Hey, the Mercury transit in Taurus date is almost here! Do you think it will make life easier for you or turn things upside down? Let's find out! Here are some great predictions and powerful remedies to help you face any challenges that may come your way during this transit!
Mercury, or Budh as it’s known in Vedic astrology, the crown prince of the planets, is transiting from the zodiac sign Aries to Taurus on the 7th of June 2023 and will remain in Taurus till the 24th of June 2023. Mercury remains in a zodiac sign for about three weeks. The transit will have different results for each zodiac sign because Taurus occupies different houses in the Janam Kundli or birth chart of different zodiacs. A major thing to first understand is that the effects of transit differ based on the position and condition of the planet in one’s birth chart and if the person is undergoing through Mahadasha, Antardasha, or Pratyantar Dasha of that planet. The Mercury transit in Taurus will give better results if one has any of the Mercury’s Dasha going on.
Let’s take a closer look at this significant planetary transit and unravel how it will influence us.
The planet Mercury holds governance over the domain of communication, including speech, expressions, and the expression of one's inner thoughts and emotions. Mercury, in Roman civilization, was considered the God of Communication. Mercury affects your judgment, your behavior, and your intellect. Mercury is the Karak or significator planet of intelligence. People with positive and strong Mercury are often seen as highly intellectual and scholars with extremely high grasping and retaining power. They are bright in their studies and knowledgeable in every sector they are interested in. Mercury also gives a person strong business and trade acumen, and they are good with math and logic.
Mercury is considered a conditional benefic planet. It means that it depends on the condition of Mercury in the birth chart and whether it will give positive results or negative results. If Mercury is in conjunction with or afflicted by benefic planets, or if mercury is sitting in friendly sign and not combust or in retrogression, then it will surely give positive results, but if Mercury is in conjunction with malefic planets like Rahu/Ketu or Mars then and sitting in inimical sign or is combust or in retrogression then it will give negative results.
For instance, Mercury makes a person good at communication and gives them the ability to speak well. So if Mercury is in a positive sign, a person will speak and communicate in positive terms, like as a motivational speaker. If Mercury is not under a positive affliction or sign, then Mercury will make a person a chatterbox and will make them gossip all the time.
When Mercury is in Taurus, the first and foremost thing that gets affected is your speech and communication, which can become bold and direct. You start expressing your ideas, opinions, views, or desires more confidently and can be seen as stubborn sometimes. The decisions become very impulsive, and because of this, after some time, natives may find it difficult to finish something that they started. This can also lead to arguments and misunderstandings.
Furthermore, Mercury in Taurus welcomes new and innovative ideas for business. As mercury affects trade, finance, and commerce, investing in new ventures is often seen, which can lead to gains or losses, depending upon the affliction of any malefic planet. The overall energy and effect of Mercury transit are really good and positive. The love and romance in the air will increase, and people's creativity and artistic taste will increase. The focus and mental energy of people are affected most in a positive way, and people start to be more communicative with each other.
Let’s find out how Mercury Transit 2023 will impact each zodiac sign and what remedies they should do to take the maximum benefit of this transit.
For Aries, the effects of Mercury's transit in Taurus will be seen with the increase in positive communication with the family. Your family members will take you and your words more seriously. If you are married, your marital life will also experience the blessings of positive and harmonious communication with your partner, even during periods of communication gaps or misunderstandings. Certain Aries individuals may also possess auspicious combinations indicating the possibility of parenthood.
You will have new and innovative ideas for business and career, and you will be supported by your family thoroughly. You might also get financial help from your family for starting a new business. Your prosperity will soar, and your financial situation will greatly improve. You can also receive something valuable in inheritance, dear Ariens. There will be Yogas of enemies too. You might be creating new enemies because of your direct and bold speech and ambitious attitude. Get to know more about the Aries sign here.
Remedy- Feed green grass to cows.
