Our name is our identity; this fact was understood by saints and sages in ancient times, and based on this knowledge, naming rites or rituals came into existence as a religious practice.
In Indian astrology, this ceremony is considered auspicious as marriages and other important rituals. Its name has religious and practical value in a person's life. Therefore, a person's name must be good as well as meaningful. From the behavioral point of view, the name's importance can be studied because even a person in a deep sleep recognizes his name if the name calls him.
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The naming ceremony is one of the 16 essential rites of Hinduism. Therefore, in Hinduism, the naming ceremony is an important and auspicious function. Usually, the ceremony takes place 11 days after the child's birth. However, as a rule, if a child is born under Gandmool Nakshatra, the naming ceremony should take place after 27 days. The ceremony will be held only after the ritual and treatment to soothe the Gandmool Nakshatra. Therefore, the naming ceremony should always take place under the guidance of a priest or astrologer.
Importance of naming ceremony
The name of a child depends on the position of the Moon in the constellation. The zodiac sign in which the Moon resides at birth is a birth sign. The child is named with the initial letter or zodiac of the constellation in which the Moon resides. Therefore, if a child's name is taken in this way, it leads to progress and success. However, it is not necessary that you have to name a child, as stated by a priest. You can choose a different name with initial names determined by astrology. According to Hinduism, the naming ceremony should be performed on an auspicious date, day, and constellation.
What all is considered for the naming ceremony muhurat
However, any person can conduct a naming ceremony on any day. Although Chaturthi, Navami, and Chaturdashi are not favorable for this. Along with this, the Nakshatras named Mrigashira, Rohini, Pushya, Revathi, Hasta, Chitra, Swati, Anuradha, Shravan, Ashwini, Shatabhisha, etc. are auspicious for the naming ceremony.
Auspicious Day of the week
Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays are good for celebrations.
The dates
According to astrology, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 11,12 and 13th tithis are considered good.
Except for Vyaspeeth, Vaidriti, Bhadra, and Sankranti, all are good.
How to choose a name for your child
Nowadays, parents name their children according to their convenience. However, according to the scriptures, the child's birth should be determined, keeping in mind the constellation and the month. This should be done with a Pandit's help during the auspicious naming ceremony Muhurat.
Naming ceremony
The naming ceremony is a religious ritual, so havan and yajna should be organized at auspicious times. The father of the infant mainly performs this ritual. In front of Agni (fire god), they chant mantras to remember/invoke their ancestors' Panch spirits. Now, the astrologer gives the first alphabet with which the child's name should be according to the description of the infant's birth. However, if, for some reason, the child's father does not attend the ceremony, the child's maternal grandfather or uncle (father's elder brother) may sit in his place. However, the ceremony also involves relatives who bless the infant.
