, flattery and good fellowship. But after a while the carefree, passionate Leo might clash with the unreasonable Gemini. While Leo loves with his heart first, Gemini loves with her mind. Gemini might perceive Leo`s love as too materialistic, possessive and demanding. Her airy indifference can ignite the Leo anger. Her mind is always travelling and she finds it difficult to commit herself to someone. Leo man is impressively capable of handling all situations with effortless grace and would find her unpredictable behaviour irritating. Despite this, there is good reason to be optimistic about this pairing. If Leo can understand Gemini`s need to cut loose and roam free; and Gemini, his need to run the world and bask in glory, it may turn out to be a very good combination of air and fire. Her wonderful imagination can add a new kind of excitement to their physical relationship. Also, at times he will find the other `twin` of his partner, who is sensible, womanly and devoted.
Leo Man – Cancer Woman
Usually this is a good combination, since the moon (Cancer) reflects the light of the sun (Leo). There is a lot to be said for these two, especially if Cancer is happy reflecting the admirable Leonian personality. Leo`s huge heart will soon forgive the moody outbursts that Cancer may demonstrate from time to time, resulting from the strong influence of the moon, Cancer`s ruling planet. Cancer, more than any other sign, responds to the moon`s aspects as it moves swiftly through the zodiac. These two partners genuinely admire each other`s talents and accomplishments. Cancer will feel a bit more enthused around Leo and will probably let Leo run things or at least let him think he is in charge. Leo will appreciate Cancer`s attention and as long as Cancer can forget that she has been neglected at times when Leo is out running the world, there is every chance of the relationship working. Leo man has to bear with Cancerian moodiness. Leo should avoid being too domineering and Cancer girl should check her excessive docility. Sometimes she will be rather bossy and he, very stubborn.
Leo Man – Leo Woman
These two are so alike in nature that some may have difficulty telling them apart. They are both romantic, need to love and be loved and can probably communicate with each other without speaking or making facial gestures. In fact they probably didn`t even read this because they already knew they were meant to be together. While this could prove to be a compatible combination, it may not always be true. Leos are positive people and love to be the centre of attention. They want to be the head of their social and peer groups. As the two are constantly competing for leadership, unhappy results can result from this. The only hope for a successful partnership is for the female to be content to rule the home and the male to shine outside. Two positive and strong-willed individuals, like two kings in the same country. This country may not be big enough for both of them. Both of them may be so much in love with love, that they may ignore this reality. These two possess between them, all the necessary qualities for an enduring friendship. As strong and courageous as they may be in times of trouble, they can also be insufferably arrogant and frequently be blinded by false pride. They understand each other’s swollen vanities, false pride and the need to be admired. There is a constant battle for supremacy.
Leo Man – Virgo Woman
Here is a good chance for a happy partnership. Magnanimous Leo will overlook Virgo`s tendency to be critical, while Virgo will take pride in Leo`s accomplishments, good humour and loveable nature. Leo will respect Virgo`s clever and alert mentality. If Virgo permits Leo to hog the limelight and refrain from being too critical of Leo`s desire to hold the central place in the family circle, they should have no real barriers to a happy and successful partnership. However, the leonine penchant for always having the last word, of always being proved right may irk the ultra-critical Virgo. As the virgin is extremely selfless and considerate by nature, her personality may clash with the thoughtlessness and insensitivity of the Leo male. This is one of those relationships that depend on the type of relationship it is. If it`s love that is dominant, Leo will overwhelm Virgo, and her criticism will irk Leo. In a marriage, it is best when Leo leads and Virgo follows and the differences can be bridged. But meanwhile, he is grateful to her for her tranquil presence and practical nature. She in turn likes his unshakeable optimism and his confidence.
Leo Man – Libra Woman
The proud and haughty lion may prove too much for the sensitive Libra nature, though they have a lot in common that could make for a good combination. With sun ruling Leo and Venus ruling Libra, both love luxury and the good things in life and are subject to flattery. They may also be very artistically inclined. Leo demands constant adulation, which may cause problems. Friendships of the most genuine kind are established by the Leo-Libra combination. Their communication will often be perfect. When they join forces, they can achieve almost anything. Leo men are always more faithful, genial and relaxed after marriage, than before. They need someone to protect as also the steadfastness of having someone who loves them, waiting there every night. Libra woman is magnetized irresistibly towards the mutuality of partnership and so marriage does them good. However Leo`s demand for constant attention may cause problems, as Libra is not averse to receiving admiration herself. Leo will not play second fiddle to his Libra mate and can get insanely jealous at times. Unpleasant displays of temper by Leo can cause his Libran mate to float away.