For Taurus natives, the Mercury Transit 2023 will be seen with more mental energy and focus on things. If you are having skin issues, then you will experience an amazing glow in your skin. The overall health of Taurus natives will get better with more energy and enthusiasm for their work. Dear Tarueans, your body’s aura will be more positive and attractive.
With your soft and exquisite speech and tone, you will attract mass public fame towards you, people will look towards you with awe, and you will win everyone’s heart. There will be peace, love, and harmony with your partner, and you will receive more pampering sessions from your partner. If any malefic planet afflicts Mercury in your chart, there can be some minor health issues. Get to know more about the Taurus sign here.
Remedy- Eat fennel seeds (Saunf) daily in the morning.
For Gemini individuals, the Mercury transit in Taurus 2023 will be seen with more expenditure, and the savings of the native will take a hit. Due to more and more investment ideas and investing in new ventures, there can be a loss of wealth. The expenditure will increase mostly on extravagant things and unnecessary items. There can be some opportunities that you will not be able to grasp, and eventually, your enemy will grab that opportunity. There can be mental and physical stress due to the amount of work you will take on yourself.
Dear Geminis, be open to foreign trips or short trips because these trips might be expensive at one end but can be very useful. You will start becoming more philosophical in your words during this transit period, and you will be able to understand your life more clearly. Get to know more about the Gemini sign here.
Remedy- Recite Shri Sankat Nashan Ganesh Stotram every Wednesday.
For Cancer natives, the Mercury transit will bring an increment in their income and finance. You will experience a good amount of gains from your clients and especially friends. You will receive either a good opportunity with the help of a friend or a good bulk order with the help of your friend. Your elder brother or any elder sibling will be there to support you in your every venture. Even if you are currently struggling with finances, your elder brother and your friends will come to your rescue.
You will experience a beautiful time with your loved one, and the intensity of the love affair will be high. Moreover, your horoscope suggests that marriage may be on the horizon. Dear Cancerians, though it’s a new time to make new connections and increase your social circle, don’t trust anyone blindly. Get to know more about the Cancer sign here.
Remedy- Always keep the first Roti aside for feeding to a cow.
For Leo, the transit will bring a promotion in their career. . The natives will experience fantastic professional growth during the Mercury Transit 2023. They will receive all the support they need from their seniors, and with their speech and words, they will be able to win over their enemies in their office or their professional life. The natives will get more focused and dedicated towards their work and career and will aspire to reach new heights.
If, for your work, you need the support of any government agency, then during this transit, you will receive it. Dear Leos, your social prestige will increase, and you will see yourself moving towards philanthropy or charity. You will also share some beautiful moments with your mother or any mother figure in your family. Get to know more about the Leo sign here.
Remedy for Leo - Donate green items and Moong Daal on Wednesdays.
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For Virgo, the effects of Mercury transit will be seen with the increase in luck and luck favoring you in everything. This will be the best time to start or enroll for your higher studies, especially if you plan on science, literature, or metaphysical studies. If you have been considering getting a job change, this would be an advantageous time. Your mind will work creatively towards your goal with your imagination and intuition power also increasing for your work.
You will spend quality time with your father, and there will be good communication between you two. You will discuss some important things about the family. If you are planning a long trip with your family, especially a religious one, this will be the right time for you, dear Virgos. You will also devote some of your time to religious places. Get to know more about the Virgo sign here.
Remedy- Do not wear new clothes without washing them; use light fragrances.
For Libra, the transit will be seen with unexpected wealth from a hidden source. This transit can bring enormous gains from past investments, especially stocks and mutual funds. You can also receive some gifts from your dear ones or inheritance. At your workplace, you will receive good support from your boss and maybe a bonus for your work on any important project.
Dear Librans, you have to think twice before speaking anything because, during this transit, you might upset or insult someone with your words. You might not do it intentionally, but still keep a check on that. Another thing to take care of is your sexual health. You might also get blamed for some things you have never done, which can damage your social image. Get to know more about the Libra sign here.
Remedies- Eat Moong Daal every Wednesday. Also, feed green grass to cows in the morning, preferably on Wednesdays.
