In Vedic astrology, Mars is one of the masculine planets. It portrays vigor and desire. Mars' red color represents powerful energy and vitality. It spends one and a half months (about 45 days) in each zodiac sign.
Mars transit can have both positive and negative effects depending on its house. It bestows charm, courage, and knowledge to the native. Mars will remain in the sign of Aquarius from April 7th to May 17th, 2022, before moving into Pisces. Mars is also the planet of passion, indicating an intense and overwhelming sexual desire. The element of fire is associated with Mars.
Mars transit in Aquarius can cause pessimistic thinking, loss of concentration, and lack of courage, all of which can impact a person's life and family. Saturn and Mars are enemies, and Mars is exalted in Capricorn, while Mars is neutral in Aquarius. During this time, a great deal of effort is required to improve a person's life. However, on a good note as a result of hard work, a person will overcome his difficulties and gain a lot in life. Maintaining a relationship during this time requires a lot of attention and effort.
Do you want to find out more about how planetary transits might affect your life? Contact Guru Shriram right away.
Let's have a look at which zodiac signs should be cautious during Mars Transit in Aquarius, as they may experience significant life changes. You'll also discover some remedies in this article. Let's read on.
Mars is the ruling planet of Aries. Mars will be in the 11th house, the house of labh or benefit, which will be pretty advantageous to the native. There are numerous opportunities for growth in work. During this time, the native may receive a promotion. Even if the native has been sick in the past, he will heal. He will be relieved of his mental problems. There will be no stress. This transit will be beneficial to those who are employed and those who are in business. The period will be particularly profitable for relationships and married couples, who will be deeply in love and enjoying themselves.
Remedy - It is recommended that the natives worship Hanuman Ji and recite the Hanuman Chalisa.
Venus is the planet that rules Taurus. In Vedic astrology, Venus and Mars are not friendly planets. Despite this, the natives will be spared the wrath of the Aquarius transit. The native's love, financial, and relationship situations will all improve during this time. Their previous problems will be resolved. Although the native may have emotional weakness during this time, he will overcome stress. A business person may be given a new opportunity, while the salaried class may get an increase in wages. A lover's relationship can have its ups and downs. Although there may be disagreements between couples, there is plenty of potential to form new relationships.
Remedy - Every day, you should recite ‘Om Ekdantaay Namah’ 108 times.
Mercury, a neutral planet to Mars, rules the Gemini sign. Both Mars and Mercury are mortal enemies. However, the transit of Mars in Aquarius will benefit the natives and will not pose any obstacles. It will be in Gemini's 9th house during transit. Natives, on the other hand, should avoid investing in any new or big venture. It will be beneficial to Gemini's health. They won't have too much trouble, and there won't be any severe health difficulties. This is a pleasant time for natives. Both the businessman and the salaried class will find new opportunities during this time.
Remedy - You are advised to recite ‘Om Namah Shivay’ every day.
In Vedic astrology, the Moon rules the Cancer sign. For natives, the Mars transit in Aquarius is likely to be challenging. Mars will be transiting in the 8th house, which is a troublesome house. As a result, natives must exercise caution when making business expansion decisions. A married couple should be cautious when speaking with one another because a difference of opinion might lead to an argument, which must be avoided at all costs. This period will be enjoyable for lovers because it will be exciting. There is a chance of an accident or mishap with the native; therefore, more caution is required.
Remedy - Natives are advised to pray to Lord Vishnu with the mantra ‘Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya.’
In Vedic astrology, the sun governs and rules Leo. The Sun and Mars are thought to be sworn enemies. As a result, the transit of Mars may harm natives. The transit of Mars in Aquarius will be in Leo's 7th house. Natives must keep their expenses in check, or their costs will rise. During this time, the natives' health will deteriorate. They must look after their health. Both businessmen and salaried workers will be pleased during this time since they will receive additional sales or see an increase in their pay. A married couple will be in perfect harmony with their partner, but their lover may have some troubles. There will be some differences between them.