According to Hindu customs, the naming ceremony should be performed on dates during special times, which are auspicious. So, here is the month-wise list of auspicious naming ceremony dates in 2021:
January 2021
January 01, 2021, Friday, 07:13:23 am to 08:15:21 pm
January 04, 2021, Monday, 07:17:10 pm to 05 January 2021 from 07:14:05 pm
January 06, 2021, Wednesday, 07:14:25 am to 07 January, 2021 02:08:44 am
January 08, 2021, Friday, 07:14:38 am to 02:13:06 pm
January 13, 2021, Wednesday, 10:31:38 am to 14 January 2021, 07:14:46 am
January 14, 2021, Thursday, 07:14:42 am to 15 January 2021, 05:04:47 am
January 18, 2021, Monday, 07:43:22 am to 19 January 2021, 07:14:11 am
January 20, 2021, Wednesday, 07:13:46 am to 07:13:46 am
January 21, 2021, Thursday, 07:13:32 am to 03:36:32 am
January 24, 2021, Sunday, 07:12:39 am to January 25, 07:12:39 am
January 25, 2021, Monday, 07:12:18 am to 26 January 2021, 01:55:40 am
January 28, 2021, Thursday, 07:11:06 am to 29 January 2021, 03:50:37 am
February 2021
February 01, 2021, Monday, 06:26:27 pm to 02 February 2021 from 07:09:08 am
February 03, 2021, Wednesday, 07:08:01 am to 04 February 2021, 07:08:02 pm
February 04, 2021, Thursday, 07:07:26 am to 07:45:40 pm
February 12, 2021, Friday, 02:23:48 pm to February 13, 07:01:56 am
February 14, 2021, Sunday, 04:33:25 pm to 15 February 2021 02:01:00 am
February 17, 2021, Wednesday, 06:57:50 am to 11:49:14 pm
February 21, 2021 Sunday, 03:43:44 pm to 22 February 2021, 06:54:17 AM
February 22, 2021, Monday, 06:53:20 am to 10:58:12 am
February 24, 2021, Wednesday, from 01:17:52 pm to 25 February 2021, 06:51:27 am
February 25, 2021, Thursday, 06:50:28 am to 01:17:57 pm
February 28, 2021, Sunday, 09:36:11 am to 01 March 2021 from 06:47:29 am
March 2021
March 01, 2021, Monday, 06:46:27 am to 02 March 2021, 06:46:26 am
March 03, 2021, Wednesday, 06:44:22 am to 04 March 2021, 01:36:21 am
March 04, 2021, Thursday, 11:58:04 pm to 05 March 2021, 06:43:19
March 05, 2021, Friday, 06:42:15 am to 10:38:16 pm
March 08, 2021, Monday, 08:40:40 pm to 09 March 2021, 06:38:59 pm
March 10, 2021, Wednesday, 06:36:47 am to 09:03:03 pm
March 14, 2021, Sunday, 06:32:17 am to March 15, 2021, 06:32:18 am
March 15, 2021, Monday, 06:31:09 am to 16 March 2021, 06:31:10 am
March 19, 2021, Friday, noon 01:44:39 to 20 March 2021 06:26:35 am
March 21, 2021, Sunday, 06:24:16 am to 07:24:49 pm
March 24, 2021, Wednesday, 06:20:46 am to 11:13:07 pm
March 28, 2021, Sunday, 06:16:09 am to March 29, 2021, 06:16:09 am
March 29, 2021, Monday, 06:14:58 am to March 30, 2021, 06:14:58 am
April 2021
April 01, 2021, Thursday, 11:02:16 am to 02 April 2021, 06:11:31 am
April 08, 2021, Thursday, 06:03:34 am to 09 April 2021, 04:57:44 am
April 12, 2021, Monday, 08:02:25 am to 05:59:11 am
April 16, 2021, Friday, 06:07:38 pm to 13 April 2021, 05:59:53 pm
April 25, 2021, Sunday, 05:45:54 pm to 04:15:08 pm
April 26, 2021, Monday, 12:46:12 pm, 27 April 2021, 05:44:58 am
April 28, 2021, Wednesday, 05:13:39 pm to 29 April 2021, 05:43:08 pm
