Here we are with your predictions for July 2020. Based on Numerology, the predictions have been combined with Tarot and Astrology, and also include your Lucky Colour and Lucky Crystal for the month. These holistic, 360-degree predictions are brought to you by Tarot Pooja.
For these readings we use your Prime Numbers, that is your date of birth and pull the Tarot cards with it. For example, if your date of birth is 23-March-1980, we will pick only the date, i.e. 23, which adds up to Prime Number 5. You should read your Monthly Prediction for July under Number 5
The month of July in itself is Number 7 which is the number for Ketu. When we add it up with the year 2020, it gives us Number 2 (July 2020 = 7+4=11, 1+1=2). Number 2 is linked with the Moon and affects our feelings and emotions.
Hence the month of July can be tough for all of us, mentally and emotionally. In order to maintain good mental and emotional health, we recommend that you add some daily Spiritual Therapy to your routine. It can be simple breath-work, meditation or even Reiki. This will keep you balanced, more efficient and joyous.
The predictions below are general in nature. For more focussed readings, specific to you, please call Astroyogi and connect with Tarot Pooja. You may consult her about your career, health, relationships or anything else.
The predictions below are general in nature. For more focussed readings, specific to you, please call Astroyogi and connect with Tarot Pooja. You may consult her about your career, health, relationships or anything else.
July Predictions for Number 1 People - Number for Sun
(Those born on 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th)
Career & Finance
Number 1, you continue to excel at work just like last month. This month will be exceptionally good and you may land a new project or a new role at work. Also, July will be a good time for you to improve your skills by joining a new course or certification program. Overall enhancement in your professional life can be clearly seen.
Your health will tend to drop if adequate care is not taken. We had the same advice for Number 2s last month too. However, this month the likelihood of ill-health is more pronounced. Remember, “Health is Wealth”. Take a break from your work as and when required and engage in some daily practices to maintain good health -- yoga, meditation, Reiki – whatever works for you. You may call us for further guidance. We would be happy to suggest suitable therapies for you.
A lot of happiness and joy is promised on the family front. We have Celebration cards and our predictions say that you will bond well with family and friends, and spend quality time with them.
Lucky colour - Green
Lucky crystal - Green Aventurian
July Predictions for Number 2 People - Number for Moon
(Those born on 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th)
Career & Finance
Number 2, this month will be a mixed bag for you on the work front. There will be highs and lows. However, the overall month looks balanced. In July, don’t ponder too much, just go with the flow. Do not react to events -- just let things happen the way they will. So, July is a ‘pause month’ for you, at work.
This month you will be anxious and high strung as a result of overthinking. Take a deep breath and relax, or you will only invite unnecessary stress to yourself. As advised, just go with the flow this month and avoid taking things to heart. Some therapies that will help you are deep inhalation & exhalation, lighting Himalayan salt lamp, daily sea salt baths, grounding meditation etc. Feel free to call us for details about these therapies.
On the relationship front, you should be careful not to be manipulated or cheated. Someone close might try to misguide or brainwash you for his or her selfish purposes. We advise you not to take any impulsive decisions and always think before you act.
Lucky colour - Black
Lucky crystal - Smoky Quartz
July Predictions for Number 3 People - Number for Jupiter
(Those born on 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th)
Career & Finance
Number 3, this is not a very good month for you professionally. You need to watch out for office politics or worse still, even job loss. Try and create a backup plan, if you can. Go about your tasks with extra care so that there are no holes to pick in your work.
Your health will be vulnerable this month. You need to take good care of yourself. Please get a blood test done if it has been pending for a while. Watch your diet and include some daily workout in your schedule for sure. For more guidance, you may call us anytime.
Stop nagging and complaining if you have been doing this. Learn to appreciate the people in your life and all the things they do to make you happy. The key to abundance is to be thankful for our existing blessings. Express gratitude often.
Lucky colour - Yellow
Lucky crystal - Citrine
These are generalised predictions. For more focussed readings, specific to you, please call Astroyogi and connect with Tarot Pooja. You may consult her about your career, health, relationships or anything else.
July Predictions for Number 4 People - Number for Rahu
(Those born on 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st)
Career & Finance
We have Postponement cards for you for the month of July. This means there will be some delays and blockages in your career path this month. All you need to do is to be patient and know that this is a temporary phase and will pass in due course. Building up resentment or frustration will certainly not help, it will only make the wait more painful.
