Mercury Transit in Capricorn 2022: Luck Will Favor Aries, Taurus, And Pisces! How About Other Signs?

Mon, Dec 26, 2022
Rajdeep Pandit
  By Rajdeep Pandit
Mon, Dec 26, 2022
Team Astroyogi
  By Rajdeep Pandit
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Mercury Transit in Capricorn 2022: Luck Will Favor Aries, Taurus, And Pisces! How About Other Signs?

The Mercury in Capricorn transit occurring on 28th December 2022 will have a significant impact on your life. Learn how your zodiac sign will be affected by this transit below.

Mercury is the planet of communication and the natural ruler of the zodiac signs Gemini and Virgo. This planet signifies physical and multiple modes of communication. Mercury-ruled individuals have keen minds, a thirst for knowledge, and a sense of humor. These people are intelligent, diplomatic, and politically skilled. Mercury creates a web of craftsmanship. In addition, Mercury is the only planet that combines male and female qualities, and it can be used to achieve the fundamental reconciliation of opposing aspects of personality. Mercury also rules short-distance travel, all forms of learning and acquiring knowledge, as well as objects that are used to communicate with one another, like telephones, books, trains, cars, newspapers, television, pencils, pen, and so on.

Let’s Learn More About Mercury and Capricorn.

The planet Mercury, along with its qualities, also gives the results of the planet it is in harmony with. It is a small planet but a strong planet. Mercury is the largest satellite of the Sun. Business accounts, mathematics, and astrology are in-built qualities in Mercury. Out of 27 Nakshatras in astrology, Mercury is the lord of Ashlesha, Jyeshtha and Revati. Natives have self-possessed wealth, have more than one source of income, and are uniquely open-minded. Such people believe in truth. Mercury signifies poetry, reading, writing work, literary advisor, journalism, accountant, lawyer, etc. Additionally, they talk a lot and have very sharp minds. Mercury is a fast-moving planet. Mercury natives are intellectually progressive and quick adapters. Due to the influence of Mercury, a person has the habit of doing everything quickly. Mercury is mostly seen with the Sun. It remains either one house ahead or one house behind the Sun in astrology horoscopes

Furthermore, Capricorn, the 10th sign of the zodiac, marks emotions as powerful as those of any other sign but as it’s a Saturnine Earth sign. They may find their feelings difficult to express. It is all too easy to adopt so-called traditional values and then try to impose them on others. Capricorn's greatest strength is its ability to generate tangible, practical benefits in addition to wealth and prosperity. This complicated transit in the Saturnine Earth sign makes tremendous changes in 12 zodiac signs. Find out the effects of the Mercury transit in Capricorn here. 

Mercury Transit in Capricorn in 2022 Date And Time

Mercury will move dramatically up and down during its Capricorn transit, going from retrograde to direct and back again. The Mercury transit starts on 28th December 2022 Wednesday at 04:05 AM (IST). Then it goes retrograde on 31st December 2022, moving from the zodiac sign Capricorn to Sagittarius. Then Mercury will move in direct motion in Capricorn on 7th February 2023 and stay there until 27th February 2023.

Every sign of the zodiac will experience the effects of Mercury's transit in Capricorn differently; some signs will benefit, while others will have to face some challenges.

Are you curious to know about your life in 2023? The annual Horoscope 2023 forecast has all the insights. Click here.

Mercury Transit in Capricorn's Impact on The Zodiac Signs

By knowing what the Mercury transit in Capricorn means for your life, you can figure out whether you will face favorable or unfavorable circumstances. Read further to see what Mercury transit in Capricorn effects will be like in your life.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Aries

At this time, the native can obtain state honor, reputation, work, job, business, and father’s rights. 

  • The native will have good success with work that involves commissions. In your career, you’ll gain respect and fame. 
  • Natives working in the banking industry will benefit more. Their earnings will increase if they improve their communication skills. 
  • Mercury is related to commerce and business as well. This is a good time for businesses in the communication, mobile, internet, courier, TV channel, newspaper, etc. sectors. 
  • The native will have a good relationship with their father. You will be more charitable. The happiness of the family, the home, the building, and the vehicle will all be good and joyful. 
  • Natives will have a good educational experience and excel in government-related competitive exams. Their health will be good this year, and old illnesses will be under control.

Remedy: Maintain good relations with your father and mother. Also, avoid any financial transactions with anyone.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Taurus

During this time, your communication skills and thinking process will be enhanced. 

  • Mercury gives you the ability to solve complex problems quickly. You can be an inspiration to the people around you. This transit indicates a stable income and good financial condition. 
  • Also, you will love researching and browsing new things; whatever you have known, learned, or understood, you will also like to share that knowledge with others. 
  • On the family front, your life partner may be very chatty, conversational, and supportive, as well as unconditionally supportive in financial matters. 
  • Similarly, the natives who are about to get married can also expect a successful married life. It is also possible that you may have to go abroad for higher studies. 
  • You may travel abroad to make significant progress in your career. After this, you can also plan to settle in a foreign land.

