Mercury, the smallest but fastest-moving planet, will soon transit to Sagittarius on 3rd December 2022! Knowing how this planetary transit might impact your life can help you anticipate whether good or bad times lie ahead of you, how to deal with them more effectively, and what decisions to make with the help of professional astrological guidance. Continue reading to find out more about this transit.
In astrology, Mercury is known as a prince with intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, and good communication skills. Mercury governs our nervous system's flexibility, speech, and communication, as well as intelligence, memory, and learning capacity. Mercury is now transiting in Sagittarius, which is Dhanu Rashi in Vedic astrology. Mercury, the natural lord of the third and sixth houses in astrology, will occupy the ninth house in the horoscope. Sagittarius is a masculine and dual sign. The planet Mercury also has dual natures. The Sagittarius zodiac sign represents wealth, motivation, good fortune, and intelligence. Lord of the Sagittarius sign Jupiter represents philosophers, consultants, and mentors, and the Mercury transit in Sagittarius will favor their communication abilities.
The Mercury transit in Sagittarius will take place on 3rd December 2022, Saturday, at 6:56 a.m., according to Indian Standard Time (IST). Mercury will remain in the Sagittarius sign until 27th December 2022 before moving to the Capricorn sign on 28th December 2022.
Mercury is the lord of the third and sixth houses for the Aries sign and will transit in the ninth house. The ninth house represents spirituality, extensive travel, the father, and destiny.
Business- You will make the necessary effort to expand your business domestically and internationally. A long trip might be required for business.
Job- During this transit, you will have several good opportunities for a job change. You might be offered a job transfer to your desired place.
Study- The time is favorable for higher study. You will succeed in the competition for higher education.
Love- A love relationship will be average during this transit. Relationship disputes could occasionally occur.
Remedy- Donate food to needy people.
For Taurus natives, Mercury rules the second and fifth houses and will now occupy the lordship of the eighth house. The second house is associated with money, family, and finances, and the fifth is for love, relationships, feelings, and kids. The eighth house is for sudden gains and losses.
Business- During this transit, you could lose your money. This is not a good time for your finances. Avoid investing at this time. However, long-term stock market investments can be made during this transit.
Job- During this transit, you should only resign from your current job after first getting confirmation from your new employer. This period does not provide you with many good career opportunities.
Study- People who are pursuing research-level education will succeed, but people who are taking competitive exams will not fare well.
Love- You should be patient during this time because if you have an argument or have expectations from your partner, the time will not be favorable.
Remedy- Take the blessings of the transgender people and donate some money to them.
For Geminis, Mercury is the natural lord of the first and fourth house. Mercury is going to occupy the 7th house during this transit. The first house, also known as Ascendant, is self-respect, personality, and self-image. The fourth house is for comfort, mother, finances, property, and vehicle. And the seventh house represents spouse and partnership in business.
Business- You will be successful in business. During this transit, you will receive a few new opportunities and projects.
Job- This period will be beneficial at the workplace. Your seniors will be there to support you. Your seniors will recognize and appreciate your efforts.
Study- You must concentrate on your studies because you will face competition this time. You must leave your comfort zone; otherwise, you will be unable to focus on your studies.
Love- Your romantic life will be successful, and your partner will be encouraging. For love marriages, the time is right. If you want to convince your parents of your love marriage, now is a good time.
Remedy- Keep Vidhara root tied in a green cloth in your wallet.
Mercury, lord of the Cancer zodiac's third and twelfth houses, will transit their sixth house. The third house is for our efforts, willpower, siblings, and short traveling. The twelfth house is for expenditure and foreign travel, and the sixth house is for our job, loans, and enemies. Some functions could take place in your maternal home during this transit.
Business- In terms of business, your expenses would rise. You should be conscious of your investment. You should try to save money during this period.
Job- People currently employed will receive excellent opportunities from MNCs and might have to relocate during this time. If you want to work abroad, now is a good time.
Study- This time is good for your higher studies. You will get admission to your dream institute.
Love- Because of your job or business, you will be unable to focus on your love relationship. You must control your speech; otherwise, problems could arise in your relationship.
Remedy- Combine seven different types of grains and feed this mixture to birds daily.
Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Leo
For Leo natives, Mercury rules the second and eleventh houses and will transit in the fifth house. The second house represents money, finances, family, and speech, while the eleventh house is for the fulfillment of desires. The fifth house is for love relationships, feelings, and kids. During this transit, you will get support from your family.
Business- You can save money during this transit. But if you're in a partnership business, you should be careful because your partner might cheat you during this time.
Job- This time will be good for you if you are in a consulting or teaching job. This period is beneficial to your communication skills and speech.
Study- During this transit, you can focus on your study. Your friends and family will be supportive.
Love- Someone will enter your love life during this transit, and a relationship will develop. This period is favorable for the fulfillment of your desires.
Remedy- Chant Aditya Hridaya Stotram Paath daily.