Remedy - Worshiping Lord Shiva by reciting ‘Om Namah Shivaay’ will be of immense help to the native.
The zodiac sign Virgo is ruled by Mercury. In Vedic astrology, Mercury and Mars are not friendly planets. When Mars enters Aquarius, it will not provide Virgo with many rewards. This is because Mars will be placed 6th to Virgo during this period. This period will be unproductive in terms of both health and finances. The married couple's health will be affected, making it harder to adjust with their partner during this period. Lovers are encouraged to remain calm and compassionate with their partners during this period to avoid an argument.
Remedy - Worship Hanuman Ji for better results.
Venus and Mars are both hostile planets in Vedic astrology. Venus controls the Libra zodiac, yet the transit of Mars will have no negative impact on the native. Mars will be in Libra during this time in the 5th house. It will provide a significant financial boost to the natives. Also, it will have a favorable impact on one's health. The native will have an enormous increase in stamina, vigor, and courage during this time. The native will have a positive outcome in business and at work. They will be able to meet the goals they have set for themselves. Because communication with the partner can lead to an argument, the native must exercise sufficient precaution and attention at the love point. You should avoid arguing with your lover.
Remedy - Worship Lord Ganesh to get better results.
The transit of Mars in Aquarius will positively and negatively affect natives. Mars will be in Scorpio's 4th house at this time. The native's health will be excellent at this time, but he may experience anxiety or mental tension. Money matters may also be impacted, and it appears that payment will be delayed. However, if they work hard, there is no doubt that they will be successful during this period. It is an excellent period for married couples and lovers to feel at ease and in love.
Remedy - Natives are advised to worship Maa Durga in order to gain more benefits.
In Vedic astrology, Jupiter rules the Sagittarius zodiac sign. The planets Mars and Jupiter are good friends. During this time, Mars will be in Sagittarius' 3rd house, representing courage so natives may make bold life decisions. They are urged to be cautious while making decisions during this time. Native's health conditions will also improve. Job changes will benefit people since they will positively impact their careers. Married couples will be content with their relationships, but lovers must strengthen their bonds.
Remedy - Worship Maa Kali for better results.
Mars will be in the 2nd house during this transit. The house of wealth is the 2nd house. The native may experience an increase in their expenses. As a result, they must spend wisely. Health difficulties will not arise during this time, and they will experience an increase in energy and stamina. This period will be enjoyable for both lovers and married folks. To summarize, it is a good time for love, health, and wealth. To gain more profit during this period, natives must be faithful to God.
Remedy - To acquire extra benefits, worship Lord Kartikeya.
Mars will be in the 1st house of the zodiac sign Aquarius. This period will be highly beneficial to natives as they can make money from new sources. During this time, your health will improve, and there is a chance to gain an exciting career opportunity. During this time, the native will experience a great deal of joy and contentment. There is a chance for business people and job seekers to find new opportunities at this time. Lovers need to be extra romantic during this time to strengthen the bond.
Remedy - Worship Maa Durga for a prosperous future.
Mars will be transiting in the 12th house in Pisces. During this time, natives should keep track of their spending to avoid running out of money. Business people are advised to make decisions after thoughtful consideration. Consider your options before making a decision, as it may end in an unfavorable outcome. The health aspect will also motivate you to go for a morning walk every day. Working folks may have the opportunity to travel throughout the world at this time. As a result, it is helpful and cheerful for them. This period will make you more passionate for your lover, and your love for your partner will grow. The remedy shared will help you in increasing your internal energy, allowing you to overcome future difficulties.
Remedy - You should recite Gayatri Mahamantra 324 times in Brahma Muhurta to get clarity about your future.
As a result, we may conclude that the Mars Transit in Aquarius will distinctly benefit each zodiac sign. For our lives to improve, we must have patience and faith.
Note: These are all generalized predictions based on planetary transits. The predictions may differ depending on the person's birth date.
To find out how this transit may affect your life and fortune, contact Astroyogi's Guru Sriram right away!
✍️By - Guru Shriram