New age technology and findings may amuse us to the core but astrology- the ancient devolutionary science has got even more fascinating revelations which can blow your mind. One of such interesting fact is the zodiac cusps which imparts the qualities and personality traits of two zodiac signs onto an individual. A zodiac cusp refers to that time frame when the Sun is finishing its transit through a particular zodiac sign and is about to enter a new zodiac sign. It is believed that there would be a strong influence of the preceding zodiac sign on people who are born in this time frame as Sun’s transit through their native zodiac sign has almost finished and is about to enter the new sign.
You are a Zodiac cusper if your birth date falls in those specific dates which mark the Sun’s transit from one sign to another. Each zodiac cusp imparts some unique characteristics on individuals born during the time frame and these cusps are known and named after these qualities in astrology. The below mentioned are the various zodiac cusps and the dates corresponding to those:
• 16th-22nd Jan, Capricorn- Aquarius, known as ‘The cusp of imagination.’
• 15th -22nd Feb, Aquarius- Pisces, known as ‘The cusp of sensitivity.’
• 17th - 23rd March, Pisces- Aries, known as ‘The cusp of rebirth.’
• 16th-22nd April, Aries-Taurus, known as ‘The cusp of Power.’
• 17th–23rd May, Taurus-Gemini, known as ‘The cusp of Energy.’
• 17th– 23rd June, Gemini-Cancer, known as ‘The cusp of Magic.’
• 19th-25th July, Cancer-Leo, known as ‘The cusp of Oscillation.’
• 19th -25th August, Leo-Virgo, known as ‘The cusp of Exposure.’
• 19th–25th September, Virgo-Libra, known as ‘The cusp of Beauty.’
• 19th-25th October, Libra-Scorpio, known as ‘The cusp of Drama and Criticism.’
• 18th-24th November, Scorpio-Sagittarius, Known as ‘The cusp of Revolution.’
• 18th-24th December, Sagittarius-Capricorn, Known as ‘The cusp of Prophecy.’
Each cusp needs an expert astrologer’s insight to understand. If you are born in a zodiac cusp then you may not readily relate the typical traits of your native zodiac sign and generalized horoscope readings. For instance, those who are born in the Taurus-Gemini cusp are born communicators and any active conversations on any topic make them come to life, they have an advantage of being both mentally and physically strong which makes them very independent. While reading the horoscope of these people the astrologer needs to consider the peculiarity of their birth chart and analyze the planetary positioning from that perspective. Expert astrologers at astroYogi could provide you with valuable insights about your future if you are zodiac cusper. Consult our expert astrologers now!
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