Libra Woman – Aries Man
The Venus-ruled woman and the Mars-ruled man are exquisitely mated. The Aries man is made up of iron and steel but with the Libra woman, he`ll melt like a candle. He can`t resist the charm and the way she praises his wonderful qualities, he`s perfectly aware he possesses, but which others are forever ignoring. The warm and passionate Libran will make a welcome home for the fiery, impetuous Aries. This will be particularly true if both persons are from the same cultural and intellectual plane. Aries appreciates the passion and emotion that Librans possess. However, too much of a good thing could spoil it. There must be balance for this relationship to work. This relationship would never work when there`s constant battle over which one is the chief. They`ll have to learn to ride their horses side-by-side, as equals not as superior and subordinate. If the Libran uses her Venus-woman charm and patience to direct his flaming ambitions and incredible energies towards some worthy goal, he could become a crusader for all worthy causes. Libra`s refined and artistic temperament yearns for reciprocation, which her Aries man provides her in abundance.
Libra Woman – Taurus Man
Their ruling planet Venus intrinsically joins these two signs. The physical magnetism between this woman and man is often very powerful, and probably the basis for the initial attraction. The Taurus man undeniably, is often a great blessing to the Libra woman. His warmness and humour, his reliability and common sense are often just the qualities she`s been searching for. On the other hand, the optimism of the Libra woman can act as a beautiful balance for the bull`s natural tendency towards pessimism. Both the signs appreciate beauty and the finer things of life. A large bank account will be needed for these two to satisfy their desire for luxury. Libra, an air sign, loves to roam and Taurus, an earth sign, loves to sit and smell the roses. He privately admires her intelligence, as long as she acknowledges the fact of his masculine superiority. It`s a rare bull who truly believes in his heart that men and women are equal in all ways. A Taurus man will be proud of the way his Libra lady manages things so smoothly. The success of this relationship will require all of Libra`s tact and diplomacy and Taurus` patience. With a little bit of understanding, it could be a harmonious relationship.
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Libra Woman – Gemini Man
A Libra woman is more than a match for a Gemini man, at the game of guile and gives him right back whatever he dishes out. A Libra woman will always manage to get her own way under the guise of fairness, feminity and helplessness. The Gemini man will never gain total victory over the Libra woman. Essentially, Libra and Gemini are wonderfully compatible, possessing many virtues, as well as vices, in common. They tend to respect each other`s mentality, privacy and freedom of thought and speech. This is considered to be a great astrological influence for a long and happy marriage. Libra being under Venus` influence and Mercury ruling Gemini, this makes for a very good planetary configuration. Both favour similar changes of interests. In the case of this pair, Libra is the judge and Gemini the responsive jury in the nuptial courthouse. The combination`s intellectual and artistic interests are compatible. Libra will understand both sides of the Gemini nature. This will be a very stimulating relationship. Both partners complement each other and bring out the best in themselves. Gemini will find it easy to communicate with Libra who is only too happy to share his feelings and his ideas.
Libra Woman – Cancer Man
This combination is the most interesting and challenging association of all. It`s also the most difficult kind to bring into harmony. The relationship of Libra and Cancer is what life is all about, because it forces them to learn to compromise the hard way. Cancer is not temperamentally suited to cope with the freedom loving Libran. They could go on for days without acknowledging each other if they have a serious disagreement. Libra`s great desire for attention may bring on him a period of sulking and depression that could create a highly explosive situation. He`ll fret over her extravagant nature and she`ll be annoyed at his unfair suspicion of her innocent friendships with others. Their conflicts, tensions and their divergent viewpoints aren`t easy to overcome. Cancer has a tendency to take advantage of Libra`s love for justice and fair play for his own private use. On the positive side though, they could make it. Ruled by the moon and Venus respectively, there is common ground here despite the fact that their signs are water and air. Libra loves giving as well, and this should sit well with Cancer. Libra will appreciate Cancer`s loyalty and generosity.
