Mercury will transit to Cancer on the 2nd of August 2020. While Cancer is owned by the Moon, Mercury rules intelligence, intellect, recall ability, competitiveness, alertness, education, maternal uncle and green colour. This planet has a very far-reaching influence on human life as it governs intelligence and consciousness. Cancer is a water-based sign, so the results of Mercury are likely to be free-flowing and smooth.
Following are the probable results of this transit for the Moon signs.
Mercury will transit to the 4th house and it is likely to deliver positive results. Academic life will be very bright and there could be moments of accolade. Your overall concentration level is likely to be very high; it would be a good time to learn new things. Work is expected to be competitive but equally rewarding. This is a good time to experiment with new things and also accept fresh responsibility at work. It also appears to be a good time to exhibit your versatility and talents. Try to enjoy some quality time with your mother. Help your siblings in whatever way they need it.
Mercury will transit to the 3rd house, so good results are in the offing. Your efforts are very likely to deliver the desired results and you will be centre-stage! Short work-oriented journeys can be very rewarding. Work will be stable and you will not have to confront anyone for anything. It would be wise to document the things you are doing at work. Your children will be a source of happiness, bringing you good news. Participating in seminars and training programmes will be very helpful. The flow of income will be even during this time.
Mercury will transit to the 2nd house and is likely to bring you positive results. Your savings will boom and may deliver some profit. It would be advisable to book some profits and continue to invest. Your speech will become very effective and you should utilise this attribute to steer negotiations in your favour. Some property related matters may be resolved to your benefit. Your overall luck factor is expected to be good. Work will be evenly poised or may even be better than before. Being spiritual during this time will bring you bliss.
Mercury will transit to Lagna or the 1st house and is likely to deliver positive results. Your optimism as well as decisiveness will improve drastically. Your productivity at work will also improve and it is likely that you will participate in some important deals and negotiations. Your intelligence will counter your excess emotional flow and hence you will be better equipped to face life situations. Your expenditure will be under control and your personal savings will improve. Your oratory and writing skills are likely to improve and deliver good results.
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Mercury will transit to the 12th house and is expected to deliver mixed results. Avoid impulse buying or you will repent in the near future. Tackle unwanted expenditures judiciously. You may find yourself drifting into isolation from other people, so control your thoughts. Even though you are optimistic, you will have to wait for results to come your way. You may acquire a charitable disposition and prefer spiritualism over material things. Remember that tough interludes are temporary in nature.
Mercury will transit to the 11th house and is likely to deliver positive results. Success and a steady flow of income are likely to come your way. It is an excellent time for you professionally and personally; the right time to actively seek desired results. Expect to face moments of apprehension as well as moments of joy. Your efforts will deliver very favourable results and will be suitably acknowledged by your seniors. Work and life events will become effortless and you will remember this period for a long time. It is a good time for those appearing for competitive exams.
Mercury will transit to the 10th house and is likely to deliver positive results. Work will improve significantly and there will be no more pending tasks looming over your head. You will be able to keep up with yourself as well as the work environment. Income will be steady and expenditure is likely to be under control. Avoid becoming involved in petty matters; this will help you to maintain a wonderful temperament while dealing with others. An offshore project may come your way, so do participate in it actively. Spending some quality time with your father would be propitious at this time.
Consult Expert Astrologer Aacharya Aaditya on Astroyogi
Mercury will transit to 9th house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. Income levels will rise but resist the temptation to use shortcuts to generate income. Stay away from windfall gain activities. Also, it would be wise to stay away from intraday and other speculative activities. Being research-based to understand new things will hold you in good stead. Your luck factor will improve and your current set of activities will bring you desired results. Avoid being impulsive.
Mercury will transit to the 8th house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. Try to stay well bonded with your spouse or love interest as there could be occasions for discord. Avoid any activity that confuses you as it may deliver a potential loss. Make a conscious effort not to be consumed by anger or be vengeful, as it will cause you much harm. A job change during this period is not recommended at all. Stick to your current job and do justice to it. Avoid capital expenditure.
Mercury will transit to the 7th house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. You will boom with intelligence but don’t get carried away; stick to practical thinking. Avoid superficial calculations and try to perform better in your current set of activities. Work is likely to improve and your clientele is expected to grow. Your negotiation skills would be at their best so this is the time to capitalise through interactions. Counter enmity with intelligence and but do not resort to anger. Brain-storming activities may introduce you to a new concept at work; promote this activity at the workplace.
Mercury will transit to the 6th house and will deliver mixed results. Your enemies may try to hit you hard and tarnish your hard work. You need to be very alert at the workplace; avoid all heated debates and arguments. Work may not be very progressive but you need to cope with that. Try to maintain a limited profile and stick to routine activities only. Avoid taking on the burden of a loan unless absolutely necessary. Keep a close watch on your eating habits as there may be an episode of bad health. Keep close track of your children as they may need you at short notice. Your competitiveness will be heightened so try to counter all odds with it.
Mercury will transit to the 5th house and it will deliver positive results. This can be a good time for progeny so go ahead with planning your family. It also appears to be a suitable time to get married or engaged to be married. Work will be very rewarding and the overall income flow will be very even. Try to learn a new skill or two at work; this could well be a launch-pad for future success. You are very likely to meet some intellectually bright and influential people during this time. Time spent with the family will be very pleasurable.
Best of Luck