Mangal Dosha is probably the most infamous Dosha in Vedic astrology. This comes to the forefront the native considers to get married. This Dosha is caused by the fiery nature of the Planet Mars - when it is present in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house in the native’s horoscope. Mars can become more malefic when placed with other inauspicious planets in these houses.
A native who has this Dosha is termed a ‘Manglik’.
This Dosha is also called ‘Bhom’, ‘Kuja’ or ‘Angarakha’ Dosha. Both males and females can be afflicted by this Dosha. Since Mars is a hot Planet, it represents ‘ego’, ‘high self-esteem’,’arrogance’ and ‘volatile temperament’. It's for this reason that a native with Mangal Dosha will find it difficult to compromise and adjust with a partner.
Mangal Dosha has other effects on the native-like, burdening him with financial losses.
Consult our expert astrologers online to seek guidance and remedies if you are a Manglik.
It is important to channelize the energy of natives with this Dosha constructively as the fire in them needs to be tamed.
1) When Mars is in the First House-
Since the first house is the ‘House of the Spouse’, when a Manglik gets married to a Non-Manglik, it leads to unnecessary conflicts between the two, many times leading to physical violence. This disrupts normal married life leading to breakups and separation.
2) When Mars is in the Second House-
When Mars is active and negative in the second house, it damages the marriage and married life of the native, leading to a divorce and a second marriage.
3) When Mars is in the Fourth House-
The Planet in the fourth house will adversely affect the native professionally and will keep him dissatisfied with his job, making him switch one job for another. S/he will also perpetually be in financial trouble.
4) When Mars is in Seventh House-
The fiery Planet will manifest itself in short-temper in native. S/he will be dominating, pushy and impose his opinion on others in the family, leading to misunderstandings and domestic conflicts.
5) When Mars is in the Eight House-
Mars presence in the eight house makes the native lazy. He will show erratic moods-composed for some time and losing temper suddenly, leaving the family confused. Mars in this house makes the native highly sexually active and they need a partner who will compliment them.
The native could be prone to accidents when Mars is in this house.
6) When Mars is in the Twelfth House-
Mars will create mental unrest in the native and the feeling of failure will haunt him. The aggression will add to their unpleasant nature and will create problems when dealing with people. The presence of Mars here will give the native desire to indulge in illegal unions with other people.
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If a native with Mangal Dosha is born on Tuesday, the effects of this Dosha gets nullified.
When two Manglik natives get married, the effects of this Dosha gets canceled in both and they can have a compatible relationship.
Hindu Vedic Astrology suggests that the Manglik effect of a native can be canceled by first getting him/her married to a Banana/Peepal tree or with a silver/golden idol of Lord Vishnu.
For expert opinion and guidance on your relationship and married life, consult our expert astrologers online.