Remedy: Worship Lord Ganesha for good health, and offer some sweet gifts to your father or an old age person.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Gemini 

At this time, you will be able to get more money from your parents or family, and sudden gain could happen. 

  • You will be more famous in other states, countries, and some natives may also enjoy traveling abroad. 
  • This time will increase the number of secret enemies; the enemies of such people are co-workers and work-related people. 
  • Some natives can face legal matters. There could be sudden ups and downs in the career of these natives. 
  • You will be more interested in occult sciences and have sharp memory power. You will also become famous for your humility and will become rich. 
  • You will have the ability to remove the suffering of others if you are connected with hospitals, medicine, and related works. 
  • However, refrain from starting a partnership business because the partner will not be honest.

Remedy: Avoid business partnerships, accept inheritance assets, and avoid legal trouble.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Cancer

Mercury transit sitting in the horoscope gives very auspicious results. 

  • The native achieves success in the field of business. Married life will be pleasant, but if Mercury sits along with an enemy sign, then its results are not good. 
  • Some people will get support from their in-law’s side, and money keeps coming. Such a person is long-lived, famous, successful, and efficient. 
  • Time can fulfill all your wishes. It also means that they could marry the person of their own choice. 
  • You can improve your personality and skills wonderfully. New business opportunities will make you strong money-wise and wealthy, and you will enhance your learning ability, reasoning power, and thinking process. 
  • This transit can help you achieve success in married life. Also, you can achieve all the goals of your married life with your partner’s support.
  • On the love front, a strong bond between you and your partner will create mutual harmony, allowing you to maintain proper coordination with your partner.
  • On the job front, this transit will enhance your creativity and creative thinking. Thus, you can start a successful career in interior design or architecture. Professionally, a foreign tour is possible. 
  • Healthwise, stomach-related issues may happen. So you need to stay careful.

Remedy: Avoid egoistic nature and control bad food habits.

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Impact of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Leo

This transit can cause stress over minor issues, both professionally and personally.

  • Unnecessary fights can happen with co-workers and superiors. You might take loan money or incur debt, which could put you in legal trouble. Therefore, it is best to refrain from taking out any loans now. 
  • You might face competition on the career front, but Mercury will give you favorable results. 
  • You will be able to improve your memory. It will be a little easier for you to remember things. Your intellectual capacity may improve. You will be able to make tough decisions. 
  • You can be somewhat lazy as well. You may hurt others through communication, and your harsh words will cause other people to get hurt. 
  • This is the right time to improve marital relations. You can build a better relationship with your partner. You will be able to establish harmony in your married life. 
  • In the love life, if you are dating someone, they can become your life partner. Retrograde Mercury can bring out your flirtatious nature, which may cause problems in your relationship. So be careful. 
  • At this time, using modern technologies can help you advance your career. You often get frustrated and negative thoughts enter your mind. You can get career growth in digital marketing, medical, or IT sector. 
  • On the other hand, this transit may cause you some health problems.

Remedy: Control your words and negative thoughts.

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Impact of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Virgo

This time, you will increase your intellectual capacity. You will be able to develop great communication skills. 

  • If you are a singer, musician, and lover of fine arts, you will become famous and achieve a good societal reputation on the strength of your skillful intelligence. 
  • You can set a different example in society and lead a successful life. In professional life, you can get a senior position and start a new startup. 
  • You can understand things quickly. Due to your ego and over-confidence, you may also have conflicts with others, and this can hurt others emotionally. 
  • At this time, you can develop social relationships, become an attractive personality in society, and your political ambitions will be fulfilled. 
  • Love life will be stable, and some natives will have opportunities to get married soon and might receive proposals within this time. 
  • At this time, you can adjust with your partner very quickly and build mutual understanding with your partner. 

Remedy: Avoid ego and focus on increasing the friends and friendship circle.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Libra

Mercury transit in Capricorn will give you all the comforts in life. Some natives can go on international trips to travel the world. 

  • Mercury makes a person self-respecting, a skilled speaker, a successful entrepreneur, and hardworking. 
  • It will sharpen your thinking power and imagination. It can help you make remarkable progress in your career, help you to improve communication skills, and also achieve success in teaching, writing, reading, and administrative work. 
  • Not a good time for business and partnership. This transit movement directly affects emotions. You can become highly imaginative, idealistic, and intelligent. 
  • Mercury will help you solve complex problems in a short time and develop a critical mind based on your sharp calculation power. 
  • Your married life will be good and romantic, and you can have a good time with your spouse. Some female natives may find the pleasure of being blessed by a child. 
  • Mercury gives top priority to learning and education. It gives opportunities for studying in top-ranking colleges, universities, and even foreign academic locations.

Remedy- Be careful of your mother’s health. In addition, avoid money-related deals.

