Christmas is fast approaching and it’s time to make merry. Whether or not you get gifts from Santa Clause, Astroyogi is showering you with gifts and lots of gifts that will for sure, make your 2012 more productive and successful. You always will have reason to make merry. To make this special occasion even more special, Astroyogi.com brings to you some unbelievable offers!
This Christmas, it’s all about spreading love and gifting goodwill and happiness. Gift yourselves and your near and dear ones, a better future. Mould their life, of course, for the better!
Life Reading:
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Varshphal 2012:
Be the first to know your future before anybody does. With Varshphal, find out what the 12 months of the coming year 2012 has in store for you. Be well prepared for the year ahead, and make the most of your favourable periods for the best possible results. With your 2012 Varshphal, you also get a wealth enhancing Kuber Yantra FREE! And lo, you save Rs.1100.
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Live Phone Advice 2012:
This amazing service helps you connect with an astrologer of your choice instantly and speak from the comfort of your home! Now, get a special talktime worth Rs.200 absolutely free with every purchase of a Platinum Calling Pack. So, what are you waiting for? Hurry, book your minutes now and save Rs.200.
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Astrology’s Finance & Investment 2012:
Get detailed predictions to enhance your finances and invite material wealth. Our renowned astrologers provide you with guidance to achieve prosperity. This Christmas, you can avail 10 Minutes of FREE talktime on Phone Advice by ordering the Astrology’s Finance & Investment 2012.
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Tarot - Love Report 2012:
Falling in love is easy but staying in love, so much harder…Find out what you can do to keep things strong between you and your partner! Order your Love Report 2012 and get advice and solutions from our Tarot experts and bring the spark back! With this report, get Kundli Matching report Free!
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Prem Kumar’s Career Compatibility
Where is your career graph going in the coming year? Will you get a promotion or simply stay put? Find out where your professional life is heading in the next one year with Prem Kumar’s Career Compatibility report. And to enhance your luck, Gemology for You report comes to you for FREE.
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Jumaani Name correction
What’s in a name? Jumaani says everything – your future. The Jumaanis can bring a sea change in your life with their name correction. They have done it for some famous Bollywood Celebs and they can do it for you too. Get your name corrected by Jumaani with Jumaani Name correction report and see the difference. With this, you get Ask a Question report absolutely FREE!
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