Libra Woman – Leo Man
The proud and haughty lion may prove too much for the sensitive Libra nature, though they have a lot in common that could make for a good combination. With sun ruling Leo and Venus ruling Libra, both love luxury and the good things in life and are subject to flattery. They may also be very artistically inclined. Leo demands constant adulation, which may cause problems. Friendships of the most genuine kind are established by the Leo-Libra combination. Their communication will often be perfect. When they join forces, they can achieve almost anything. Leo men are always more faithful, genial and relaxed after marriage, than before. They need someone to protect as also the steadfastness of having someone who loves them, waiting there every night. Libra woman is magnetized irresistibly towards the mutuality of partnership and so marriage does them good. However Leo`s demand for constant attention may cause problems, as Libra is not averse to receiving admiration herself. Leo will not play second fiddle to his Libra mate and can get insanely jealous at times. Unpleasant displays of temper by Leo can cause his Libran mate to float away.
Libra Woman – Virgo Man
This combination of a Libra woman and a Virgo man will find marital bliss with a little difficulty. Gentle and courteous as they are by nature, Virgos are definitely well armed with sharp, pointed pins and needles, which can very well deflate the ballooning happiness and benevolent bubbles of a Libra. Virgos excel in the department of correctional criticism. The typical Virgo is a quiet, peaceful soul and will accept Libra`s logic, long discussions and cheerful optimism for a long time before applying his needles and pins. If the typical Virgo man does not shower on his Libra lady all the attention and affection she seeks every moment, she should try to be fair in judging his gentle heart and pure motives, and show some compassion for his often-troubled thoughts and understand that his compulsion to criticize contains the seeds of a new kind of freedom for himself and their relationship. There is hope though, Libra looks for peace and harmony and is likely to do well with the Virgo man who is a perfectionist in his own right. A home or an office where Virgo and Libra blend their auras is usually graced with a happy and harmonious atmosphere.
Libra Woman – Libra Man
Since both these signs are air signs, they need constant verbal expression of ideas and opinions. These two will be unable to avoid periodic long discussions, which grow into serious arguments. With a minimum of effort, this man and woman should be able to achieve a mentally stimulating yet also a peaceful and emotionally secure relationship. Both the Libra woman and man are willing to compromise to establish harmony. They are cooperative in nature, except when they feel a moral or ethical issue is involved. Librans are always verbose when agitated. There are multitudes of subjects that the two Libra lovers can use to bring them closer. Here is a match made in heaven, unless one of them had an incompatible sign rising at birth. They both have basically the same interests and qualities, so there should be a lot of tolerance and understanding in the relationship. Both like to be admired and may cast a roving eye. Each is sympathetic to the other`s motives. They have so much in common and so few negatives against them, this should prove to a harmonious relationship. The biggest problems they may face are the unresolved conflicts, as neither of them may want to bring down the house of cards.
Libra Woman – Scorpio Man
There is plenty of sympathetic magnetism between these two signs. While Scorpio is the more dominating of the two, Libra`s beauty and sense of fair play appeals to the Scorpios sense of fair play and justice. As bright, intelligent and logical as she may be, the Libra woman can spend a lifetime unsuccessfully trying to read the innermost feelings of her Scorpio man from his nondescript features. The Libra woman will have to call on her considerable reserves of charm and tact to learn to be tolerant of this man`s dark moods and his long periods of silence. This man is uneasy with open display of sentiments and romance. The Libra woman can provide an idealistic outlet for his controlled but driving ambition, helping him guide it into channels that could bring justice to the world`s abused and its weary souls. His deeper wisdom will check her airy indecisions, gently moulding them into a sensible approach to her daydreams. Her logical mind will help him straighten out the complicated tangles of career, family or personal involvements. The combining of Scorpio`s bottomless confidence with this Libra woman`s great sense of fairness can be a beneficial for everyone within their sphere of influence.
