Celebrity astrologer Mita Bhan unfolds Tarot Readings for the month of December 2015. Let's see what the cards reveal for your sun sign:
If things have been slow till now, expect a complete turnaround this month. Good things will come around before you even realize it and success is assured. Follow up on your promises, complete unfinished projects and tie up all those loose ends. A wonderful month for some stimulating intellectual exchanges, expect to connect with some wonderful minds and if you’re the kind who finds intelligence sexy, you may just find yourself falling for a bright minded soul. Positive, exciting and very busy December is not your ordinary month by any standard. Enjoy!
Relief at last! A major project gets completed. Or someone comes to save your day. Take a huge sigh of relief and enjoy a few days of much needed rest and recreation. You’re going to need to recharge your batteries for the weeks ahead. Money that was owed to you will be returned. And if you were planning to buy that car you’ve been eyeing for a while, you may just do it in the days ahead. However, watch out for negative people who drain your time and energy. Know when it’s time to walk away from such toxic vibes.
Get in touch with your emotional side. You may tend to get so caught up with intellectualization of everything else around you that you forget the power and the importance of the heart. Speak your heart out. Tell someone how you feel. Allow yourself to listen to your feelings. A wonderful month for personal relationships, you may begin a romantic new association or renew an old tie. Get out and start meeting people. Professionally, this is a time for ideation and putting your thoughts into paper. Don’t promise more than you can deliver. Trust your intuition – it’s never wrong.
If something or someone has been tiring you unnecessarily, the cards urge you to take a break for a while. You may have been working too hard or fretting about something which is beyond your control. Either way you look at it, nothing is going to happen right away so put the matter on the back burner and focus on other things. Expect delays and minor disappointments in work matters. A company you’ve been interviewed for may take its time in getting back to you. A business lead may let you down. Don’t get too involved in other people’s affairs, conserve your energy for better things.
Are you really doing what you love? Are you truly alive or just living from day to day? The cards urge you to go inwards and follow your bliss. Discover your true life purpose because that’s where you deepest happiness will spring from. A month of mood swings, you may find yourself alternating between being very social and highly introverted. A chance encounter with someone new could develop into a highly meaningful relationship. A good period for business people, you may choose to diversify into something you love doing. Key words for the month – follow your passion.
You may feel as if you’ve been treated unfairly. Or have to contend with some rivals who resort to underhand tactics to pull you down. Don’t be afraid of your enemies, they’re only there to tell you that you have something they don’t. Watch your feelings. Resentment could turn toxic. If you disapprove, speak out. Personal relationships could get strained if one of you is not honest. Watch out for meaningless gossip which could escalate into a misunderstanding. In business negotiations, keep your eyes open and your mouth closed.
Your hard work pays off. People recognize your value and worth. And money comes in. Greater responsibility comes your way because you’ve earned it. Old customers return or speak highly of your work and services. A good month to invest or do renovation, your keen eye and good business sense helps you make worthwhile purchases. Loyalty is very important to you and you discover the value of it in an old friend. A pleasurable reunion with people from your past will warm your heart. Watch out for a minor recurring health condition which will need early medical attention.
Be a little careful while working around women this month. A dominating, powerful soul may make things a little difficult for you. Watch out for the greed and jealousy of others around you. A good month to make long term plans, the cards urge you to get out and network. Catch up with old colleagues and friends, better still, throw a party and reconnect. Financially this will be a month of gains, you have a knack of inspiring others and you may find yourself lending a shoulder to the troubled.
Your inner calm and self-control will help you through this month. This is a month to take things in your hand and act in a mature, responsible manner. Rely on your experience, learn from your past mistakes and make sure you don’t shoot your mouth off. By clearly defining what you want you can achieve anything in the weeks ahead. Your confidence will attract beneficial people and alliances. People will be drawn to you and will cooperate with your wishes. A great time both professionally and personally, you can revel in the attention and appreciation you receive. You deserve it.
Your willingness to take on responsibilities and care for others comes to the forefront this month. People appreciate your concern and respect your efforts. A warm loving time is ahead of you with family and friends. A project you’ve dreamed of begins to take shape. A good month for travelling and going to places you’ve never been. Meditation and introspection will allow you to center yourself and receive insights into yourself. Take time out and do something for a cause you believe in. Acts of charity will shower blessings your way.
You may feel that you have little or no say in important matters. People may try to dominate or coerce you into doing things you don’t want to, but you may have no choice but to quietly do what is expected. Not a month to ruffle feathers, the cards speak of karmic obligations and doing our duties. Sometimes it is better to be quiet than to hurt another with the truth. You may reach a turning point about a relationship and wonder whether it is time to move on. Remember if things can no longer be sorted, it would be wise to walk away with your head held high. But this will be a good month to think about your health and fitness.
Bring out the party hat and get ready for some serious partying! Not a month to hide at all, the cards foretell gatherings, fun events and places where you can interact with others and just let your hair down. Good news comes your way. And you may find yourself in the spotlight. Watch out for overindulgence, too much drink and good food could play havoc with your health. But who’s listening? Enjoy, you deserve some fun.