This is an excellent month to work on your health. July is the month to get started on an effective weight loss program or unshackle yourself from a long term addiction, be it smoking, alcohol, substance etc. Hence, if you have been planning to end an unhealthy dependency, this is the time to take a step towards a better lifestyle and better health. (Do call and share your success story with us when you have turned your life around for good. We would love to know how you went about the transformation.)
On the relationship front, you will be blessed this month with more and more love and passion coming your way. Just be receptive.
Lucky colour - Silver
Lucky crystal - Hematite
July Predictions for Number 5 People - Number for Mercury
(Those born on 5th, 14th, 23rd)
Career & Finance
Number 5, your career and finance reading for July is in total alignment with what we had predicted in June, last month. Again, pay attention to the red flags at work and watch out for office politics. You should be in the know of what’s going on behind your back or you will suffer a loss.
Your health needs immediate attention. This is certainly not something to ignore at this time. The month of July will be a little tough on you, health-wise. Please consult a doctor if required, and take good care. We are just a phone call away in case you want detailed guidance.
July is the month that will bring new hope to your relationships. This month will be positive for your love life and your family life. Just enjoy the bliss!
Lucky colour - Pink
Lucky crystal - Rose Quartz
July Predictions for Number 6 People - Number for Venus
(Those born on 6th, 15th, 24th)
Career & Finance
Number 6 will have to burn the midnight oil at work this month. There’s a lot of hard work to be done in July and maybe also deal with job insecurity. So dear friends, pull those socks up!
Mental health needs attention for Number 6s in the month of July. Avoid stress and stress-generating circumstances. Stay away from arguments or fights this month to protect your peace of mind. Include a daily therapy in your routine that will help you de-stress. We recommend Reiki, breath work, cord cutting meditations etc. You may call us for detailed guidance on this.
Love will come your way if you have been looking out for it. The stars are favourable on the relationship front in July.
Lucky colour - Orange
Lucky crystal - Citrine
These are generalised predictions. For more focussed readings, specific to you, please call Astroyogi and connect with Tarot Pooja. You may consult her about your career, health, relationships or anything else.
July Predictions for Number 7 People - Number for Ketu
(Those born on 7th, 16th, 25th)
Career & Finance
Number 7, your work front in the month of July can be a roller coaster ride. Keep some cash handy for a rainy day. Pay extra attention to your projects and be mindful of the smallest details. Don’t give your superiors a chance to find fault with your work. The intensity of negative energy at work doubles this month as July is also the 7th month (July is Number 7). Ketu rules Number 7.
Keep your thinking positive and maintain an optimistic outlook towards life. Make daily affirmations and also do some meditation to keep yourself more centred and mentally healthy.
Number 7s, you may have been neglecting your lover or family due to high pressure at work. No doubt, work will be demanding in July but try to spend time with your family; they need you as much. Try to create a work-life balance -- this will be your biggest challenge for July.
Lucky colour - Red
Lucky crystal - Turquoise
July Predictions for Number 8 People - Number for Saturn
(Those born on 8th, 17th, 26th)
Career & Finance
Number 8, we see that work situations will be extremely demanding and things may end up provoking you. This will cause considerable stress and unnecessary tension. Make sure you are not impulsive in your reactions. Don’t get provoked under any circumstances.
Number 8s, you will enjoy good overall health during the month of July. Your body is like a temple – nurture it with care.
The relationship front also looks balanced and will continue to bring a lot of happiness and intimate moments. You will feel complete in your relationship.
Lucky colour - White
Lucky crystal - Selenite
July Predictions for Number 9 People - Number for Mars
(Those born on 9th, 18th, 27th)
Career & Finance
Number 9, you will be happy and content in your job for now. You will complete all tasks assigned to you in the most efficient manner. Expect to receive tons of appreciation for your hard work which will fill you with confidence.
You will continue to enjoy good health and we do not see any major health problems coming your way. Thank the Universe constantly for blessing you with good health.
More love, passion and bonding is coming into your life. This month you will receive more than ever before, just be open to receiving.
Lucky colour - Purple
Lucky crystal - Amethyst
These are generalised predictions. For more focussed readings, specific to you, please call Astroyogi and connect with Tarot Pooja. You may consult her about your career, health, relationships or anything else.
Famous International Tarot Expert