Mantras To Boost Your Well-Being

Tue, Sep 22, 2015
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Tue, Sep 22, 2015
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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Mantras To Boost Your Well-Being

The term ‘Mantra’ is derived from two Sanskrit words. ‘Manas’ which means mind and ‘trai’ means to free from. Therefore, mantra stands for ‘free from the mind’ as mantras are the powerful tools that can liberate your mind. Each word or sound in a mantra has a specific effect and when you chant a mantra, it stimulates certain parts of the brain that release chemicals which lead to a more relaxed state of consciousness. They also have the power to work positively to change our life situations. Here are a few mantras that can help you attain positivity and make you feel at peace:

Gayatri mantra

Om Bhur Bhuvah Svah

Tat Savitur Varenyam

Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi

Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayath

Gayatri mantra helps one attain success and is a beneficial mantra for getting rid of any kind of negativity. It also offers protection against the malefic effects of the planets.

Om Namah Shivay

This mantra is known as the Panchakshari mantra as it is made up of 5 different syllables. Chanting Om Namah Shivay helps to wash off sins and bestows one with the strength and courage to handle all the necessary issues of life. This mantra is also used to awaken the higher states of consciousness.

Om Gan Ganpataye Namah

Recital of this Ganesha mantra protects you from the problems and removes all hurdles from your path; it will also protect you from evils and negativity. Chanting this mantra before you begin your day in the morning is considered very auspicious.

Shanti mantra

Om Saha naa vavatu

Saha nau bhunaktu

Saha veeryam karavaavahai

Tejasvi Aavadheetamastu Ma Vidvishaavahai Om

This mantra is chanted for the universal good and you can seek God’s blessings for nourishment, strength and protection. It is an auspicious mantra to be recited before beginning anything new, be it a business project, a class or even before you start your day. 

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