The second Mercury transit in the month of May will happen on the 18th of May when the planet will be moving from Aries to Taurus. If you have already experienced some changes in the domains governed by Mercury you may be in for a rollercoaster ride. The changes will be evident on the work front for professionals who rely on their communication skills like Lawyers and Sales professionals. Our expert astrologers have derived the general impacts of this transit on each of the twelve zodiac signs here. However, we strongly recommend you a personalized consultation on Astroyogi.com to understand the effects based on your horoscope analysis. Click here to consult now!
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Sometimes it is essential for you to look at life from a neutral perspective, wholly detached from emotions. You may tend to be biased during this time period but always have a long term view about life. If you are planning on doing something big, put them on hold for some time. You may also have some minor health issues like fever or cold post the transit.
Single natives may meet someone special during social gatherings. So don’t miss a chance to be around people if you haven’t found ‘the one'. You may crack a deal at the work front which you have been chasing for long during this time period. You may tend to underestimate your abilities and blackout from some good opportunities. So it is important for you to reinforce and reinstate yourself about your abilities and potential.
Prepare to welcome some financial gains. This alone will blur all the sorrows of your life. However, make sure you don’t overspend. Remember money saved is money earned. Your attitude on the romantic front will be playful and blunt. Always be honest and straightforward about what you want. You will be appreciated for your kindness, charity, and leadership during this period.
Cancerians, the right time has come! So go get it what you seek. Yes, this is the time when you will be putting your foot down on the throttle on your chase for dreams. Put in the best efforts during this time period and it will never go unnoticed or unappreciated. Balance your family life also be transparent to them about your busy schedule and work pressure.
Perseverance dear friend is the key for surviving and excelling during this time period. You should keep on going until you reach your goal, never let any negative thoughts touch that determination of yours. Avoid all of the fancy indulgences during this time period.
Benevolence is one of your strongest characteristic traits. Use it to your advantage and have some good people around you. Your social life will be very active during this time period if you wish to be so. There will be a lot of opportunities to meet new people and forge relationships. A sense of anxiety may be running beneath the surface– you may be right about where things are heading. Just be in your true element and go with the flow.
This time period will help you to discover your inner self and make yourself more inclined towards spirituality. If you have been longing to include yoga or meditation in your routine then this it the right time to do it. Make sure that you don’t hurt someone with your words during this time period. You will enjoy the peaceful atmosphere at home.
If you are running a business, it is time for you to lookout for new ways to expand your business. There will be an urge in you to bring about some changes in your routine and personality but keep in mind that maintaining it would also be your responsibility. Bringing about some fresh changes in life is what will make you happy during this time period.
It’s time for you to think big, take risks and move out of your comfort zone. Your decisions should depend on what makes you happy. Don’t chase someone else’s dream, as it may turn out to be inutile. Your dedication and versatility at work is very likely to be acknowledged by your seniors and they will appreciate your efforts.
You may have a chance to meet up with your old friends during this time period. If you get this chance don’t miss it as it would be a great stress reliever and will rejuvenate your spirit. Serious investment plans may be considered during this time period. You may have some tension regarding your parents’ health during this time period.
Don’t try hard to impress people during this time period. Being in your true element and your charm will work. Students and young adults may turn a bit rebellious during this time period and may have some friction with their parents at this point in time. If you don’t take the occasional fracas too seriously, love life will be blissful.
This is going to be a pleasant time period for you if you harness absolute control over your temperament and emotions. You need to look at the bigger picture and should be tactical in your approaches and interactions. Be especially careful while traveling and avoid all occasions of heated debates and arguments. You will appreciate the love and support of your family during this time period.