Tarot predictions for the month of June, 2017 by Celebrity Tarot Card Reader - Mita Bhan. Read what your sign has in store for you this month. Enjoy your reading.
Deep down what you really want is to make an impact. Do something no one has ever dreamed of. And you know what, your dreams can come true. Take a few risks, be a little more proactive and identify what you want to achieve. Cultivate patience and self-determination and no one can stop you. In your personal life, realize that your loneliness is self-created. How about going out and meeting people, or hosting a party if you’re feeling out of the loop? How can a special someone notice you if you’re hiding all the time?
What really motivates you is your sense of adventure. If you need more freedom in your life, what’s stopping you? It’s time to stop allowing yourself to be held back by other people’s demands. Learn to say no. And say yes to what your heart is telling you. It may be time to close one door and open another if personal freedom is your aim, get over the guilt. A new idea will emerge which may allow you to reveal your hidden talents and express to the world who you really are.
A new chapter begins in your life. Someone plants a seed in your mind that allows you to see things differently from before. Your energy levels are high and your creative juices are flowing again. You shine at the workplace. And if you’ve been planning to write that book, or start dancing again, go for it. A great time to be innovative and think out of the box. A short but sweet affair may begin at this time. And if you were planning on a child, this may be the time when it all happens.
Something from your past is preventing you from moving on. Is it the memory of a former love you’re hoping will return. Or is it an incident at the workplace which makes you wary of other people’s true motives. Stop replaying the memory and consciously make an effort to let go. Put your needs first and concentrate on feeling good about yourself and your uniqueness. Remember, things get better when we truly want to make a fresh start.
Love is in the air and thought it may appear scary initially, the cards ask you to examine your fears. What’s stopping you from rushing headlong into the relationship? Or giving the other person a chance to love you? Playing it cool is fine for a while, but you may send the wrong signals to the other person who may think you’re not interested and move on. At work you may feel like a change, time to speak to your boss about a new job role or a new pay package. Remember if you don’t ask, you don’t get.
Love is in the air and thought it may appear scary initially, the cards ask you to examine your fears. What’s stopping you from rushing headlong into the relationship? Or giving the other person a chance to love you? Playing it cool is fine for a while, but you may send the wrong signals to the other person who may think you’re not interested and move on. At work you may feel like a change, time to speak to your boss about a new job role or a new pay package. Remember if you don’t ask, you don’t get.
If someone’s been annoying you at office lately, he or she better watch out. You may be irritated and edgy or simply looking for a fight. Remember to count to 10 before you lash out. A sudden explosion could lead to a lot of unpleasantness or misunderstandings. Even in the home front you may want some time to just be by yourself. And those who don’t understand may face your wrath. How about going for a nice massage to ease out the tension?
Have too many questions on your mind? Speak to celebrity Tarot Reader Mita Bhan today and get your life sorted. All first-time callers will get Rs. 100 worth of free talk-time. Click here to proceed.
You may feel like you’re doing all the giving, or all the hard work. No one may be pitching in the team. Or you may feel like you’re being exploited. Instead of grumbling about it, how about delegating or asking for some support. An important decision will need to be taken immediately. And if you’ve been sitting on the fence for a long time about something, you may be forced to take a stand in the days ahead. Just do it. Procrastination only leads to guilt.
Whatever you fear is not going to happen. Avoid getting carried away by your anxiety about an event that’s yet to take place. Even at work you may feel a little uneasy around some people. Try and release the stress instead of getting edgy and restless. Some paperwork and bank work may need attention in the days ahead. A good time to go in for a loan or for investments. Don’t worry, everything will be okay.
If you’ve been getting a feeling something isn’t right, it isn’t. If you feel someone isn’t being fully honest with you, they aren’t. Go by your gut feel. Listen to your inner voice. A part of you knows its time for change so get used to the feeling until you actually do something about it. A job offer may come your way. Or you may consider moving to another location. Remember, fearing change leads to nothing. Embracing change leads to gain and glory. Open your mind to the attentions of a new suitor if single, he or she may turn out to be one of the sweetest people you’ll ever know.
Everything seems stale and boring. Work feels like drudgery. And your workmates couldn’t get more uninteresting. Address the jaded part of you within and find ways to bring back the zing into your life. Could it be more exercise you need? Or a holiday in a brand new destination? Make change happen for you. Even in the personal front you may be dreaming or yearning for someone else or something else. Take a reality check and remember change begins with you.
You discover love again! It doesn’t have to be a special someone it could be a new passion, hobby or a new vocation. Listen to what your heart is telling you. And don’t repress your feelings. Your joyfulness is a source of happiness to those around you. Reach out and make someone’s day this week. An act of kindness or charity will bring you great blessings. You’re a very special soul on a very special mission.
Traditionally Yours,
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