Each one of you is a part of my family – a fragrant blossom of my non-biological family tree. Sharing my Predictions and Healings for you is always a special feeling. A deep bonding has been formed with my vast Astroyogi family through our reading sessions and through this blog. It fills my heart with joy and gratitude to receive your love, trust and respect. It gives me the strength and a reason to offer you more of my unconditional love and blessings.
This month will be critical as September is a Number 9, which stands for Mangal or Mars. We may witness a relapse of the ongoing Covid 19 infection or face other infections / blood related health problems. My advice is that you don’t take things lightly. Also, adding the Month Number 9 to the Year 2020 gives us the Rahu Number ‘4’ (9+2+0+2+0=4). This adds to the complexity and points to tough times this month.
As they say, ‘Health Is Wealth’, so pay attention to your nutrition and well-being. Make sure your daily routine includes immunity boosters, meditation, Reiki / other healing and workouts. Chanting of mantras will have special significance this month. You may chant the mantras 108 times and even put them on your chakras to open and balance them, and also balance the five elements (water, fire, earth, air and space) in your chakras.
May you become stronger – physically, mentally and emotionally -- by the end of this month!
To find out which of the following Monthly Predictions apply to you, simply add up your Birthday to a single digit Date (example if your birthday is on 23rd of any month, then only add 23 which gives Number 5) and then locate your Monthly Forecast accordingly. These predictions are combination of Astrology + Tarot + Numerology, hence give more accurate and holistic readings.
September 2020 Predictions for Number 1 people - Number for Sun
(Those born on 1st, 19th, 28th)
Number 1s will have to exercise a lot of patience this month. You may have to face unexpected and unnecessary delays repeatedly. Your disappointment could turn into frustration and anger. Lie low! We strongly recommend that you do not act impulsively. It will surely be to your utter regret. Take comfort in accepting that you have no role in this and hence there is nothing you can do about it.
It is hard, no doubt, for Sun people to sit around and wait for things to happen. It is against the grain of Sun people who are born leaders, and prone to taking the initiative to resolve situations. But, hold yourself back, do nothing. May be the Universe is trying to teach you something. Just bow down to the cosmos and learn a new lesson.
Lucky colour - Silver
Lucky crystal - Moonstone
General remedy – Donate rice on Wednesdays
Mantra chanting – Om Namah Shivay
September 2020 Predictions for Number 2 people - Number for Moon
(Those born on 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th)
Number 2s, you should pay special attention to your health this month -- not just your physical health but your mental and emotional well-being as well. Some of you may lose considerable weight all of a sudden, which is not good and can have hidden reasons. Get a blood examination and see a doctor if required.
This is the month to start a holistic approach to a healthy lifestyle. In the process of maintaining good health you will learn some great secrets about our ancient Ayurveda. Make meditation a part of your routine.
Lucky colour - Orange
Lucky crystal - Orange onyx
General remedy – Gardening
Mantra chanting - Hanuman Chalisa
September 2020 Predictions for Number 3 people - Number for Jupiter
(Those born on 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th)
Number 3s, you will be very creative this month. If you are a professional artist, this is a good month for you. This is also a good time for you to follow your passion or develop a hobby -- be it art, music, dance, poetry -- anything that clicks with you. Go with the flow this month and let the divine surprise you. Stop planning for a change and just enjoy the ride!
Lucky colour - Green
Lucky crystal - Green jade
General remedy – Donate water
Mantra chanting - Om
These are generalised predictions. For more focused readings, specific to you, please call Astroyogi and connect with Tarot Pooja. You may consult her about your career, health, relationships or anything else.
September 2020 Predictions for Number 4 people - Number for Rahu
(Those born on 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st)
Number 4s, this will be a testing month for you as Failure and Repentance cards are showing up. These are red flags! Don’t do anything that you will regret later. This is simply not a good time to embark on a new project or business. Even starting a new relationship should be postponed, though it is understandable that falling in love is involuntary and can happen any time. But remember that it will come with its own set of challenges; you have more than enough to contend with this month.
Lucky colour - Yellow
Lucky crystal - Citrine
General remedy – Feed black dogs
Mantra chanting – Gayatri Mantra
September 2020 Predictions for Number 5 People - Number for Mercury
(Those born on 5th, 14th, 23rd)
Love is in the air, love is everywhere! Number 5s, we have Love cards for you this month! This is the time for romance, fancy dates and long drives. The world is still engulfed in the panic over the pandemic, but love can’t wait, can it! Singles will receive proposals and people already in relationships will experience more bonding. Enjoy the bliss.
Lucky colour - Purple
Lucky crystal - Amethyst
General remedy - Worship Shiv parivar
Mantra chanting – Om Mani Padme Hum
September 2020 Predictions for Number 6 people - Number for Venus
(Those born on 6th, 15th, 24th)
Number 6s, this month has very neutral energies for you. This means you get what you deserve. What you sow, you shall reap in September 2020. This makes your life so easy. You actually become the true architect of your life; you are empowered to design it the way you want. This is a very powerful state to be in. So it’s more of ‘Kriyamana Karma’ playing out for you this month, rather than ‘Prarabdha Karma’.
Lucky colour - Red
Lucky crystal – Lava
General remedy - Donate ghee on Fridays
Mantra chanting - Shiv Chalisa
These are generalised predictions. For more focused readings, specific to you, please call Astroyogi and connect with Tarot Pooja. You may consult her about your career, health, relationships or anything else.
September 2020 Predictions for Number 7 people - Number for Ketu
(Those born on 7th, 16th, 25th)
Number 7s, this is a period of self-growth. The time is ripe for an inner transformation -- a true transformation wherein nothing of the old remains. Step up to your destiny -- leave no stone unturned to grow yourself. Spiritually, this is a good time to increase your vibrations. Seek a mentor or guru and learn how you can expand your being further.
Lucky colour - Golden
Lucky crystal - Pyrite
General remedy – Feed birds
Mantra chanting – Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra
September 2020 Predictions for Number 8 people - Number for Saturn
(Those born on 8th, 17th, 26th)
Number 8s, you will face some tough situations this month but will emerge a winner as we have the Courage card for you. You will dig your heels and fight the circumstances; there is no quitting! This month will make you stronger as a person and increase your confidence levels. Trust yourself.
Lucky colour - Black
Lucky crystal - Smokey Quartz
General remedy - Donate black grains on Saturdays
Mantra chanting – Shani Chalisa
September 2020 Predictions for Number 9 people - Number for Mars
(Those born on 9th, 18th, 27th)
There will be abundance at all levels for Number 9s in September 2020. You will become far more understanding in your relationships. This is a month of happiness and contentment.
Lucky colour - Pink
Lucky crystal - Rose Quartz
General remedy - Feed children
Mantra chanting - Aham Prema
These are generalised predictions. For more focused readings, specific to you, please call Astroyogi and connect with Tarot Pooja. You may consult her about your career, health, relationships or anything else.
Certified International Expert