The Last Lunar Eclipse of the year will occur on 19th November 2021, and it will target your emotions. Read to know how it will affect your sign.
A lunar eclipse (chandra grahan) happens on a Full Moon night when the earth comes in between Sun and Moon on the same axis. In simple words, when the Moon and Sun come under the Rahu Ketu axis with opposition aspect in planetary position and form a Grahan yog. Sun and Moon's opposition creates an imbalance between conscious and subconscious minds, resulting in mental restlessness, anxiety, and panic attacks.
Moon will be in the Taurus sign ruled by Venus. This planet represents balance, relationship, money, love, and care. So due to the opposition aspect, all this can be affected. We should work on balance and ignore the things that can create problems in this period.
The lunar eclipse will take place on 19 Nov 2021. It will start at 11:30 am and last till 5:33 pm (IST).
In India, Lunar Eclipse (chandra grahan) can be seen only in Arunachal Pradesh and Assam in partial form. The Sutak Kaal is considered only in two states of India. In other regions, the Sutak Kaal will not be there. Other than India, the Lunar Eclipse can be seen in Australia, north-west Africa, northern and southern America, including Canada.
This lunar eclipse will happen on Kartik Purnima in Taurus sign in Kritika nakshatra.
ARIES- Lunar eclipse will affect the second House. Financial loss can occur. Avoid giving financial help to anyone (friend or relative), as it can harm your relationship with them. Try to have balance and clear communications, which may affect as well.
TAURUS- Lunar eclipse will affect your 1st House. You may feel depressed, stressed, and unknown fear may disturb you. Make sure you try to distract your mind by indulging in activities that you like.
GEMINI- Lunar eclipse is in your 12th House; you may face uneasiness while sleeping. You may meet with unexpected expenses, which can create an imbalance in your monthly budget. You must do charity on this day.
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CANCER- Lunar eclipse will affect your 11th House. You may receive good news, but there are high chances of facing conflicts with your friends on the other side. Your social environment may be affected negatively, and feelings can be restricted.
LEO- Lunar eclipse will affect your 10th House. It will create some imbalance in personal and professional life; avoid taking any step as it can give you losses. Being relaxed and calm is the best remedy for this situation.
VIRGO- Lunar eclipse is in your 9th House. You can plan a visit to any religious place or to your native place to spend time with family. But proceedings for visa or PR must be avoided for the next 3 to 4 days.
Libra- Lunar eclipse is in your 8th House. You may get unexpected income on your Investment. Take precautions while driving or Travelling.
Scorpio- Lunar eclipse will affect your 7th House. You can face issues in your married life. Please make sure you avoid clashes with your business partners, as they can be damaged or broken.
Sagittarius- Lunar eclipse will affect your 6th House. If you have appeared for an interview lately, there are high chances of getting the job, which you have been waiting for a long time. Monetary loss can occur. Some indigestion problems may be faced, so have a balanced diet on this day.
Capricorn- Lunar eclipse will affect your 5th House. Be very careful if you are in the share market, as huge losses can be foreseen. Involving in some activities like playing or gardening can make you more relaxed on this day.
Aquarius- Lunar eclipse will affect your 4th House. You will feel anxious, stressed without any reason. So ensure that you spend some time with your mother, as it will make you feel more relaxed. Chant Gayatri mantra Jaap. It will bring some positivity to you.
Pisces- Lunar eclipse will affect your 3rd House. You may feel under pressure or underperformance. Avoid taking any time slot for an interview on this day. Try to avoid any journey if it is not urgent.
✍️ By- Astro D Rana