Mars would enter Taurus on 22 Feb 2021, and it would stay there for around 45 days. Mars signifies temper, energy level, action orientation, younger co-borns, zeal, rage, blood element in the body, physical strength, property, court cases, etc., in Astrology.
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Let us try to understand the impact of this transit on various Moon zodiac signs.
Mars would transit to 2nd house, and it is likely to deliver mixed results. Work can be somewhat satisfying provided you exhibit patience. There are chances of clash/difference of opinion with family members so stay polite. Keep eating habits under check; otherwise, there can be health related problems. Speculation and intraday activities may yield some short term profits, but they are advised to stay away from them. There can be some work-related travel that can be very fruitful.
Mars would transit to Lagna/First house, and it is likely to deliver mixed results. There can be some valuable addition to your social network/clientele. You may have some valuable and emotional moments with your spouse/love interest. It can be a good time for marriage also. Do not deliver reaction to petty issues, especially the ones originating at the workplace. Think twice before making any capital expenditure. You are also likely to develop some religious bent during this time.
Mars would transit to the 12th house, and it is likely to deliver favorable results. Your foreign connections at work are possible to work in your favor. Your enemies are likely to face defeat in your hands, but you should not turn offensive. It can also be an excellent time to pay off a good chunk of your ongoing loans, but at the same point of time, do not opt for any fresh loans unless required. Your politeness can deliver happiness at work as well among family members at home. The company of learned people/saints would be a complete blessing.
Mars would transit to the 11th house, and it is likely to deliver good results. Work would be very smooth, and your income would rise prominently. You are likely to get opportunities to present yourself in front of your seniors, so give your best shot as the gains are likely to accrue for a long time. Your children are likely to prosper, and they can bring some good news related to areas of study/work. Your competitiveness would be high, so it would be better to clear off some long pending issues. Your younger co-borns are also likely to be happy during this time.
Mars would transit to the 10th house, and it is likely to deliver good results. You would be very positive and optimistic in any activity that you would perform. Likewise, the flow of results would be very positive. Avoid being headstrong otherwise;, good results can get compromised. Property related matters/buying-selling can take center stage, which is likely to result in your favor. It would also be an excellent time to accept new projects and perform bottleneck activities. You would be able to strike a balance between work and home affairs. Your younger co-borns would also shine in their respective fields.
Mars would transit to the 9th house, and it is likely to deliver mixed results. You would be acting boldly in your actions, and you should focus this zeal on pending tasks and bottleneck activities. Work-related travel is very likely to yield positive results. Keep a tight hand on expenses as there are chances for impulsive expenditure. A systematic approach to solving property-related court cases can deliver some desirable results. Drive safely and avoid road rage. Your younger co-borns may need your help, and they are very likely to reciprocate in the same manner. Income flow would be steady but avoid shortcut sources to income.
Mars would transit to the 8th house, and it is likely to deliver negative results. Stay away from nefarious activities otherwise;, your public image can get tarnished completely. Your spouse/love interest may require your attention, so try to be with him/her. This time also requires you to go for a health check-up and watch your eating habits; otherwise, some health issue might haunt you. You should also watch your speech and choice of words, especially while dealing with authority and older adults. Work may not be gratifying, and you should maintain a low profile during this time. Curb your risk appetite.
Mars would transit to the 7th house, and it is likely to deliver mixed results. Your work productivity would enhance very prominently, and it would be an excellent time to indulge in some important projects/activities of precision. Work would be smooth only if you are calm in your approach. Try to be polite with others, and it can win you lost battles. You may find it a bit difficult to deal with your spouse/love interest but can sort out things in your favor by acting mature. There can be chances for making fresh additions to your personal savings portfolio. Stick to your current work profile and avoid making any switch.
Mars would transit to the 6th house, and it is likely to deliver good results. Your competence level would rise drastically, and likewise, your tendency to face and win odd situations would be on the rise. Your enemies would dare not meet you and can be an excellent time to settle scores with those who demand it. Let your actions speak better than your words, and there would be some very wonderful results flowing your way. Work-related travel would deliver good results. It also appears to be a good time for seeking loans, especially work-related, but only if required. Ry to be diplomatic while dealing with authority.
Mars would transit to the 5th house, and it is likely to deliver mixed results. Your income level is likely to improve, and there can be chances for realizing old outstanding payments. There can be some health-related issues, and you should monitor your blood-related parameters like BP and blood sugar regularly checked. Your children may find it challenging to perform well and may face anguish during this time, so you should be present to push their spirits in the right direction. Some advanced learning is likely to come your way, and you should not lose it at any cost as it can create a platform for your future professional growth.
Mars would transit to the 4th house, and it is likely to deliver mixed results. Your work life may turn vibrant, but it may influence your personal life negatively. Your efforts can deliver desired results. Try to maintain calm with your spouse/love interest as there are chances for the clash. Some degrees of travel can be rewarding at personal as well as professional level. Please keep a close track of your Mother’s health as she may demand your immediate attention. Drive safely and avoid speeding. There are chances of heated arguments. Buying a new vehicle may not be a perfect option at this point.
Mars would transit to the 3rd house, and it is likely to deliver good results. You would be acting very bold in your actions, and there would be complete action orientation. Your influence would rise among your immediate circle at home as well as at work. Your enemies would find it very difficult to handle you, so you’ll have every chance to push them aside. Your monetary liabilities are also likely to move to the lower side. Your younger co-borns would be acting on your side, and their association is expected to benefit you a lot. The monetary flow would be very even during this time.