For Virgo sign natives, Mercury governs their Ascendant (first house) and tenth house and will be in transit in the fourth house. Ascendant represents our personality and social image. The tenth house is for Karma, while the fourth is for comforts, property, vehicles, and mother.
Business- Throughout this transit, your business will keep you very busy. You should unwind for a while. Working from home is a good idea at this time.
Job- Those who are employed will feel more at ease in their current position. Seniors will give them credit for their efforts.
Study- You will concentrate on your studies during this time and even have family support.
Love- This is not a good time for love relationships. Be cautious because some misunderstandings might occur.
Remedy- On Wednesday, offer five Tulsi leaves to Lord Vishnu.
For Libra zodiacs, Mercury is the lord of their ninth and twelfth houses and will transit into the third house. The third house is for siblings, efforts, willpower, and short traveling. The ninth house is for a long journey, spirituality, and destiny, and the twelfth house is for expenditure, hospital expenses, and foreign travel.
Business- You will work hard to expand your business. You will support your siblings too, and you will embark on some business-related journeys this time.
Job- Your superiors will appreciate your efforts at work. You will receive a promotion or a higher position at work during this transit.
Study- If you want to study abroad, you will have the opportunity. This time is good for your higher studies.
Love- This is a good time for your love relationship, and there is nothing to be worried about in your relationship.
Remedy- On Friday, visit the cow shelter and feed the cows green grass.
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Mercury is the eleventh and eighth house lord for the Scorpio sign, and it will transit in the second house. The second house represents money, finances, and family; the eighth house represents unexpected gains and losses, and the eleventh house represents the fulfillment of desires and friendship.
Business- During this transit, you should be careful about investing in your business. This time is not favorable for investment. Your money will get stuck. You might not get your money back after lending it to someone. However, you will be financially successful.
Job- People who are working will feel dissatisfied at their jobs. Work politics can work against you.
Study- You must be patient this time around as you study. Strive to focus. This is the time to put extra effort into your studies.
Love- There will be some family-related issues. You must maintain patience when it comes to relationships; otherwise, there might be a problem.
Remedy- Offer water with little jaggery to a Peepal tree daily.
Mercury rules the seventh and tenth houses for Sagittarius sign natives and is currently transiting to their Ascendant (first house). The seventh house is associated with partnerships, spouses, and daily earnings. The tenth house governs Karma, while the Ascendant governs self-image, personality, and respect.
Business- You will get some good projects and deals during this transit. This period is favorable for your investment.
Job- You will get good opportunities if you want to change jobs. During this transit, you will feel relaxed at work, your team will support you, and you will gain a new position.
Study- This is a good time to study. By working hard, you will achieve academic success.
Love- During the transit, your relationship will be smooth, and you will be happy with your partner.
Remedy- Offer white flowers to Lord Ganesha on Wednesday.
For Capricorn natives, Mercury governs the sixth and ninth houses in their horoscope and will transit into the twelfth house. The sixth house is associated with jobs and the ninth house with destiny. The twelfth house is for expenditure, hospitalization, and travel abroad.
Business- It is not a good time to invest in a business during this transit period. Your ongoing projects and business dealings will be successful.
Job- This is an excellent time to change jobs. You will have excellent opportunities. During this transit, some financial gains are possible.
Study- Students who are preparing for competitive exams will succeed. This is an excellent time for competition and concentrating on studies.
Love- Time will pass smoothly in a love relationship. You will get your partner’s support.
Remedy- Offer Shani Dev a mixture of mustard oil and black sesame seeds every Saturday.
For Aquarians, Mercury rules their fifth and eighth house and will transit in the eleventh house. The fifth house is associated with our feelings, relationships, and childbirth, and the eighth house is for sudden gains and losses. And the eleventh house represents the fulfillment of desire.
Business- Avoid investing during this transit because your money might get stuck. Your partner will benefit from your efforts. At this time, you will complete any pending tasks.
Job- Those working won't find good opportunities if they want to change. It is not advisable to change jobs or look for new opportunities during this time.
Study- The studies will be beneficial but require a significant amount of concentration. You will have to manage your daily routine.
Love- This time is not favorable for love relationships. There would likely be some issues, or the relationship could fall apart.
Remedy- On Saturday, donate blankets to those in need.
Mercury governs the fourth and seventh houses for Pisces natives and will be transiting to the tenth house. The fourth house governs comfort, the tenth governs Karma, and the seventh governs partnership and spouse.
Business- You will form business partnerships and achieve success during this transit. This time is advantageous for business. You can put your money into investments.
Job- On the job front, you will feel satisfied and relaxed.
Study- Studies will go well, and you will be able to concentrate on them. It will be possible for you to pursue higher education if you so choose.
Love- Everything will be fine and smooth in the love life.
Remedy- Offers sweets made of milk to Lord Vishnu.
Note: The above are generalized predictions. To get more individualized horoscope predictions of the Mercury transit effects, consult Astro Nancy.
✍️By- Astro Nancy