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Impact of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Scorpio

Mercury will give more precise traveling in popular places and perfect communication with near and dear ones. 

  • You will also gain mental intelligence with smartness, positive imagination, and good conduct with behavior. 
  • Professionally, it’s the best time to express yourself through words, speech, and knowledge. 
  • You’ll be more interested in acquiring intellectual knowledge and ability and deep faith in religion and spirituality. 
  • Writers, politicians, films, theater, and those involved in cultural activities will be in a win-win situation with excellent performance and knowledge. Also, express yourself towards society and community. 
  • Some natives will earn affection from relatives. Your decisions will be appreciated. 
  • On the educational front, natives will travel abroad and start new academic courses. 
  • Family life will be good, and some old issues will be resolved. 
  • Love life to be optimistic. New relations are on the cards. Reunion and reconciliation can also be possible at this time.
  • Some of you may have to be careful to avoid health problems.

Remedy- Avoid conservatism and dominance, and fulfill your responsibilities to siblings and society.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Sagittarius

This transit will make you intelligent, and you will be a skilled speaker and able to make plans perfectly and fruitfully. 

  • Some natives will have the pleasure of getting their lost money back. The financial aspect is more favorable, including the potential for unforeseen and unexpected gains. 
  • There will be several different ways to make money. Planning for the long term will pay off if you buy a house, make investments, and make more joint (family) investments. 
  • Natives who belong professionally to legal, judicial process, court, businessmen, lawyers, CA, accountants, and merchants can become more famous and have good reputations in their fields. The ability to negotiate using speech will be increased. 
  • Some natives will be blessed with marriage and find perfect love on personal fronts. 
  • Love life will also be more wonderful with the desired partner. Friendship will turn into a relationship, and bonding will be stronger. Any native waiting for a good time to express feelings, now Mercury will make you strong and confident. 
  • Healthwise, the focus should be on the face and mouth areas.

Remedy- Exercise better verbal restraint. Spend time with children and your younger siblings.

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Impact of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Capricorn

Mercury transit will make you more logical, and your nature will be clever, intelligent, logical, and calculative. 

  • You will face lots of challenges to prove yourself. The good news is that as time passes, your reasoning and knowledge will become more sound.
  • Some natives will face theft, robbery, or corruption in their professional or work life. 
  • At this time, your learning and listening power will be improved and will be stable. In terms of family, you will have a caring and loving partner who will support you in all matters.
  • Love life may get disturbed because of your nature and small mistakes. When you help someone, that person gains power, you rise in society, and many people in need will even seek your advice and assistance. 
  • You will earn money from astrology, skilled knowledge, and creative work. 
  • On the family front, there might be disturbances, especially from the children, loan, credit, and mortgage-related. Health will remain neutral.

Remedy- Avoid being cunning and be sensible toward everyone.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Aquarius

This transit gives you a comfortable life. You will be spending money on religious work and charitable endeavors.

  • Mercury’s unconventional nature and influence will cause you to spend money unexpectedly. Mercury gives an interest in spirituality and secret studies and gives great respect.
  • During this transit, you will face very unpredictable things in life, and you will be making more unplanned short and long trips.
  • If you work in a foreign company or multinational organization in a top position, you will get more success and travel abroad on your own strength. 
  • In business, foreign trade and foreign settlements can be possible. Some natives may lose respect as a result of unproductive work. 
  • You will often prove yourself in marriage and relationships; however, some natives may not have the best time in love, wealth, peace of mind, education, and intelligence. 
  • The educational life will be good and strong. Those natives studying far from their birthplace will receive a great deal of praise and recognition.
  • Healthwise, there may be mental distress, and they will get hurt under the influence of others.

Remedy- Make your character strong and fulfill your promise. Avoid greediness.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Pisces

During this time, your nature will be multi-dimensional. You will be more successful in your job or business. 

  • At this time, natives will be more interested in math and calculation, and their skills in the subject will improve. They will also be interested in astrology and judicial matters. Those involved in writing and publication will earn a good reputation. 
  • You will have a prosperous life. You will always be happy. 
  • You will also have access to the best vehicles. New real estate deals are possible based on your expectations. Multiple streams of income will be established.
  • Job change and location change are possible. If you plan to start a new startup, you can become a big businessman by working from a small level. 
  • You can also earn money through craft, writing or business, film, theater, music, and cultural events makes your identity strong, and you will be more intellectual. 
  • On the family front, it will be a pleasure and will receive respect from in-laws. 
  • Marriage will happen for some natives that have been waiting for a long time. Love life will be more stable with a promising phase. 
  • Healthwise is a good time, and old chronic illnesses will be healed.

Remedy- Start saving for the future, and avoid loans and credits.

Note: Please remember that the above predictions for Mercury in Capricorn are general. However, an astrology consultation with Rajdeep Pandit can give you a personalized prediction.

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