Leo Man – Scorpio Woman
Two shining personalities join together. She finds much to admire in Leo. The leonine qualities of majesty, dependability and trust are what attract the Scorpio female to Leo. On the other hand, unconditional love, devotion and boundless energy are what the lion sees in his scorpion girl. But the Scorpio female is often too demanding for the Leo male. The initial attraction, in some cases may not last for long. The common desire to be proved right and their innate stubbornness may contribute to their mutual disenchantment. The lion`s constant need to be worshipped and idolised may not be met by a Scorpio girl. Jealousy plays a major role in family quarrels. Many Scorpio-Leo combinations may not be sexually compatible. Two very strong-willed individuals generally create some rather stormy moments. The Scorpio woman is an extraordinary woman, whose feelings run deep. To a lion, any degree of affection is preferable to silence and loneliness; yet the Scorpio woman would rather be alone than give only half a heart to share. And therein lies the vast ocean of difference between these two. An ocean, which can be bridged only with unconditional love and trust.
Leo Man – Sagittarius Woman
Their mutual empathy and easily attainable harmony exhilarates both the fire signs to the extent that any spark of competition between them is only likely to further reinforce the relationship. With lions and archers who are destined to love, life is a magical carnival of ideas, dreams and discovery. They stimulate each other`s physical desire, intellect and spiritual quest. Once they have broken down the barriers - he, of his false pride and she, of her scepticism, this combination is well on its way to success. Most of the times, this combination does make an excellent match. It is said that fire must be fought with fire, and it seems to fit very well for the marriage of these two signs. Both love change and excitement, and have great enthusiasm for life. Both have an overbearing personality, which is actually the danger as this could lead to trouble if Leo tries to push the Sagittarian to the sidelines. Sagittarians, with their independent natures would rebel; this could lead to a serious rift in the partnership. This is an excellent combination for the most part unless Sagittarius is in need of too much freedom and Leo becomes too bossy.
Leo Man – Capricorn Woman
The laid-back attitude of Capricorn girl is not what a carefree Leo wants in his woman. Leo forgives and forgets; but these virtues do not come easily to Capricorn, who is slow to anger and slow to forget. This pair would not form the ideal basis for mutual understanding. This is especially true on matters of sex. Leo wants affection and sentiment during lovemaking and Capricorn girl is unable to express her love for him. Capricorn has the tendency to be suspicious and prudent, while Leo wholeheartedly enters the arena with no thought of consequences. These two are almost complete opposites, the conservative Capricorn and the flamboyant Leo. Leo likes to live for the moment and Capricorn prefers to make calculated movements. The notes of friendliness strike between the two with the realization that they appreciate certain character traits in each other. While Capricorn feels cozy and secure around him, Leo is impressed by her strong mind and sensible advice. If the lion wants to have a life-long relationship with the Capricorn woman, he will have to match his pace with the slow, deliberate pace of his partner.
Leo Man – Aquarius Woman
Aquarius and Leo are both born under fixed signs, which means that both are stubborn and won`t move an inch when they believe they`re right and justified in an opinion or an action. This pair of the sun and Uranus is usually a good one. Leo likes surprises and Aquarius is happy to supply them. Both signs are better off doing things for others. Leo loves the world and Aquarius loves all humanity. This makes for an excellent combination, especially when both deal with or cater to the needs of others. Each has a mutual understanding of the other when it comes to intimate matters, needs and desires. There is never a dull moment in their lives as Aquarius holds many surprises for Leo. While these two will be attracted to one another, they are zodiac opposites, which means that what one has, the other lacks but can`t stand to admit he or she needs it. Leo has a sense of dignity, stability, dependability and personal warmth, which the Aquarian lacks. Aquarius has this one important thing that the Leo lacks and that is the ability to confess error or to accept criticism gracefully. The Aquarian could benefit immensely by adopting some of the Leo`s sunny and warm benevolence in personal relationships.
Leo Man – Pisces Woman
The Leo man tends to find the Pisces girl unusually appealing at first sight. The vibrations can cause him to surrender almost at first sight. He tends to idolize his love partner and then expects her to live up to that image. Leo is expressive verbally, while Pisces finds it difficult to communicate. Most of the Piscean women do have a healthy respect for their Leo partners. No matter how much Leo may attempt to lord over the Piscean woman he loves, the inner trepidation that she may dampen his fiery enthusiasm, remains. The strong and vigorous personality of Leo may be too much for the subtle and sensitive Pisces. Pisces, with resilience, takes on the changing moods of her fiery partner. Impressionable Pisces is easily hurt by any trivial or imagined wrong and becomes very difficult, even dangerous to cope with. Leo is flattered by the dependence of Pisces. If however, he abuses the trust Pisces places in him, the resentment of Pisces may be too much for Leo to bear. However, Pisceans are naturally forgiving and tolerant and this may go a long way in cooling tempers. Both need some emotional freedom. The more of it they give to one another, the closer they come together. But the freedom must be accompanied by trust and faithfulness.