Mars would turn retrograde on 27th June 2018 at 02:35 am and it would be out from the effect of retrogression on 28th August 2018 at 03:53 am. Currently Mars is exalted in Capricorn and it has been casting its brilliance on Aries, Cancer, Leo and Capricorn. It rules Aries and Scorpio and these two zodiac signs have been receiving some beneficial effects since 02-05-18.
Retrograde motion means moving backwards and the outer planets i.e. Jupiter, Mars and Saturn maintain a retro motion when they move five, six, seven and eight houses away from the Sun. Astrologically when a planet turns retrograde then it delivers erratic results and its movement and potential results do not match.
But at the same point of time such a planet acquires “Cheshtha Bala” i.e. the ability to retaliate and this can become a blessing in disguise depending upon the basic nature of the planet. Mars by nature is a fiery and action oriented planet and it is known to yield the energy flow in human beings. So retrograde Mars can turn out to be the best planet to complete pending tasks, fighting out pending court cases, dealing in land related disputes, facing people in authority and perhaps initiate/reinitiate something in life that had been considered very important.
Let us try to understand the potential results to various Moon zodiac signs as below.
Mars is currently placed in the 10th house and it is a very promising placement. It would be a favorable to pick up some long pending issues/projects at work as well as personal life and complete them wisely. It would also be a goodtime to deal in land related cases and get them sorted out. At the same point of time you need to keep your temperament under control as the rush of tremendous energy can lead to some instances of debates and arguments. It also appears a goodtime to ask your superiors for choiced favors at work and accept fresh responsibilities at work.
Mars is currently placed in 9th house and it is again a promising placement. There would be a great degree of energy to take action and behave very boldly in professional as well as personal life. It would be wise to display your versatility at workplace and create a launchpad for your future success. Your seniors are very likely to acknowledge your versatility at work and appreciate your efforts. There can some instances of capital expenditure on land related issues but you need to be cautious on avoiding impulsive expenditure. It would be wise to seek your elders advise on such matters. It also appears to be a very goodtime for your younger co borns also.
Mars is currently placed in the 8th house and it may not turn out to be a goodtime. You need to keep your temperament especially the flow of words in your speech. There are chances of mishaps and heated debates with others and this thing can cause severe damage to your reputation. At work avoid writing heated mails and avoid using derogatory language. Avoid all sources of windfall gains like lottery, trading etc as it can lead to potential losses. Try to maintain a morally good behaviour and stay away from all kinds of scandals otherwise it can cause harm to your dignity and reputation.
Mars is currently placed in the 7th house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. You need to be polite with your spouse and only then you would be able to enjoy the conjugal bliss. New partnerships and alliances are on the cards but do not approach things on impulse. It may be a goodtime to spend some quality time your children. There would be some opportunities to establish your hold at work and get acknowledgement from your superiors. You would be very bold in your actions and your enemies would not dare to face you. There is a need to stay logical while approaching different otherwise happiness can turn into sorrow.
Mars is currently placed in the 6th house and it is likely to deliver favorable results. You would be acting very bold and accept new responsibilities at home as well as work. It may also be a goodtime to get back to someone who had been bothering you over some issue(s). It would also be a goodtime to take care of some long ongoing family disputes especially if it is land related. Try to sum up and execute some important pending tasks and clear them once for all. In case you have not been keeping well then your ailment/disease is likely to go away. It is advisable to check your temperament and keep your anger under control to have a winning equation.
Mars is currently placed in the 5th house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. You’ll be courageous in your thinking as well as actions so use this trait wisely. Stay away from immorality and absorb yourself in your personal affairs only. It may not be a very good time for your children so keep a track on their well being. Avoid activities of windfall gains like lottery, share trading etc. Expenditure may be higher than the usual so keep a check on unnecessary expenditures. Stomach related problems can deteriorate health so keep a wtch n your overll diet pattern.
Mars is currently placed in the 4th house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. Avoid hyper temperament at work as well at home. This can turn out to be a wonderful time to spend quality time with your spouse so make necessary arrangements for it. Your personal savings level may improve significantly and it would be a goodtime to review your investment portfolio once. Maintain a smooth flow of words in speech as well as writing and you’ll be able to create a good impression on your superiors. This time may experience ill health of Mother so better keep a good track of her well being. Keep a watch on your driving pattern and avoid all occasions of heated debates and arguments especially when you hit the road.
Mars is currently placed in the 3rd house and it is likely to deliver favorable results. It would be a wonderful time to seek new beginnings and trying out new projects at work. You’ll be very competitive during this time so it can turn out to be a favorable time for cracking new deals and acquiring new clients. You’ll experience a tremendous flow of positive energy and it would be wise to deploy it judiciously. Work related travels would be favorable and there would be some new breakthroughs. It would also be a good time to complete pending issues and gain desired results. It can also be a goodtime to sit down and observe introspection and correct your thinking pattern and subsequent actions.
Mars is currently placed in the 2nd house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. You need to check your tone and flow of words while dealing with family members as well as outsiders. On the brighter side there would be a greater zeal to stay close to your family and spend some quality time with them so channelize your energy accordingly. There is some likely expenditure on the cards so spend wisely. It would be goodtime to spend on your children as they are likely to benefit out of your actions. Drive safely and keep a cool head while you are on the road. Travel is likely to deliver mixed results so kindly plan things accordingly. Avoid any kind of confrontation at work and maintain a let go attitude in work related affairs.
Mars is currently placed in the first house/Lagna and it is likely to deliver favorable results. You need to maintain a cool temperament in order to gain good results otherwise there would be agony. There would be get togethers at home and there can inflow of some close relatives in your home. There is likeliness of some happy occasion/event at your home that can create sweet memories. It would be a goodtime for your Mother also so spend some quality time with her and seek her blessings. Your income levels would be even and smooth in nature. Maintain soft words with your spouse otherwise there would be discord. It is again advisable that you should drive carefully and avoid any kind of confrontation/road rage. Work is likely to be energetic and rewarding in nature.
Mars is currently placed in the 12th house and it is likely to deliver good results. Your work can take you offshore that can be very rewarding in nature. It is also likely to create a good impression on your superiors and you’ll be able to ask for choiced favors in the near future. You’ll be full of positive energy and you should display your versatility at home as well as work. There is a likeliness of isolation from some younger co born. It may be goodtime to pick up competitive activities at work as well as home and complete them once for all. Some discord with the spouse is seen in case you do not check your temperament with her.
Mars is currently placed in the 11th house and it is likely to deliver good results. Your income level would be enhanced and likewise your savings level would also likely to improve significantly. Work and home related affairs would be very rewarding so strike a balance between the two. Your enemies would not dare face you so it would be a good time to create a hold among the individuals who are known to you as your competitors. Your expenditure directed towards your family would be very rewarding and fruitful. It can also turn out to be a favorable to me to realize long overdue outstanding payments and other outstanding payments in conflict.
Best of Luck