Here are the August 2020 Monthly Predictions as per Numerology, Tarot and Astrology. These predictions are unique and immensely powerful, giving you a holistic view arising from a combination of three different occult sciences. The predictions are 100% action-driven as they come to you with effective and user-friendly remedies. To know more or get personal details about yourself, consult famous Tarot Reader, Tarot Pooja, now on Astroyogi.
August month is a Number 8 which stands for Saturn or Shani. When we add it to the current year 2020, it totals to 3 (i.e. 8+2+0+2+0) which is the number for Jupiter. Thus this month will give us some delays and postponements. However, in the process it will teach us patience and discipline, helping us to evolve and transform. This is good for each one of us in the long run. Both Saturn and Jupiter teach us life lessons that we need to learn and become higher versions of ourselves.
To find out which of the following Monthly Predictions apply to you, simply add up your Birthday Date (example if your birthday is on 23rd of any month then only add 23 which gives Number 5) to a single digit and then locate your Monthly Forecast accordingly.
August 2020 Predictions for Number 1 people - Number for Sun
(Those born on 1st, 19th, 28th)
Career & Finance
Professionally speaking, a tough time is predicted for Number 1s this month. The “Courage” card in the Tarot deck tells us that you need to be strong at work and not give in to pressure or quit. This is the time for you to show that you really are “The Sun“. Such people are born leaders; they do not break down easily.
The health of your spouse or partner may cause some concern this month. This is the time to shower tender loving care on your partner and encourage them to pay attention to their health.
Fights and frustrations may surface in close relationships. Learn to take it easy.
Lucky colour - Red
Lucky crystal - Red Jasper
General remedy - Donate sugar on Fridays
August 2020 Predictions for Number 2 people - Number for Moon
(Those born on 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th)
Career & Finance
The “Vulnerability” card in the Tarot deck has shown up for Number 2s. You are likely to be vulnerable at work this month, therefore think before you act. Do not react or say anything at the workplace that you might regret later.
You will enjoy good health. Remember, health is wealth!
Focus on your relationship and your partner. Say no to temptations and do not flirt or cheat, as the chances of getting caught are high. It is good to be loyal to your partner because it instils stability in life and keeps your energies intact.
Lucky colour - Green
Lucky crystal - Green Aventurian
General remedy - Feed birds
August 2020 Predictions for Number 3 people - Number for Jupiter
(Those born on 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th)
Career & Finance
This is a critical time for Number 3s professionally. There is a clear possibility of job loss. Number 2s could even lose money during this period. It is advisable to have a back-up plan. This is the time for Number 3s to perform remedies and say their daily prayers. Since this has been the trend for the last few months, we recommend that you try and create an extra income source to fall back on, in case required.
You are advised to take care of your health. Watch out for what you eat and do regular work outs. Make the right health choices that impact your health. Lifestyle changes are recommended too.
Your relationship will cause stress and anxiety. Do not get involved in unhealthy arguments; try to resolve ongoing conflicts with your partner in a constructive manner.
Lucky colour - Pink
Lucky crystal - Rose Quartz
General remedy – Feed fish
These are generalised predictions. For more focused readings, specific to you, please call Astroyogi and connect with Tarot Pooja. You may consult her about your career, health, relationships or anything else.
August 2020 Predictions for Number 4 people - Number for Rahu
(Those born on 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st)
Career & Finance
Your stars and your luck are improving now. If you have been going through a rough patch at work of late, things will start improving from here onwards. There is a possibility of a job change, if you have been looking for one. Good opportunities will present themselves during this period; go for it!
Health will be a cause for concern this month, so do pay attention to yourself. Don’t ignore any red flags; see a doctor immediately.
Relationship will create a lot of stress. If you are a habitual over-thinker, please keep a check on yourself. Learn to let go of small things to avoid stress.
Lucky colour - Yellow & Black
Lucky crystal - Tiger’s Eye
General remedy – Feed cows
August 2020 Predictions for Number 5 People - Number for Mercury
(Those born on 5th, 14th, 23rd)
Career & Finance
There will be considerable stress at work. There will be unexpected scenarios created by certain people, resulting in tension for you. However, you need to fight back and win your battles and not give in to the pressure.
Number 5s will enjoy great health; the warning signal of last month is over now. The stars have changed and ‘bad time’ for health has passed. It is now time to celebrate and relish your favourite food – calories or no calories!
This is an excellent month for the love life of Number 5s. Some of you might get married or engaged to be married. If you are already in a committed relationship, just enjoy being pampered by your partner.
Lucky colour - Yellow
Lucky crystal - Citrine
General remedy - Walk barefoot on mud for 30 minutes everyday
August 2020 Predictions for Number 6 people - Number for Venus
(Those born on 6th, 15th, 24th)
Career & Finance
Career has a downward trend for Number 6s at this time. You are advised to stick around and not quit your job, as finding a new one right now will prove to be very difficult. If you are in business, liquidity will be an issue.
Focus on your health this month. Remember the saying, “If money is lost, something is lost. But if health is lost, everything is lost.”
We have a Family Extension Tarot card for you this month from the Tarot deck. Either a marriage or a new born is in the offing. So, congratulations! Remember to express gratitude to the divine. For singles, there are golden chances that you will meet your soul mate.
Lucky colour - Silver
Lucky crystal – Pyrite
General remedy - Donate rice on Thursdays
These are generalised predictions. For more focused readings, specific to you, please call Astroyogi and connect with Tarot Pooja. You may consult her about your career, health, relationships or anything else.
August 2020 Predictions for Number 7 people - Number for Ketu
(Those born on 7th, 16th, 25th)
Career & Finance
Number 7s need to work on their concentration issues. Being unable to focus will lead to errors and inaccuracies, giving your seniors the chance to point out mistakes in your work.
Health looks great with no major health issues. In fact your health will improve during this period and become much better than before.
Strong Intimacy is on the cards. That perfect romantic relationship that everyone dreams of is around the corner. Cupid is showering his blessings on you!
Lucky colour - Purple
Lucky crystal - Amethyst
General remedy – Do grounding meditation & daily breath work
August 2020 Predictions for Number 8 people - Number for Saturn
(Those born on 8th, 17th, 26th)
Career & Finance
A situation of threat to your job may be created temporarily, however, it will be resolved. In fact you might get a new job opportunity. The month ‘August’ is also a Number 8 and hence the energies of Number 8 people will be multiplied. I always find Saturn to be our good friend, unlike most of the people around. Saturn will give you results only as per your karmas, so if you do good deed it will bless; there is nothing to be afraid of.
Your health looks alright this month, however we recommend you to make sensible choices in terms of lifestyle and diet.
The relationship front will be demanding for now. Your partner is likely to make you work very hard to keep him or her happy.
Lucky colour - White
Lucky crystal - Selenite
General remedy - Donate drinking water
August 2020 Predictions for Number 9 people - Number for Mars
(Those born on 9th, 18th, 27th)
Career & Finance
Career looks balanced and good; express gratitude to the divine. While many do not have jobs right now, you are blessed to have a career.
Health will be good; no major issues are foreseen. This is a good reason to express gratitude to the cosmos. Remember, the more gratitude you express, the more abundance you will receive.
Please focus on your relationship and your partner. Don’t even entertain the thought of being unfaithful. As they say, one bird in the hand is better than two in the bush.
Lucky colour - Golden
Lucky crystal - Pyrite
General remedy - Chant Hanuman Chalisa & Gayatri Mantra everyday
These are generalised predictions. For more focused readings, specific to you, please call Astroyogi and connect with Tarot Pooja. You may consult her about your career, health, relationships or anything else.
Famous International Tarot Expert