For Scorpio zodiac natives, the Mercury Transit 2023 will bring increased marital happiness. You will enjoy a beautiful connection with your partner. If there is a communication gap between you two, it will be filled with a positive and lovely conversation. There will be understanding between you two, and there can be family planning. Those in business will see an increase in their profits. You will be able to attract more clients with your exquisite and attractive speech. Your desire to reach on top and start new ventures will increase and you will see yourself investing money in different sectors.
If you have a job, your mental stress will decrease, and the desire to work more with focus and dedication will be seen. If you are someone with a short temperament, you will be more relaxed. Think thoroughly before lending someone money or even taking a loan from anyone, dear Scorpios. Get to know more about the Scorpio sign here.
Remedy- Recite Vishnu Sahasranama every Wednesday and Thursday.
For Sagittarians, the Mercury Transit 2023 will be seen with a more quarrelsome attitude and speech of the native. You are likely to have more arguments and misunderstandings than ever before. You might speak abruptly to even your superiors in the office and express your opinions in a very harsh way. There can also be a negative environment at your workplace because of your speech and negative words.
You have to keep a check on your health as there can be minor discomforts which you have to go through. If you do not take proper care of your diet and schedule, you might also catch some serious health issues. Avoid taking loans from anyone in this period, and think twice before spending money on something expensive. Be cautious of your enemies, too, dear Sagittarians. The good thing is by skillfully harnessing the power of your words and utilizing your intellect, you will be able to triumph over any competitive examination or interview. Get to know more about the Sagittarius sign here.
Remedy- Recite the Shri Sankat Nashan Ganesh Stotram every Wednesday and present a gift to your sister-in-law on any day.
For Capricorn zodiacs, the transit will be seen with the increase in beautiful and loving moments in the relationship or the love affairs. The natives will spend more quality time with their partners, and the communication will be positive. The natives might even get ideas for new things in their careers during the conversation with their partner. If blockages were coming in your love marriage, all the blockages would vanish during the Mercury transit 2023.
The transit will be very beneficial for people in artistic and creative fields. Dear Capricorns, your creative side will increase, and you will be able to think outside the box. It is also beneficial for the people in high-intellect jobs or studies as not just the imagination but the intelligence of the natives will also increase, and they will be able to think in every way possible. The transit will also show great results for the children in academics. Get to know more about the Capricorn sign here.
Remedy- Include more green vegetables in your diet and recite Vishnu Sahasranama.
For Aquarius natives, the Mercury transit in Taurus 2023 will have a positive impact on their family life. This transit will encourage the natives to focus on spending quality time with their loved ones and creating a harmonious home environment. The energies of this transit will foster positive relationships among family members, with a special emphasis on strengthening bonds with mothers. While happiness will prevail, there will also be a sense of reflection and contemplation regarding family matters.
Furthermore, this transit provides an ideal opportunity for Aquarians to make long-term investments, such as buying a new vehicle or property. Dear Aquarians, the favorable planetary energies of the Mercury transit in Taurus 2023 support stability and financial security, making it an excellent time to pursue such endeavors. Get to know more about the Aquarius sign here.
Remedy- Take good care of your oral hygiene and eat fennel seeds (Saunf) regularly.
For Pisces zodiac natives, the effects of Mercury transit 2023 will be seen with a lot of energy in the body and mind. The natives will feel an increase in their confidence and willpower. You will be able to express your emotions with utmost courage, bravery, and honesty which can be positive and negative for you, depending on the circumstances. There can be an increased workload, but this will be due to your new ideas and opinions.
Dear Pisceans, you will get immense support from your younger siblings and might also go on a short trip with them. The interest in writing and elocution will increase, and there can be an opportunity for public speaking. Get to know more about the Pisces sign here.
Remedy- Wear green clothes more often and eat Moong Daal every Wednesday.
Note: The aforementioned forecasts are of a general nature and may differ according to the distinct horoscope of each individual.