Mercury will move to Aquarius sign on 31 January 2020 at 02:53 AM. Mercury as an astrological planet represents intellect, speech, writing skills, intelligence, maternal relations, green colour, humour, wit, versatility etc in Astrology and its transit to Aquarius is likely to influence the various zodiac signs uniquely.
Let us try to understand the effect of it on different Moon signs:
Mercury would transit to the 11th house and it is expected to deliver mixed results. The transit promises a high chance of receiving desired results out of your hard work and will influence your superiors favourably. There would be an inevitable desire to express your versatility in more than one field in life and it would be a very good time to do so. It can be a good time to appear for competitive exams and secure a good rank. Travel would be rewarding if you are planning to do so during this time. Keep a check on your health as foreseen, your present ailment is going to give you a tough time or there can be the onset of some additional health condition. Maintain a healthy work regime and diet schedule to ward off health-related issues. Your maternal uncle/aunt may require your attention/help so be prepared to be for them.
Mercury would transit to the 10th house and it is likely to deliver favourable results. You’ll gain success in personal matters as well as professional affairs. There would be opportunities to spend quality time with your family especially children so don’t miss on that. Cash inflow in the form of income/bonus/commissions is expected to come your way. Likewise, there would be some evident opportunities to make new personal investments to secure your future. Training programs and skill workshops can be a complete blessing during this time and you will benefit from it. It also appears a good time to express yourself verbally and also in writing. It is a good time to express your feelings to someone you love.
Mercury would transit to 9th house and it is likely to deliver favourable results. Your luck factor in personal and professional life would improve considerably. It appears a good time for those involved in academics as there would be progress in their learning abilities and complete support from the mentors/faculty’s side. Long-distance pilgrimage can be very rewarding so don’t miss it in case you get a chance to go for one. Your mood would be joyous and you’ll be very witty. There can be occasions for get-togethers and it can yield some wonderful memories for the years to come. You can gain a deep spiritual insight if you are a spiritual person. It appears a good time for your Father also.
Mercury would transit to the 8th house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. Do not be impulsive and remember to weigh your options before acting on anything. You might feel that your intelligence level is getting challenged and there can be difficulty in learning new things. You need to have patience and accept things logically. Avoid wanderlust and unnecessary travel. Some skin related problems can cause trouble. Stick to routine work and avoid participating in thankless jobs. There can be some insights into occult sciences and you can benefit out of it in the future. Stay optimistic and there can be some favourable results at the end of the transit.
Mercury would transit to the 7th house and it is likely to deliver positive results. The family atmosphere would be very conducive and you would be able to spend some memorable time with your family members. Work would be rewarding and some new clientele may be added to your work portfolio. You would be very witty during this period so try socializing more and as a result, there can be some work-related opportunities heading your way. There may be favours from/to your maternal relations. Do not try anything manipulative with your spouse/love interest otherwise, there can be unwanted chaos. It also appears to be a good time for acquiring new talents and academic life which can be rewarding.
Mercury would transit to the 6th house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. You may find it difficult to maintain your optimism. Work may get competitive and if you maintain your patience level then the result can fall in your favour. You need to logically accept the responsibilities at work and preferably try to stick to the routine job only. Competitive activities like job interviews and written exams can turn in your favour. Avoid any kind of manipulation at work otherwise, you may be attracting unwanted attention. Keep track of your overall health pattern and eat healthy food. Be aware of some hidden enemies.
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Mercury would transit to the 5th house and it is likely to deliver favourable results. Education and overall learning pattern would be improving very prominently and you’ll be applauded for the same. It would be a time to imbibe new talents and learn deeper insights into your area of study. Offshore opportunities for learning can come your way. There can be auspicious occasions like hawan/yagna at your home. You’ll have the opportunity to spend some quality time with your children. Work would be rewarding and it can turn out to be a good time to seek favours from your superiors.
Mercury would transit to the 4th house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. Your ability to express yourself would be very bright and you should deploy it in your personal life as well as professional life. You’ll have opportunities to exhibit your influence over enemies and competitors in a very effective manner. You would be able to use your connections very well in your favour. At the same point of time, watch out for your limits while dealing with your elders and superiors otherwise there can be unnecessary havoc. Avoid fickle mindedness and concentrate at one activity at a given point of time. Avoid any kind of short cut to success.
Mercury would transit to the 3rd house and it is likely to deliver positive results. You’ll be buzzing with energy and would be able to accomplish almost anything that you undertake. Your talents would be appreciated and you should be taking lead at work and family affairs. Work related travel would be very rewarding. Your bold and logical actions can win you accolades even from your enemies. You’ll be able to negotiate in your favour at work. Stay away from any kind of greed and avoid multiple projects/activities at the same point of time otherwise you’ll mess up all the good things.
Mercury would transit to 2nd house and it would deliver positive results. You’ll have the opportunity to taste good food and be among influential people. Your oratory skills would be very effective so use them wisely in your favour. Stay logical and you would be very successful. You would be able to maintain good relationships with family members especially your in-laws and at work also. It should be a good time for creating fresh social networking also. Those involved in the field of banking, accountancy and taxation it appears to be a fruitful time for you. Being sympathetic and helping those in need would be very rewarding.
Mercury would transit to Lagna/First house and it would deliver positive results. You’ll brightly shine in front of others and your knowledge would be highly appreciated. Not only would you be able to learn new things but your expressing ability will also brighten up. Your ideas are likely to be appreciated at work and involvement in some new project would be very beneficial. Work and personal travel would be very rewarding so be up for it. It also appears to be a good time for creating an expertise in your field. Natives involved in the field of Mathematics, Astrology, Banking, Accountancy, Insurance etc would be benefiting from this transit.
Mercury would transit to the 12th house and it would deliver positive results. Staying humble would be the key to success. Your intellect would create opportunities for success so be expressive. Charitable activities like pilgrimage and donation would be very rewarding. Your enemies would be at bay. Logical decisions at work would be equally rewarding. Be sincere while associating with superiors/influential people, as there can be occasions for which you might need their help. Offshore scholarships and other opportunities to study may be on the cards for students. Do not interfere in anyone's business and prefer solitude when not at work. You may get opportunities to have deeper spiritual insights in occult sciences.
Best of Luck