April 29, 2021, Thursday, 05:42:15 am to 02:30:21 pm
May 2021
May 02, 2021, Sunday, 08:59:40 am to 03 May 2021, 05:39:41 am
May 03, 2021, Monday, 05:38:50 am to 04 May 2021, 05:38:51 am
May 05, 2021, Wednesday, 01:24:03 pm to 06 May 2021, 05:37:15 am
May 06, 2021, Thursday, 05:36:28 am to 10:32:38 am
May 07, 2021, Friday, 12:26:37 pm to 08 May 2021, 05:35:41 am
May 09, 2021, Sunday, 05:34:15 am to 07:32:57 pm
May 13, 2021, Thursday, 05:31:32 am to 14 May 2021, 05:31:32 am
May 14, 2021, Friday, 05:30:54 am to 15 May 2021, 05:30:54 am
May 17, 2021, Monday, 01:22:00 pm to May 18, 2021, 05:29:09 am
May 21, 2021, Friday, 03:23:24 pm to 22 May 2021, 05:27:07 am
May 23, 2021, Sunday, 05:26:13 am to 24 May 2021, 05:26:13 am
May 24, 2021, Monday, 05:25:50 am to 25 May 2021, 12:13:15 am
May 26, 2021, Wednesday, 05:25:04 am to 27 May 2021, 01:16:10 am
May 30, 2021, Sunday, 05:23:49 am to 31 May 2021, 05:23:49 am
May 31, 2021, Monday, 05:23:35 am to 04:02:01 pm
June 2021
June 02, 2021, Wednesday, 05:23:07 am to 05:00:07 pm
June 04, 2021, Friday, 05:22:47 am to 05 June 2021, 05:22:47 am
June 06, 2021, Sunday, 05:22:31 am to 07 June 2021, 02:28:00 am
June 10, 2021, Thursday, 04:24:10 pm to 11 June 2021, 05:22:16 am
June 11, 2021, Friday, 05:22:16 am to 02:30:41 pm
June 17, 2021, Thursday, 10:13:52 pm to June 18, 2021, 05:22:39 am
June 18, 2021, Friday, 05:22:47 am to 08:41:29 pm
June 20, 2021, Sunday, 05:23:07 am to 21 June 2021, 05:23:07 am
June 21, 2021, Monday, 05:23:20 am to 04:46:09 pm
June 27, 2021 Sunday, 05:24:52 am to 03:56:19 pm
July 2021
July 01, 2021, Thursday, 05:26:13 am to 02 July 2021, 05:26:13 am
July 02, 2021, Friday, 05:26:35 am to 03:31:08 pm
July 07, 2021, Wednesday, 05:28:38 am to 08 July 2021, 03:23:00 am
July 11, 2021, Sunday, 05:30:30 am to 12 July 2021, 02:22:17 am
July 15, 2021, Thursday, 05:32:29 AM to 16 July 2021, 05:32:29 AM
July 16, 2021, Friday, 05:32:59 am to 20 July 2021, 05:33:00 am
July 19, 2021, Monday, 10:27:30 PM to 20 July 2021, 05:34:33 am
July 23, 2021, Friday, 02:26:15 pm to 24 July 2021, 05:36:45 am
July 25, 2021, Sunday, 05:37:51 am to 11:18:06 am
July 26, 2021, Monday, 10:26:48 am to 27 July 2021, 02:56:47 am
July 28, 2021, Wednesday, 10:45:51 am to 29 July 2021, 05:39:31 am
July 29, 2021, Thursday, 05:40:04 am to 30 July 2021, 05:40:04 am
July 30, 2021, Friday, 05:40:39 am to 31 July 2021, 05:40:39 am
August 2021
August 04, 2021, Wednesday, 05:43:27 am, 05 August 2021 from 04:25:29 am
August 11, 2021, Wednesday, 09:32:27 am to 04:56:07 pm
August 12, 2021, Thursday, 03:27:01 pm to 13 August 2021, 05:47:56 am
August 13, 2021, Friday, 05:48:28 am to 14 August 2021, 05:48:49 am
August 19, 2021, Thursday, 10:42:27 pm to August 20, 2021, 05:51:42 pm
August 20, 2021, Friday, 05:52:15 am to 08:52:08 pm
August 22, 2021, Sunday, 07:39:54 pm to 23 August 2021, 05:53:18 pm
August 23, 2021, Monday, 05:53:48 am to 07:26:27 pm
August 25, 2021, Wednesday, 05:54:51 am to 04:21:00 pm
August 26, 2021, Thursday, 05:16:26 pm to 27 August 2021, 05:55:22 pm
August 27, 2021, Friday, 05:55:52 am to 28 August 2021 12:47:57 am
August 30, 2021, Monday, 06:39:32 am to 31 August 2021 02:02:32 am
September 2021
September 01, 2021, Wednesday, 05:58:25 am to 12:35:07 pm
