Getting to Know Mauni Amavasya 2023!

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  By Team Astroyogi
Tue, Nov 01, 2022
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  By Team Astroyogi
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Getting to Know Mauni Amavasya 2023!

Mauni Amavasya 2023: The month of Magha is considered sacred as per Hindu texts. But, there is one auspicious occasion falling in this month, which is regarded as incredibly special. This special occasion is called the Mauni Amavasya. Mauni Amavasya is a Hindu tradition that is observed on 'Amavasya' or 'no moon day' during the Hindu month of Magha. According to the Gregorian calendar, the Hindu month of Magha falls during the month of January-February. Mauni Amavasya 2023 falls on 21st January. Let’s get to know more. 

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Importance of Mauni Amavasya

Mauni Amavasya, also referred to as the Maghi Amavasya, is the last Amavasya before Mahashivratri. The word 'mauni' or 'mauna' signifies 'silence', which is why many Hindus observe complete silence on this chosen day. In Hinduism, practising silence or 'mauna' is an integral part of spiritual discipline. Here, silence means restraining your mind so that you don't express your darting thoughts in words. The word 'mauni' is closely related to another Hindi word, 'muni', which means a saint or sanyasi. This holy occasion also becomes crucial for saints, sadhus, and sanyasis who strictly observe Mauni Amavasya. The word Amavasya, on the other hand, can be understood as 'ama' meaning 'together' and 'vasya' meaning 'to live together'. Amavasya then literally becomes 'to live or dwell together with silence'. The core principle behind this occasion is to restrain your mind's thoughts with silence and attain oneness with the self. This occasion thus becomes a rare kind of event where silence is practised throughout the whole day. Moreover, many devotees choose to maintain silence for many days after Maghi Amavasya.

Maghi Amavasya is quite popular, especially in northern India. The occasion is celebrated with fervour in Allahabad. During the Kumbh Mela in Prayag, Maghi or Mauni Amavasya is considered the most important day for taking a bath in the river Ganga. This day is referred to as the day of 'Kumbh Parva' or 'Amrit Yoga'.

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Significance of Mauni Amavasya

From an astrological point, the planets Sun and Moon can be found in the zodiac sign of Capricorn on Mauni Amavasya. The planet Sun stays in Capricorn for about a month, but the Moon stays for around two and a half days. The day of Maghi Amavasya is ideal for the celestial bodies to balance the main Nadis of an individual. The Nadis are balanced and stabilised through pranayama and meditation combined with silence. When the Nadis are simultaneously evoked and balanced, Kundalini Shakti is stimulated, which significantly develops spiritual sadhana.

Saturn, the lord of Capricorn, doesn't go well with the Moon. Moreover, the Sun entering Capricorn makes the effect of Saturn stronger, and Moon's power at the lowest on this Amavasya. As per Vedic astrology, the Moon is the ruling planet of our minds, expressions, and thoughts. But, as the Moon's effect is low during this time, it can affect our thoughts and ability to think and act. The mind is believed to become restless, fickle, and unstable, and thus, can often lead to situations where you express unwanted things. Therefore, on this day, it is best to abstain from expressing orally and have control over your tongue, which is provoked by the restless mind. This is why devotees practice a daylong Maun Vrat or take the vow of silence.

Mauni Amavasya Snan

A ritual that is considered significant on this occasion is the Mauni Amavasya Snan. On this day, it is deemed to be auspicious to take a dip in the holy waters. Taking a dip or bath in the confluence of the holy rivers on this day is believed to offer incredible benefits to the devotees. According to Hindu scriptures, on this auspicious day, the water in the Ganges turns into nectar. Thus, devotees take a bath in the holy water. 

Taking a bath in the River Ganga or the confluence of River Ganga with other rivers, or on the Dashashwamedh Ghat in Kashi can purify your mind, heart, soul, and body. It can also lead to the attainment of virtues, knowledge, prosperity, and happiness. Additionally, the bath can wash away your sins. 

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How is Mauni Amavasya Celebrated?

The most important activity of this occasion is to spend the day without uttering a word. This calms your mind and can refrain you from saying something that you might regret. On the day of Mauni Amavasya, the devotees get up early and take a holy dip in the Ganges. You can also take a dip in any other sacred river. Many Hindu devotees and the 'kalpavasis' also take a dip in 'Sangam' (where the rivers Ganga, Saraswati, and Yamuna meet) at Prayag. However, if an individual cannot visit any pilgrimage destination to take a dip, then they can pour a little Ganga 'jal' into your regular bathing water and take a bath. It is a widespread belief that while taking a bath, you must remain quiet.

Once the bathing ritual is finished, many devotees sit down for meditation. Meditation can help in concentration and achieve internal peace. Some of the devotees strictly observe complete silence or 'mauna' known as on the occasion of Maghi Amavasya. These individuals devote their entire day to meditation and refrain from speaking all day. However, if someone cannot observe silence for the whole day, they should remain silent until the puja rituals are finished. On this day, devotees also worship Lord Vishnu. It is believed that donating to the needy is also essential on this day. 

Mauni Amavasya 2023 Date and Time

  • Mauni Amavasya 2023 Date- 21st January 2023 (Saturday)
  • Mauni Amavasya 2023 Time- The tithi begins from 21st January 2023 from 06:17 AM to 22nd January 2023 till 02:22 AM.

Mauni Amavasya is a pious occasion to attain prosperity, peace, knowledge, and happiness. If you are seeking astrological advice for peace and happiness this Mauni Amavasya, talk to expert astrologers on Astroyogi.

✍️ By- Team Astroyogi

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