Mars transit in Capricorn 2024 will happen at the beginning of February. It is an important planetary transit, or Gochar, as Mars is one of the strongest planets out of the nine planets.
The Mars transit in Capricorn date is 5th February 2024 (Monday). Mars will transit in Capricorn from the Sagittarius zodiac sign at about 9:56 PM (IST) and stay there until 15th March 2024.
Mars is generally regarded as a malefic planet. It is the Karaka for passion, energy, wars, and anger. Typically, Mangal or Mars is deemed a cruel planet and masculine in nature. It is associated with the fire element and is red in color. Mars also signifies courage, stamina, and vigor and is symbolic of one's general physical health.
Tuesday is considered to be the day of Mars; hence, most of the remedies are recommended to be performed on the same day for maximum Dosha removals and reducing the malefic effects of Mars.
In Vedic astrology, wearing a Red Coral (Moonga) is often suggested as a way to reduce the malefic effects of Mars. However, always consult Astroyogi's astrologers regarding your individual horoscope before wearing a gemstone.
Mars or Mangal happens to be the Rashi Lord of two zodiac signs- Aries and Scorpio
Now, let's get into what the Mars transit effects on zodiac signs will be like. You will also find some powerful remedies to calm down the malefic Mars.
Fiery Ariens, the Mars transit in Capricorn 2024 will impact the 10th house for you. It will have direct consequences on the Aries natives' professional lives. The 10th Bhava (house in astrology) is always our 'Karma Sthan'. It is the house from which we earn not only our daily bread and butter but also name, fame, and credibility in our chosen domain. You will get good news at work, which could mean a promotion or a salary hike.
Remedy - Plant a Pomegranate tree near your house to eliminate the evil effects of Mangal Graha or the planet Mars.
Lovely Taureans, this transit will impact your life by giving you much-needed exposure and fresh air to breathe, as the Mars transit in Capricorn 2024 will impact the 9th house. It's time to let your hair down and pack your travel bags to travel to exotic places that were always on your bucket list and experience everything that these places have to offer. You will have the vision to go to far-off places and create new memories.
Remedy - Feed monkeys on Tuesdays to improve your Mars substantially.
Charming Geminis, this Mars transit 2024 will impact your 8th house. The 8th house is the house that is most crucial for your spiritual growth and Sadhanas. Due to the Mars transit effects, your hidden talents will come to the surface and get more polished. You are indeed God-gifted and have much more to offer than you can imagine. This is when you will surprise yourself, as your inner qualities will get streamlined and refined.
Remedy - Chant the Gayatri Mantra 108 times to strengthen your Mars planet.
The Mars transit 2024 for Cancerians will hit the 7th house, which is the house of marriage and business partnerships. Sweet Cancerians, when Mars transits in Capricorn, partnerships of any kind will be under the limelight. This could be your work associates, business partners, live-in partner, love companion, or spouse. The Cupid will bless you, and you will see love all around you. You will get to have a beautiful time with your partner. During this time, the associations and interactions will prove to be quite beneficial and rewarding.
Remedy - Donate blood to calm Mars in your horoscope.
Dynamic Leos, the Mars transit in Capricorn 2024 will govern your 6th house. It's the time of the year when you must keep your ears and eyes open to ensure no politics is happening against you. Please make your presence felt and make sure that you are assertive enough to fight back if your hidden enemies decide to attack you. Also, look after your health and treat it as a priority.
Remedy - Plant an Indian Lilac near your house or in your garden, and take good care of it.
Smart Virgos, this Mars transit 2024 will govern your 5th house. Look out for a romantic meeting. Due to the Mars transit and its effects on relationships, you may suddenly come across someone who will ring that romantic bell in your heart. It will be so random that you will be on cloud 9. Before you can think deeply or introspect, you will find yourself on a date. If you are married, you will see more romance and passion entering your marital life.
Remedy - Feed cows as often as possible to seek Mars's blessings and support.
Endearing Libras, this Mars transit in Capricorn will affect your 4th house. Due to the effects of Mars transit in Capricorn, there are golden chances that you will move to a brand new house or a new location. Individuals who have wanted to buy a new house for quite some time will be able to make the final decision now. Some Libra natives might also start renovations and new interior design assignments at their existing house.
Remedy - Chant the Hanuman Chalisa, especially on Tuesdays, to reduce the malefic effects of Mars.
Alluring Scorpios, this Mars transit in Capricorn will be of utmost importance to your 3rd house. Due to the Mars transit and its effects on relationships, your brothers and sisters will consume a lot of your precious time, but this will be rewarding in the long term. They might approach you and look up to you for guidance. They will value your experiences and path to success immensely. They would want to be in your shoes.
Remedy - Place a Mangal Yantra in your house made on the Bhojpatra.
Optimistic Sagittarians, the Mars Transit in Capricorn 2024 will happen in the 2nd house. When Mars transits in Capricorn, please watch your tongue and speech. Make sure that you do not hurt anyone right now with your words as words, once spoken, cannot be taken back, yet they can have a lifelong and even damaging impact. Think twice before you utter something, especially when in anger or when you are anxious. It will be better to hold back. So, stay silent and respond later. This is the time for 'Vak Shuddhi', which means to clear your speech.
Remedy - Donate Red Bael fruits as Prasad to everyone you can to increase the benefic effects of Mars in your life.
Hard-working Capricorns, this Mars transit in Capricorn will happen in your 1st house. Due to the Mars transit impact on horoscope, you will spend most of your time, money, and energy decorating your body and making yourself healthier and fitter. Some Capricorn natives will start a makeover. Many Capricorn natives will enroll in gyms for workouts, get into new and more nutritious diets from dieticians, buy new makeup, change their wardrobes, etc.
Remedy - Carry a red handkerchief with you all the time to enhance your Mars planet.
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Innovative Aquarians, this Mars transit in Capricorn 2024 will hit the 12th house, bringing you many golden foreign land opportunities. The Mars transit predictions indicate that you might get a piece of good news from foreign lands. Students applying for admission to out-of-country universities will find this time to be favorable for them. People who are employed will have chances of migration. On the other hand, self-employed people can get foreign clients or money in foreign currency in their chosen domain of work.
Remedy - Donate red flowers, such as red Hibiscus, commonly known as Gudhal, to temples and other religious sites.
Dreamy Pisceans, this Mars transit in Capricorn will impact your 11th house. Due to the Mars transit impact on horoscope, you will get associated with some NGOs and social causes of various kinds. You will contribute to a lot of social causes, from the environment to children to old age people. Due to the Mars transit effects, employed natives might join the CSR organization of their employer. During this time, you will create a new Prarabdha Karma for your next lifetime.
Remedy - Wear a Red Coral gemstone. When it comes to gemstones, always seek the guidance of Astroyogi experts.
*Note- You must remember that these are generalized predictions for the Mars transit in Capricorn 2024. If you want to learn more about the Mars transit effects on zodiac signs and get personalized remedies, contact Tarot Sonia on Astroyogi NOW.