Libra Woman – Sagittarius Man
There is plenty of sympathetic magnetism between these two signs. While Scorpio is the more dominating of the two, Libra`s beauty and sense of fair play appeals to the Scorpios sense of fair play and justice. As bright, intelligent and logical as she may be, the Libra woman can spend a lifetime unsuccessfully trying to read the innermost feelings of her Scorpio man from his nondescript features. The Libra woman will have to call on her considerable reserves of charm and tact to learn to be tolerant of this man`s dark moods and his long periods of silence. This man is uneasy with open display of sentiments and romance. The Libra woman can provide an idealistic outlet for his controlled but driving ambition, helping him guide it into channels that could bring justice to the world`s abused and its weary souls. His deeper wisdom will check her airy indecisions, gently moulding them into a sensible approach to her daydreams. Her logical mind will help him straighten out the complicated tangles of career, family or personal involvements. The combining of Scorpio`s bottomless confidence with this Libra woman`s great sense of fairness can be a beneficial for everyone within their sphere of influence.
Libra Woman – Capricorn Man
The good start between these two sun signs may not last long. Although they are both nice people, their ruling planets, Venus and Saturn are not what an astrologer would call space buddies. Libra`s Venus tends towards gentle permissiveness, softness, sometimes excesses of spending and pleasure, whereas Saturn of Capricorn tends towards stern discipline, conservative hardness and never excesses in anything, especially not for pleasure, definitely leaning more towards economy of the purse, emotions and behaviour. One nice thing about linking these two people is that they certainly do project one huge amount of power as a unit. Once Libra and Capricorn have decided to join forces and walk in more or less the same direction, they can accomplish, between them, almost anything they want. Unless Capricorn can open up a little more, there could be problems here. Libra requires affection and Capricorn tends to put it off. The Capricorn man may be funny, lovable, devoted and affectionate but is also a bit chauvinistic about the woman in his life. A Libra woman is more flexible and consequently, much of the responsibility for the success of their relationship may fall upon her shoulders.
Libra Woman – Aquarius Man
This could be a good combination for marriage. Aquarians have a perfect affinity for Librans. They both love beauty, society and people. Possibly one of the few problems here may be a misunderstanding because an Aquarius mate is unpredictable at times, and for no reason at all, may seek seclusion and refuse to speak. In that event, the best thing to do would be to let him enjoy his solitude. He will soon revert to his loveable self and all will be well if Libra doesn`t insist on explanations. Both of these signs are naturally friendly people, while Libra is best at the one-on-one relationship; Aquarius loves the world as well. There may be no monumental disagreements between these two but Libra will need to understand Aquarian unpredictability. No influence in this world will sway an Aquarian from the course of action he honestly thinks is right and just. Despite some areas of potential tension between the two people, their hearts and bodies are in perfect harmony, never mind the occasional confrontations of their minds. The Libra woman who wants to hold the elusive love of an Aquarian man must allow him to take the lead. If she`s patient, she will have the last word.
Libra Woman – Pisces Man
However dainty and sweet she may be, and however strong and wise he may be - the Libra woman will have the last word when it comes to ruling the relationship. The Pisces man is powerfully attracted to her, both spiritually and physically, and she to him. She galvanizes his desire into a passionate and uncontrollable need, more than he ever experienced before - just as she`s drawn strangely, against all her logic and reason, into the spell of his affection and sensitivity. But the mutual attraction between these two seldom lasts long. This is especially true under intimate circumstances. Pisces will be content with Libra`s company, but Libra`s love of socializing may generate jealousy and disharmony in their lives. Libra can get along well with most people, but Pisces is more discriminating, and this is the source of their disagreements. Nothing makes Libra more miserable then a sulky, complaining Pisces. Despite her sometimes-bossy manner and upsetting mood swings, he knows that she`s the only person who honestly believes in him and probably the only one who provides him the enthusiasm to believe in himself.