On 22nd March, the planet Mars will enter its sign of exaltation which is Capricorn at 3: 02 pm. This event carries exceedingly a lot of importance due to its long stay on Mars. The planet Mars is undoubtedly the God of War and authorizes its natives with action, energy and success. Individuals who are favoured by this planet are strong and strategic humans who are also investigative and practical as well. As per vedic astrology, if an individual worships Mars, then the individual is freed from all traditions and negative energy.
The planet Mars gives the yearning and ability to enhance your performance while also motivating and inspiring you by stimulating you to go forward and be proactive to lead from the front. If this energy is not channelized in the right direction then the outcomes can be negative. However, if it is indeed directed to a positive path, then there are high chances of the individual being a romantic and passionate lover as well as will find success in your profession or business. Let us see more in detail what Astroyogi Expert Astrologers has regarding each zodiac sign during this transit.
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The planet Mars will be moving through the 10th house where the individual will experience progress and success in his/her career or business. The financial situation will be stable and comfortable. However, it is advised not to make any financial investments or huge purchases like land or car, etc. Individuals will experience vitality and a surge of energy which is best to be directed to keeping oneself healthy either by playing sports or regularly going to the gym. It is best to avoid conflicts at home for trivial issues and peace will prevail.
With Mars moving into the 9th house, individuals can experience disharmony in their relationship. It is advised to act accordingly and accommodate their partner’s views as well into their life so as to maintain a harmonious relationship. Career-wise, individuals will receive the opportunity to begin work in a foreign country. Business wise, it is highly likely that a deal will be set with an international company. In terms of health, individuals will experience certain stress which can be overcome through relaxing properly or going for a full massage to ease the body muscles.
The planet Mars moves into the 8th house where longevity of life can be expected. Financially, individuals will be stable although it is best to avoid any investments as one can incur losses. Some past investments will turn out to be fruitful bringing in profits. Expenditure will be on a high. There is a significant probability of an illness creeping up; hence it is best to get it checked with immediate effect. Keeping the family and loved ones happy with whatever they need which will help peace and harmony prevail at home.
Being that the planet Mars moves into the 7th house, auspicious events are bound to take place like marriage, etc. On the career front, individuals will happen to receive lots more responsibilities which will seem like a burden now but beneficial in the future. Health-wise, you will enjoy a fully energetic and vibrant version of yourself. Everything will be smooth sailing at home as well. Financially, it will be quite stable.
The planet Mars moves through the 6th house where individuals may experience some setback in the beginning but with progressive efforts, one can regain lost ground and run ahead on the road to glory and success. A strong and effective check on unnecessary expenses will be required to maintain a healthy financial position. All is well and will be sailing smoothly at the abode of lovers; married couples can experience a rejuvenation of love.
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With the planet Mars moving into the 5th house, individuals may experience troubles in paradise. The person that the concerned individual is emotionally involved with requires more attention and needs to be listened to. Going out for social events will bring in more social life, friends. In terms of financial basis, matters need to be carefully handled. Health-wise, individuals will be at their top-notch self. One must ensure to give their best of efforts in the workplace to earn that promotion.
Being that the planet Mars is moving into the 4th house, there will be significant gains of wealth experienced. Investments made in the past will reap in profits now. Lovers or spouses will require some attention and it is best to spend some quality time with them. Career-wise, one will experience lots of burdens but it will be beneficial in the later stage.
Mars will be moving into the 3rd house, instigating individuals to take some well-planned risks to further their prospects on the career front and financial front. Travelling is bound to happen that it will be beneficial to business. Health-wise, individuals will experience positive energy and feel energetic throughout the day. In the love nest, a new member of the family can be expected and will turn events around for the better.
With the planet Mars moving into the 2nd house, matters related family and finance will need the individual’s attention and care. Financial stability needs to be managed better and more carefully. It is not advised to make any investments as it may go into a loss. The family will need its care and supplies along with solutions to certain issues which can be provided for with constructive dialogue. Individuals will enjoy good health in general. At the workplace, avoid negative and foul-mouthed people.
The planet Mars moves through the 1st house in this sign and it brings vitality and a surge of energy into the individual associated with this sign. In order to achieve one’s dreams, the individual will have to work more exertion. There is a high probability of a new romantic relationship which will be quite meaningful. Individuals will also experience growth in the career and financial front. Health-wise, it is best advised to channelize the vital energy into sporting activities to keep one active and healthy.
With the planet Mars moving through the 12th house, it can lead to an unexpected rise in expenditures. Individuals must make a contingency plan in regards to financial stability. Travel for business is expected for a short distance. It is advised to conduct a full medical checkup so as to take any precautions if required. At home, peace and harmony will prevail as long as communication is done with clarity and purpose.
The planet Mars moves into the 2nd house with financial issues requiring the individual’s attention. Do not take any decisions related to finance in a rush. Maintaining harmony at the home is imperative and vital at this point as there will be tensions arising. Health-wise, individuals are advised to curb their addictive habits, if any, such as drinking alcohol, smoking, etc. At the workplace, you will need to stay away from silly politics and avoid indulging in talks that include topics of sensitive nature.