If you are going through a rough patch in your personal life, stop blaming anyone in particular and start looking Mercury's way. It's Mercury that's playing squash with your life and emotions! Communication barriers are bound to increase during this intensely cosmic Mercury phase. When Mercury is in retrograde, it's best to focus on what is happening in and around you and stay in control (as much as you can). Miscommunications and misunderstandings are the order of the day and there's nothing you can do about it. And that includes you too, Virgo. The unpleasantness of a retrograde is not experienced once the powerful Mercury Direct phase comes into effect. Wait and watch.
Relationship troubles are bound to go for a hike under the influence of Mercury Retrograde. Is your partner constantly eyeing your every move? Has she been acting suspiciously and not been her old self lately? Well, how can she be when the planets create communication gaps? The best way to deal with this phase is to sit and reflect on yourself and your past decisions. Analyze aspects of your life that you take for granted.
It's a good time to finish all that you have already started rather than starting something brand new. Decision making skills are poor during Mercury Retrograde; hence, in astrology this is a time when you must avoid making decisions for your future. Formal contracts need to be avoided as all such initiatives launched during this phase do not bear fruits later.
This is a good time to reorganize your life. If your house needs a makeover, work on it and get busy cleaning those old and dusty closets. Change things around without going on a shopping spree. Use what you have to improve your personal space.
Look within! You will not get a better opportunity than this to focus on your own flaws and getting some fixing done. What is it that you don't like about yourself? Be honest and accept these issues that make your unhappy. The revelations will bring you much closer to happiness. Kindness is not an easy thing to practice. How kind have you been with those who are close to you and even with strangers you barely know? Life is short and there's not enough time to do something good for others. Mercury will help you on this path and will bless you with inner strength and clarity.
Spiritual journeys will bring you peace. No, a spiritual journey does not necessarily mean you taking a backpack and travelling across the length and breadth of India. It means deeply analyzing your inner self and gaining awareness about your self. Explore and get to know the real you during this phase. The results will be highly rewarding.
Please note:
July 30, 2019 (Mercury goes into retrograde mode)
Office-goers, postpone launching anything new during the Mercury Retrograde phase.
P.S.: Ladies, go shopping and get a new haircut once the retrograde phase ends.