Mars would turn retrograde and move from Aries to Pisces on 4th October 2020. A retrograde planet gains Cheshtha Bala and becomes competent to complete long pending tasks and fight odd life situations. Pisces is a friendly sign to Mars, and this transit would be favorable for some zodiac signs and not so good for the rest. Let us try to understand the probable results of this transit for zodiac signs.
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Mars would transit to 12th house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. You will turn very bold in your actions but choose the area wisely. You would also be very aggressive in facing odd situations but again this should happen in appropriate intensity otherwise it’ll deliver pain. Your relationship with your spouse/love interest may be on the rocks so it is advisable to maintain peace by way of limited interaction. Stay away from physical fights and all acts of violence.
Mars would transit to 11th house and it is likely to deliver positive results. Positive results are more likely to happen in the form of events that were unfinished when Mars made a forward transit to Pisces from Aquarius. Relationship with your spouse is likely to improve and it would be a goodtime to clear your existing set of differences with him/her. You would be facing all odd situations very boldly and your enemies would suffer defeat in your hands. Income would improve and your pending payments would be realised.
Mars would transit to 10th house and it is likely to deliver positive results. Mars turns Digbali / Directionally strong in 10th house so there would be a great degree of energy generated by Mars by way of retrogression and Digbala. You would be acting very swiftly in your work and your overall productivity would rise exponentially. Likewise there can be accolade and appreciation coming your way from your superiors. It would be wise to keep checking your temperament and way of dealing with people around you. It would be important to stay humble to gain maximum success during this time. Property related matters can turn in your favour.
Mars would transit to 9th house and it is likely to deliver good results. Luck factor would prevail for you at work and pending tasks would get completed. You would experience improved adrenalin that would help you to act swiftly and complete multiple tasks. Work related travel would be rewarding in nature. Your children would demand your attention and you should provide them a sense of security. Spiritual activities like meditation would provide a lot of solace. There may be some instances of discord at home but you can tackle it with patience.
Mars would transit to 8th house and it is likely to deliver negative results. Stay away from scandalous activities and maintain good moral behaviour. Stay away from activities that deliver windfall gain like lottery, speculation, intraday trading etc. Take a good care of your health as there can be instances of having diseases related to lower gut area and genital organs. Your speech can cause some serious damage to your reputation so mind your words and weigh them before you speak. Daredevilism and heroism would not help you in any way so completely avoid it.
Mars would transit to 7th house and it is likely to deliver negative results. It is likely that you can turn short tempered and there can be instances of heated debate at work place as well as home. Your speech can cause severe damage so think twice before you speak. Work may provide a bit of solace provided you abide by the above standards. Avoid venturing out of your current relationship/married life otherwise there can be very serious repercussions. Avoid new projects and responsibilities for the time being otherwise it would difficult to handle the pressure and there can productivity issues.
Mars would transit to 6th house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. Your competency level and ability to face all odds would improve very drastically. If you control your temperament then it can turn out to be a very productive time and your work performance can improve considerably. Try to be a better listener than being a speaker. You would be maintaining a disease free disposition. Assess and reassess before taking a mortgage or loan. Your personal savings portfolio may get disturbed but don’t panic.
Mars would transit to 5th house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. Keep a very close watch on your diet pattern and workout regularly. Stomach related problems like inflammation, food poising and gastroenteritis may affect your health. Your children’ health may also be a cause of concern so keep a close track on their health also. You may receive delayed results out of your action at work but they would be worth it so maintain patience. You may develop an inclination to understand the deeper meaning of spiritualism at occult level. Income pattern is likely to be steady.
Mars would transit to 4th house and it is likely to deliver negative results. There can be moments of discord in the domestic environment so maintain your cool while dealing with family members. Drive carefully and in case of mishap avoid road rage and altercation. Your spouse’ behaviour and some habits may bother you but try to avoid them and get busy in more productive work. You may act very aggressive at work and in the process commit some big mistakes so try to go slow and smooth. Be very careful with regards to court cases and property related disputes. Some chest related infection/congestion may bother you so take a good care of your diet and overall health.
Mars would transit to 3rd house and it is likely to deliver positive results. You would be totally action oriented and there would uninterrupted flow of energy in you. It would be good time to clear your pending tasks and accept new ones. Work would be very progressive and rewarding in nature. Your versatility can earn a very good reputation in front of your seniors at work. Work related travel can turn out be a complete joy. Your loan and other payment related transactions would be smooth and well under your control. It seems that this time can enable you to ask for some choiced favours from your seniors.
Mars would transit to 2nd house and it is likely to deliver good results. Verbal and written communication would hold the key to your success at work and happiness in personal life. Your work life would be joyful. Your personal savings can improve considerably and there can be occasions for addition in the current portfolio. Better effort would lead to better luck factor. Taking family members for an outing/picnic would be a wonderful idea. Your children are likely to gain centre of attraction. Calculative risk at work can turn very rewarding in nature.
Mars would transit to Lagna/First House and it is likely to deliver mixed results. Do not act on impulse otherwise profit can turn into loss. Likewise avoid adamancy and respect others knowledge and opinion also. Stay polite with your spouse and he/she shall reciprocate in the like manner. Try to balance work with family life and there can be some memorable moments of life. Your mind would be constructive and there would be spurts of optimism. There can be addition to your current set of clientele so stay social and friendly to others.
Best of Luck