September 03, 2021, Friday, 04:42:12 pm to 04 September 2021 05:59:24 am
September 08, 2021, Wednesday, 06:01:51 am to 09 September 2021, 06:01:51 am
September 09, 2021, Thursday, 06:02:21 am to 10 September 2021 12:20:20 am
September 12, 2021, Sunday, 09:50:41 am to 13 September 2021, 06:03:49 am
September 16, 2021, Thursday, 06:05:45 am to 17 September 2021, 06:05:45 am
September 17, 2021, Friday, 06:06:16 am to 18 September 2021, 03:36:19 am
September 22, 2021, Wednesday, 06:08:42 am to 23 September 2021 from 06:08:43 am
September 23, 2021, Thursday, 06:09:13 am to 24 September 2021, 06:09:13 am
September 26, 2021, Sunday, 02:33:34 pm to 27 September 2021, 06:10:42 am
September 27, 2021, Monday, 06:11:13 am to 28 September 2021, 06:11:13 am
October 2021
October 01, 2021, Friday, 06:13:16 am to 02 October 2021, 02:57:55 am
October 06, 2021, Wednesday, 04:37:19 pm to 07 October 2021, 06:15:58 am
October 07, 2021, Thursday, 06:16:30 am to 08 October 2021, 06:16:29 am
October 08, 2021, Friday, 06:17:04 am to 06:59:55 pm
October 10, 2021, Sunday, 06:18:11 am to 02:44:31 pm
October 13, 2021, Wednesday, 10:19:34 am to 08:09:56 pm
October 14, 2021, Thursday, 06:54:40 pm to October 15 2021, 06:20:30 am
October 18, 2021, Monday, 10:50:13 am to 06:09:56 pm
October 20, 2021, Wednesday, 06:24:08 am to 21 October 2021, 06:24:08 am
October 21, 2021, Thursday, 06:24:46 am to 04:17:46 pm
October 25, 2021, Monday, 06:27:23 am to 26 October 2021, 04:11:09 am
October 28, 2021, Thursday, 09:41:35 am to 29 October 2021, 06:29:24 am
October 29, 2021, Friday, 06:30:06 am to 11:38:47 am
November 2021
November 01, 2021, Monday, 12:53:28 pm to 02 November 2021, 06:32:12 am
05 November 2021, Friday, 02:23:52 am to 06 November 2021, 06:35:07 pm
November 10, 2021, Wednesday, 06:38:54 am to 11 November 2021, 06:38:54 am
November 11, 2021, Thursday, 06:39:40 am to 03:59:22 pm
November 14, 2021, Sunday, 04:31:59 pm, November 15, 2021, 06:41:59 am
November 15, 2021, Monday, 06:42:47 am to November 16, 06:42:47 am
November 21, 2021, Sunday, 06:47:33 am to 22 November 2021, 06:47:33 am
November 24, 2021, Wednesday, 04:29:25 pm to 25 November 2021, 06:49:55 pm
November 25, 2021, Thursday, 06:50:43 am to 06:49:34 pm
November 29, 2021, Monday, 06:53:53 am to 30 November 2021, 06:53:52 am
December 2021
December 01, 2021, Wednesday, 06:55:26 am to 02 December 2021, 06:55:26 am
December 02, 2021, Thursday, 06:56:12 am to 04:28:20 pm
December 08, 2021, Wednesday, 07:00:39 am to 10:40:04 pm
December 09, 2021, Thursday, 09:51:06 pm to 10 December 2021, 07:01:22 am
December 10, 2021, Friday, 07:02:05 am to 09:48:36 pm
December 12, 2021, Sunday, 08:05:19 pm, 13 December 2021, 07:03:26 am
December 13, 2021, Monday, 07:04:06 am to 14 December 2021, 07:04:06 am
December 19, 2021, Sunday, 07:07:43 am to 04:52:19 pm
December 22, 2021, Wednesday, 07:09:19 am to 04:54:54 pm
December 26, 2021, Sunday, 07:11:09 am to 27 December 2021 from 07:11:09 am
December 27, 2021, Monday, 07:11:33 am to 07:31:33 pm
December 29, 2021, Wednesday, 07:12:19 am to 30 December 2021 02:39:12 am
December 30, 2021, Thursday, 12:34:34 am, 31 December 2021 at 07:12:39 pm
December 31, 2021, Friday, 07:12:56 am to 10:04:40 pm