Celebrity astrologer Mita Bhan unfolds Tarot Readings for the month of August 2015. Let's see what the cards reveal for your sun sign:
August is the month of making choices. No more sitting on the fence. No more procrastinating. No more avoiding. Choices will be made that may be life changing. You'll also discover that once you decide, you'll suddenly feel unburdened. Work and financial matters may flow smoothly and anticipated fears and anxiety won’t happen. Set clear goals in your personal and professional life and watch as good things slowly start coming your way. The clearer you get the more you attract.
If life's been a bit of a grind in the past few months, August shows a little relief. A gradual sense of peace comes into your daily routine and you find that positive thinking really helps. A good time to clear up misunderstandings and re-organize your work matters; matters slowly begin to sort out. A minor ailment may mean a trip to the doctor and if you go early it should get treated soon enough. Expect a promotion or a raise in the coming weeks. You are valuable to many, it's time to believe it.
A wake up call for Geminis. If you've been ignoring a bad habit, or taking someone for granted it's time to change. The warning signs had been coming your way for weeks and you can no longer continue the way you are. You'll soon realize that one phase of your life is over and a new one is about to begin. How do you plan to improve your future? A good time to do some long term planning and practice what you preach to others. In money matters expect a pleasant surprise. You may even consider a job change, relocating or a complete makeover. The more you understand yourself, the better your relationships.
A little more sentimental than usual, Cancerians could find themselves getting nostalgic over a lost love, or miss the presence of a loved one. The cards remind you that love is eternal and the energy will always be there. A good month to clean up, organize and declutter your life, you may begin to wonder if life is passing you by. Pay attention to the clues about finding your own bliss. A new passion could be discovered and open your mind to learning a new skill or hobby. The more you give, the more you receive.
Letting go is the key theme this month. Remember it doesn’t mean not caring, it means valuing your own peace of mind. There may be differences of opinion all around you, and a couple of unexpected arguments in your life but in the long run you'll realize it was needed. Physical exercise will be very beneficial to release stress. Singles may plan to get married or engaged soon. Free yourself of the past and find peace.
Delays surround you in the weeks ahead so be patient. Promises may get broken and you may find yourself wondering why people can’t work the way you do. Someone in the team or in the family may show his/her true colours. A good time to think of future investments and start relooking your finances, August does have its hidden blessings and pleasant surprises especially on the personal front. Train your mind to find the positive in every situation even if it’s for 2 minutes a day.
Pay extra care to signs and messages people may not be telling you directly. Trust your intuition about certain matters that require you to take a necessary decision. Annoying people from the past may show up in your life for one last interaction so be patient with them. A health matter needs medical attention. And if you were planning a trip, expect minor delays. Money owed to you may be delayed but will eventually be returned. Lessons will be repeated until we learn.
One of your dreams has a high chance of coming true in the weeks ahead. A dream project takes off. Your workmates recognize your immense contributions. And something pays off. A partner or associate may be unwilling to compromise and you may have to accept defeat. The real snag this month is your physical health. A part of you may have been telling you to make a change and this is the month to start it. Take time out in your day to care for your health. Get back to the gym or restart yoga. Eliminate at least one bad habit. Make a fresh start.
A fresh start. A new chapter begins in your life. You find yourself more energized and optimistic. A good month for creative people or to exercise your talents. New ventures that begin this month show long term promise. Engagements get finalized, pregnancies announced and plans get launched. Your energies are high, be careful not to be too impatient and impulsive. You may regret your words later. Make full use of the positive energy around you.
You may find yourself a little aloof and guarded with others this month. Solitude is good as it allow you to assess your life and work out your plans. An excellent month for appraisals, stock taking, letting go of baggage, meditation, retreats, anything that allows you to recharge your batteries and think of the future. If single, a person may get you wondering if this is the one. One word of advice, too much analysis leads to paralysis. Allow your gut feelings to guide you.
If you've overindulged in the recent past, bring back the balance in your life. Too much of a good thing isn’t always a good thing in the long run. Friendships may turn stale or you may find yourself getting bored of doing the same old things with the same old people. Break out and do something different. Take up a hobby, sign up for a class or meet with people with common interests. Balance is the key.
It’s time to heal yourself of the past if you want to get ahead. Old baggage and memories may be holding you back from taking a risk both professionally and personally. A powerful woman will give you support and inspiration when you need it. And you may consider alternative healing to treat a recurring ailment. Financially a month of promises with long term returns. Don’t get too possessive about people and possessions. Everything has to change. Just trust and things will be fine.